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发布时间:2019-8-26      阅读次数:806


Interview 问:可以问一下你的职位和工作多长时间吗? Question: What's your position and how long have you been at your job ? 答:我工作了两年,在公司做物业经理。 Answer: I have been working for two years as the Property Manager in the company. 问:你们和印度的合作,一些项目大概是从什么时候开始的? Question: When did the cooperation of some projects with India start ? 答:去年年底吧,今年二月份。 Answer: From the end of last year, that is February of this year. 问:一共持续了? Question: How long did it last ? 答:一个月。 Answer: One month. 问:中兴同事在印度招的? Question: Were the colleagues of ZTE recruited in India ? 答:对,是本地的人。 Answer: Yes, they are locals. 问:中兴在印度的分部还招人吗? Question: Will the branch in India of ZTE still recruit people ? 答:在印度之前是有办事处。 Answer: There was an office in India before. 问:是招的新员工,还是说已经有工作经验的员工到中国来交换一下进行工作呢? Question: Were they new employees or employees who had work experience and came to China to work for exchange ? 答:一部分是新员工,差不多也都是工作半年。 Answer: Some were new ones and had been working for about half a year. 问:大概多少个人? Question: About how many people ? 答:二三十个。 Answer: Twenty or thirty ones. 问:你和他们的相处怎么样?就是您和他们一起工作的时候觉得工作氛围怎么样? Question: How did you gett on with them?That is to say, what do you think of the work atmosphere when working with them ? 答:挺好的,他们大部分的人,初次见面的给人的感觉是文质彬彬的。相处久了以后,有一些男的也是比较开朗的,女生还好。 Answer: Very good. I think most of them were gentle for the first time meeting. You could find some of the men were very cheerful after a long time together, and the women were just fine. 问:他们这边男女比例是多少? Question: What was the ratio of men to women here ? 答:因为我们本身是做IT,可能女生本身就少一些,大概是十比一的样子。 Answer: Because we ourselves are engaged in IT, there might be less women, and the ratio was about ten to one. 问:大概就是两三个女生? Question: About two or three girls ? 答:对。 Answer: Yes. 问:您觉得印度那边员工的工作态度和这边的工作态度有什么样的差异? Question: What were the differences of the work attitude do you think of the employees in India and here ? 答:差的不是很多,感觉他们就是稍微轻松一些,就是心态上轻松一些。 Answer: There were not many differences. Maybe they were slightly more relaxed, that is, they had a more relaxed mentality. 问:就是说工作起来比较放松? Question: Is that to say, they felt more relaxed when working ? 答:对。 Answer: Yes. 问:他们也加班吗? Question: Did they also work overtime ? 答:他们不太加班。 Answer: Not often. 问:他们下班一起出去玩吗? Question: Did they go out together after work ? 答:这个我们没太聊过。 Answer: We didn't chat much about this. 问:你和这边同事接触之前,是上司要你去接触的还是? Question: Before contacting them, did the boss ask you to contact the colleagues here or ? 答:是我主动找到他的。 Answer: I contacted them on my own. 问:为什么之前你会主动找这个项目呢? Question: Why did you do this project initiatively before ? 答:因为刚好我们有一个项目,那个项目是印度人的,我们就做一些准备啊这方面的。 Answer: Because we just had a project of Indians, then we did some preparations. 问:跟他们合作主要是搜集一些项目需要的资料还是? Question: Was it the main work to collect some informations necessary for the project in the cooperation with them ? 答:对。 Answer: Yes. 问:合作中间,有没有什么印象比较深的事情? Question: Were there any impressive things during the cooperation ? 答:印象比较深的就是他们的一种节日,我忘记了是几月份了,7月还是几月,他们放假回家,回来之后,给我们带他们的那种点心,就是大的圆的红红的点心,是他们过年必须要吃的一点甜点。 Answer: It was one of their festivals. I have forgotten the time, in July or other time, when they were back from the holiday to their homes, they brought us their desserts which were big, round and red, and the desserts are necessary foods for the New Year. 问:他们过年的时间和我们一样吗? Question: Is the time of their New Year same as that of ours ? 答:不太一样,我记得我跟他们聊过,但是印象不太深了。记不清了,好象跟我们不一样。 Answer: No. I remember I have chatted with them about this but it is not very impressive. Well, I just can't remember it, maybe the time is different. 问:你是二月份和他们合作到三月份? Question: Did the cooperation last from February from March ? 答:不太记得了,大概就这么久吧。 Answer: I can't remember it, Maybe it did. 问:那个饼这么大小? Question: Was the cookie of this size ? 答:对,像一个小圆球,是甜点,但是是一股咖喱味的甜点。 Answer: Yes, just like a small ball. It was a kind of dessert with curry taste. 问:咖喱味的有点刺激,但是是甜的。 Question: The curry taste was a little irritating, but it was sweet. 答:我们还有点吃不惯,但是他们很热情,他们给我们带一些点心,感觉还是很热情的。 Answer: We were not used to the desserts but they were passionate. They brought us the desserts and I was able to feel their enthusiasms. 问:如果是放假呢,譬如说过春节? Question: And what about the holidays, for example, the Spring Festival ? 答:这个记不太清了,一般有十几天、二十天。 Answer: My memory of this is only a blur. Generally, there is a dozen days or twenty Days. 问:之前你去找他们做这个项目的时候,你对印度人之前有接触吗? Question: Had you have contact with Indians before the project ? 答:之前没有。 Answer: No. 问:你对印度人有什么印象? Question: What impression does an Indian give you ? 答:感觉宗教气息比较浓,没有具体想是什么样,等于说像信徒那样的。 Answer: There is great religious air, I don't have a specific imagination, but I think they are just like followers. 问:你遇到他们之后,他们是真的很有宗教吗? Question: Did they really have great religious air when you met them ? 答:跟想象的不太一样,就是思想观念也比较现代了。 Answer: It was a little different from my imagination and their ideas were much more Modern. 问:他们平时宗教仪式怎么搞的? Question: How did they hold the religious rites ordinarily ? 答:这个不太清楚。但是他们的饮食方面是跟我们分开的,他们是自己带食物来吃。
