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发布时间:2019-8-26      阅读次数:761


Question: Did you eat out together ? 答:不会的。 Answer: No. 问:平常一起活动的时候,是他们自己活动吗,还是说偶尔下班之后,大家会一起出去转转? Question: Did they act on their own when taking part in activities together ? Or did you go out together after work ? 答:他们是邀请过我们出去玩玩什么的,我刚好赶到比较忙就没有去。 Answer: Once They invited us to go out to play, but it was a pity that we were busy on something then and couldn't go together. 问:那一般去哪边? Question: Where did they go generally ? 答:不知道,还没有到那个程度。 Answer: I don't know. It didn't come to the extent. 问:那个时候,那个项目只有你一个中国人? Question: Were you the only Chinese in the project at that time ? 答:不是,一共是两个中国人,还有另外一个同事。 Answer: No, there were two and I had one colleague. 问:那个时候,你在那个项目上主要是负责哪块呢? Question: Which part of the project were you mainly in charge of at that time ? 答:我是负责整个环节,都有覆盖的。 Answer: I was in charge of the whole link, referring to all parts. 问:他们过来不是做培训吗? Question: Didn't they come for training ? 答:我们调研刚好是基于他们的身份,其实跟他们本身的工作是没有关系的,他们是在另外一个部门,我们是做另外一部分的。 Answer: We did surveys just based on their identities, in fact, it was not related to their own work, they worked in another department, and we were responsible for another part. 问:你去找他们,不是在他们最强工作的时间? Question: Wasn't it at their very work time when you went to meet them ? 答:间隙休息的时间。他们还挺好放弃午休时间。 Answer: Yes, it was at their interstitial break time. They were so fine to give up their lunch break. 问:你觉得和他们交流起来有什么障碍吗? Question: Did you have any obstacles during the communication with them ? 答:没有什么障碍,反而觉得他们在表达语法方面更准确。 Answer: Not any, on the contrary, I think they expressed grammers more exactly. 问:如果现在有一个中国人要去印度有项目要合作的话,你对他有什么样的建议呢?比如说,正好看到有一个姑娘和你当时的情况一样,要去和一个印度团队合作的话,你有什么样的建议呢? Question: If now a Chinese go to India for the cooperation of a project, what suggestions will you give him ? For example, if a girl's whose situation is same as your former condition and she will cooperate with an Indian team, what suggestions do you have ? 答:我觉得他们其实挺好沟通的,没什么特别的。对女孩子的话,可能就是说,从心理上从信任可能会好一点。 Answer: I think it is easy to communicate with them and there are not any particular things. Maybe it is to say, for girls, it is better to trust them from the psychological aspect. 问:为什么? Question: Why ? 答:就感觉他们心里上还是比较害羞的,而且如果叫他们过来她们会成群过来,两个人还是很害羞的。 Answer: I think they are pretty shy psychologically, and if you ask them to come, they will come in groups. They will feel shy if there are only two people. 问:那一群人里面,你有印象比较深刻的吗? Question: Were there any impressive ones in the group ? 答:有一个小姑娘叫苏打,差不多23岁左右,跟她交流比较多,聊起来她们家里,也不是特别详细,比如说聊聊手机,因为我们做手机的嘛。她就会告诉我,她们那个地方其他农村的人喜欢什么样的款式,她会喜欢偏男性方面的。也约过吃饭,但是她说她吃不太习惯,平时看她除了跟她们印度人在一起,平时也就一个人。 Answer: There was a girl named Soda, she was about 23 years old, I chatted more with her about her family but not particularly, for example, we chatted about cell phones, for we are engaged in cell phones. She told me what styles other countrymen of their place liked and that she herself preferred masculine styles. I also invited her for meals, but she said she was not used to the foods. Ordinarily, she eat with the Indians or by herself. 问:那对其他人有没有什么比较具体的印象呢? Question: What specific impressions do you have of others ? 答:另外有一个男同事,他还比较开放,会主动约中国的女孩子,而且还挺幽默的,会认为自己比较帅。 Answer: There was another male colleague, he was relatively open and would invite Chinese girls on his own, he was very humorous and he thought he was handsome. 问:中国姑娘会答应他出去吗? Question: Did Chinese girls agree to go out with him ?
