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Service Contract of the Estate Management-物业合同中译英

发布时间:2019-6-3      阅读次数:511


Service Contract of the Estate Management Parties: Landlord: Vision Shenzhen Science and Technology Park of Software Co., Ltd. Property address: Science and Technology Park, South District, Vision of New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Mountain Area District, Shenzhen Serial number of qualification certificate of estate management: Guangdong real estate management: No.02031114 Tenant: Comtek Electronic Science and Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd Property address: 88, Golden Pheasant Lake Road, Industrial park, Suzhou Whereas “Tenancy Contract” signed by Landlord and Tenant (hereinafter referred to as “Tenancy Contract”, “Main Contract”), according to relevant laws and regulations, on the basis of voluntary, equal, and consensus, the Landlord provides estate management service for Tenant, and Tenant accepts management service of this premises provided by Landlord, and concludes the following estate management service contract (hereinafter referred to as “Property Service Contract” , “this contract”, and “Accessory Contract”). 1. Duration of estate management service 1.1 The Landlord provides estate management service of the premises during the leases term which shall conform with the service content stipulated in this contract, namely the lease term is about 2 years (from March 1 , 2008 to February 28 , 2010). 2. Estate administrative expenses 2.1 Estate administrative expenses (including expense of air conditioner, expense of value-added service, but does not include the expenses of electricity for air conditioner); The charge applies overall rationing system; during the lease term of this contract (lease term) the estate administrative expenses of those areas which are subject to the lease shall be charged 38 Yuan per square meter of construction area of each month. The estate administrative expenses is 19,720.48 Yuan (¥19,720.48) per month. 2.2 Tenant shall pay another expense for the electricity expense of air conditioner in this premise according to the reading data of the ammeter. 2.3 Those areas which are subject to the lease refer to the rental premise with the consent of Landlord according to the Tenancy Contract. The premise is located in First floor south, software Science and Technology Park, South district, Vision New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Mountain Area District, Shenzhen; the building area of this premise is about 518.96 square meters. 3. Payment of estate administrative expenses 3.1 The Tenant should prepay the management for infrastructure fee for one month to the Landlord in three business day after signing a contract, which is 19,720.48 Yuan (¥19,720.48) per month in all 3.2. During the service period (lease term), the estate management expense shall be charged at the first day of each month together with the rentals, but does not include any government tax and the other bank expense. If the service period (lease term) is less than one month, the estate management expense shall be calculated with the actual service day plus the estate management expense of each day (rental period). 3.3. The Landlord shall notify the lease the estate management expense together with the rental notice of next month in 20th of each month. The Tenant shall pay the relevant expense on the first day of next month. 3.4 The expense of estate management shall be charged by the Landlord of the estate management corporation appointed by the Landlord with the procedure mentioned above. 3.5. During the lease term (lease period), the Tenant shall pay the sufficient estate management expense to the Tenant according to the relevant term of this contract. A late charge of 0.04% of the current rental amount shall be incurred if rant is not paid when due for one day. If the Tenant fails to pay the charge more than one month, the Tenant has the right to rescind the contract. If this contract is cancelled, rental contract shall be terminated at the same time. 4. The basic situation of estate management district. 4.1 Name of estate property: Vision software Science and Technology Park 4.2. Application of estate property: Science and Technology Park, South District, Vision of New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Mountain Area District, Shenzhen (land of T205-0030 belongs to the inactive land. Landlord does not provide any daily maintenance for infrastructure, daily cleaning, “five pest eliminating” service, garbage process, security, personnel management and accident management service). 4.4 Covering area: 33.8 hectare. 4.5 Planned overall building area: 552,840 squire meter; present building area: 157,736.36 squire meter. 5. Service content of estate management Landlord shall provide the following estate management service. 5.1 Maintenance of infrastructure and facilities. The daily maintenance and repair of exterior wall of factory building, staircase, walkway, roof, elevator, mechanical and electrical equipment, and fire fighting facilities, etc. 5.2 Daily sanitation The environmental sanitation of road, parking area, lobby, elevator, walkway, and public toilets, etc. inside the area of estate management area shall be maintained in time and regularly. The working time for sanitation job shall be 8 hours; the Saturdays, Sundays and holidays except. 