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发布时间:2020-12-10      阅读次数:886
入园须知 第一条 营业时间为8:00-22:00时,节假日全天候营业。 第二条 1.2米以下儿童及残疾人、军人、老人凭有效证件享受半折优惠。 第三条 游客排队经安检和查验门票后方可入园。 第四条 以下人员禁止入园:1、携带禁带物品入园;2、扰乱公园内公共秩序;3、持伪造门票入园;4、其他对园区运营带来不利因素的。 第五条 禁止携带以下物品入园:1、易燃易爆、放射性物品和管制器具及违禁宣传物品;2、摩托车、自行车、电动车、机动车、滑板、带轮鞋等代步工具;3、动物(导盲犬除外);4、滑翔伞、热气球、航模,风筝等可升空物品;5、其他可能妨碍参观、扰乱园区秩序和危害安全的物品。 第六条 游客服务:园区内设立游客服务中心,为游客提供信息问询,物品租赁,物品保存、失物招领、医院急救、母婴服务、走失人员协助等服务,并受理游客投诉。 第七条 温馨提示和安全须知:1、请妥善保管好您的贵重物品如有遗失,概不负责。2、请家长照顾好小孩,以免走失和发生意外及危险。3、不遵守相关规则或因自身原因导致财物或人身损害的,均自行负责。 Notice to Visitors Article 1 The park is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 22:00 p.m., and opened 24 hours in holidays. Article 2 Children under 1.2 meters, disabled people, military personnel and the elderly may enjoy half-price discount with valid documents. Article 3 Visitors shall line up for checking in by security and checking tickets before admission. Article 4 The following persons are forbidden to enter the park: 1. Visitors bring banned articles into the park. 2. Visitors disturb the public order in the park. 3. Visitors hold counterfeit tickets into the park. 4. Any other unfavorable factors to affect the operation of park. Article 5 It is forbidden to bring the following items into the park: 1. Inflammable and explosive materials, radioactive materials, controlled tools and prohibited propaganda articles. 2. Vehicles such as motorcycles, bicycles, electric vehicles, motor vehicles, skateboards and wheeled shoes. 3. Animals (except for guide dogs). 4. Paragliding, hot air balloons, model aircraft, kites or any other flying objects. 5.Other items may hinder the visit, disrupt the park order and endanger the safety of tourists. Article 6 Visitor Services: Visitor service center is available in the park to provide visitors with information service such as information inquiry, item leasing, article storage, lost property, hospital first aid, maternal and child services, personnel assistance and other assistance as well as visitor complaints. Article 7 Kindly Reminder and Safety Notices: 1. Please take good care of your valuables.The park bears no responsibility for any losses. 2. Please take good care of your child or children, so as to not get loss, cause accidents or danger. 3. As for the visitors do not comply with relevant rules or cause property lost or personal injury because of their own problem, the park bears no responsibility for it. 园区简介 “醉美西湖”占地面积3000亩,是湖北宏华农业开发有限公司以市政府审议通过的《武汉市赏花游发展规划》为指导,,在建成的农业生态示范园的基础上,投资1.3亿多元精心打造的将文化创意与现代农业相结合,集赏花游、健康休闲、时尚美食、趣味垂钓、特色烧烤野炊、情趣婚纱摄影、科普教育展示、高端商务会所等于一体的大型综合示范园。 “醉美西湖”设有两区七园,园内种植了大片的牡丹、芍药、普罗旺斯薰衣草、柳叶马鞭草、波斯菊、金鸡菊、硫花菊、满天星、向日葵、蔷薇、玫瑰等数十种花卉以及桂树、银杏树、广玉兰、樱花树、杜鹃、雪松、对节白腊、枇杷、枣树、桃树、柿树、李子、桔子、柚子、葡萄等上百种各类树木和果林;一年四季花香四溢,花海连绵,瓜果累累;各种花草、树木、雕塑、亭台楼榭、小桥流水、相映成趣,景观错落有致,风光秀丽宜人,为人们提供了一个全新的“唯美、浪漫、闲适”的游乐休闲世界。 Park Introduction “West Lake with Drunken Beauty” covers an area of 3000 mu, which is established under the guidance by the principle of “Tour Development Plan for Flower Show of Wuhan” which reviewed by the municipal government. With an investment of 130 million RMB, “West Lake with Drunken Beauty” is a combination of cultural creativity and modern agriculture based on the foundation of built ecological agriculture demonstration park, which formed a large-scale demonstration garden integrated with flower tours, health and leisure, fashion cuisine, fun fishing, barbecue characteristics picnic, fun wedding photography, popular science education show, and high-end business club. “West Lake with Drunken Beauty” has two districts and seven smaller parks. There are large peonies, peony, provence lavender, willow verbena, cosmos, coreopsis chrysanthemum, sulfur flower, gypsophila, sunflower, rosebush, rose, laurel, ginkgo tree, Magnolia grandiflora, cherry tree, rhododendron, cedar, fraxinus, loquat, jujube, peach, persimmon, plum, orange, grapefruit, grapes and other hundreds of various types flowers and trees. With the flowers sculptures, pavilions, small bridges all around, the park is characterized with beautiful landscapes, scenery and pleasant scene, providing people with a new “aesthetic, romantic and leisure” recreational world.