5.3 “Five pest” elimination service Perform the “Five pest” (mosquito, fly, cockroach, mice and termite) elimination service in estate management area 5.4 Forestation maintenance Responsible for the regular trimming and fertilizer application of public plans and grassland; maintain a good condition of forestation plants 5.5 Garbage procedure Responsible for daily garbage collection, processing, and transportation of estate management district; however, except mechanical, electrical equipments, office furniture, chemical articles, and dangerous articles. The garbage caused by the decoration of the Tenant shall be collected and transported by the Tenant. 5.6 Public security The estate management area provides the on duty personnel and patrol service around hours; maintain the public order of park. 5.7 Public water and electricity expense Responsible for the water and electricity expense of public illumination and facilities; 5.8 Air-conditioner Building applies the central air-condition system, which operates in working time of the whole year. The regular operating time is from 08:00-19:00. The Saturdays, Sundays and holidays approved by the state council excepted. 6. Electrical and water expense and the other service charge 6.1. The Landlord may charge the electricity and water expense to the Party B according to the following criterion. If the public departments of government adjust the price of electricity and water expense and/or change the usage of electricity and water expense. The Landlord may make corresponding adjustment to the charging criterion and inform the Tenant 3 days advance with written notice. 6.1.1 The electricity expense shall charge 1.197 Yuan per / kilowatt-hour according to the practical consumption.(including the practical consumption of illumination, power configuration and air-conditioner) of Tenant. 6.1.2 The water expense shall charge 3.30 Yuan per cubic meter according to the practical consumption of Tenant. 6.1.3 The Tenant shall pay the electricity expense and water expense on the 20th of each month for the last month. A late charge of 0.4‰ of the current rental amount shall be incurred if rant is not paid when due. The Landlord may have the right to suspend the electricity and water supply of the premise and rescind the contract as well. The rental contract may rescind together the termination of this contract. 6.2 Overtime service of air-conditioner If the Tenant requires the air-conditioner service beyond normal working hour, it is applicable to propose a request. The Tenant shall pay 50 Yuan per squire meter per hour for the service of air-conditioner supply. (The consumption less than per squire meter per hour shall be calculated as one rental unit). 7. Special clause The contract signed between Landlord and Tenant is the main contract. And the estate management service contract is an accessory contract of rental contract. If the main contract is invalid, the accessory is invalid as well. The rescinding and termination of main contract shall be the rescinding and termination of accessory contract as well. 7.2 Matters beyond regulation of this contract shall subject to the term stipulated in the rental contract which related with the management service of estate. If the term of this contract and rental contract fails to cover the relevant situation, the disputes shall be settled through the negotiation between Landlord and Tenant. 7.3 Beside the rights and obligation stipulated in this contract, the Landlord is also has the rights and obligations which have not covered in this contract but listed in the rights and obligations of relevant estate management service in main contract. The Tenant is also has the rights and obligations which have not covered in this contract but listed in the right and obligation of relevant estate management service in main contract. 7.4 This contract may apply in the situation of contract rescinding, termination, breach and disputes resolution of this contract. 7.5 Appendix 7.5.1 This contract shall have four originals and each party will have two originals with equal authenticity. 7.5.2 This contract shall come into effect on the date when it is signed and sealed by both parties. Landlord: Vision Shenzhen Science and Technology Park of Software Co., Ltd. (Company seal) Authorized representative: Guoming Feng (Signature) Date: Contract to: Address: 501-502 room, Fifth Floor, Building 8, Science and Technology Park of South district, South 9 Road, Vision of New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Mountain Area District, Shenzhen Post code: 518057 Tel: 0755-26716888 Fax: 0755-26716999 Tenant: Comtek Electronic Science and Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd (company seal) Authorized representative: Hueijuan He Address: South area, First Floor, Building 2 software Science and Technology Park, South District, Vision of New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Mountain Area District, Shenzhen Post code: 518.57 Tel: 0755-26716649 Fax: 0755-26716814

