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发布时间:2021-11-17      阅读次数:773


Measles vaccine is given at 9 months of age but may be given as early as 6 months of age in cases of outbreaks.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

The first dose is given within the first 12 hours of life. The Hepatitis B birth dose may be used as the first dose in a 3 dose primary series. Doses are given at least 4 weeks apart. A fouth dose is need for the following:

If the third dose is given at age larger than 6 months;

If no birth dose is given using the EPI schedule of 6, 10 and 14 weeks.

For preterm less than 2 kgs, the initial dose should not be counted in the 3 dose immunization schedule.



Pneumococcal Vaccines (PCV/PPV)

The minimum for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is 6 weeks of age and for pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is 2 year of age in addition to PCV. For healthy children, no additional doses of PPV are needed if the PCV series is comp0letedx.


Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for all children aged larger than 12 months. A second dose of the vaccine is given 6 to 12 months after the first dose.


Rota-virus vaccine (RV) 轮状病毒疫苗

The monovalent human rotavirus vaccine (RV1) is given as a 2 dose series. The pentvalent human bovine rotavirus vaccine (RV5) is given 3 dose series. The first dose of the vaccine is administered from age 6 weeks to 14 weeks and 6 days. There are insuffcient data on safety of the first dose of rotavirus vaccine in older infants. The minimum interval between doses is 4 weeks. The second dose of RV 1 should not be administered later than 24 weeks of age. The 3rd dose of RV 5 should not be adminstered later than 32 weeks of age.


Varicella Vaccine 水痘减毒活疫苗

The first dose of the vaccine is administered from age 12-15 months, The second dose of the varicella vaccine is administered at age 4-6 years or at an earlier age provided the interval between the fist and the second dose is at least 3 months. A second dose of the vaccine is recommended for children, adolescents and adults who previously received only one dose of the vaccine. All individual aged larger than 13 years and without previous evidence of immunity should reveive 2 dosed of varicella vaccine given at least 4 weeks apart.

Influenza Vaccine 流行性感冒

Recommended for all children 6 months to 5 years old, children with the following high risk conditions: chronic cardiovascular disease (eg. CHD, vascular disease), chronic metabolic and renal disorders, chronic lung disease (eg. asthma), hemoglobinopathies (血红蛋白病) and children receving long term aspirin therapy. Influenza vaccine may also be given to healthy children larger than 5 years old who want to be protected against influenza. Children aged 6 months to 8 years receiving influenza vaccine for the first time should receive 2 doses of the vaccine given at least 4 weeks apart initially an one dose yearly thereafter.


Children who received only one dose of influenza vaccine in the first year of life should receive 2 doses of the vaccine the following year.


Children who received a single dose of influenza vaccine for 2 consecutive years should continus receiving single annual doses.


Yearly vaccination should preferably be given between February to June.


Ihuman Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)

Primary vaccination consists of 3 dose series. Bivalent HPV is indicated for females 10-55 years old following a recommended schedule of 0, 1 and 6 months. Quadrivalent HPV is given to females 10-45 years old following a recommended schedule of 0, 2 and 6 months. The minimum interval between the first and second dose is at least one month and minimum interval between the second and third dose is at least 3 months.


Tetanus and Diptheria toxoids and acellular pertussis (Tdap)

Children and adolescents 10 - 18 years of age should receive a single dose of Tdap instead of Td for booster immunization against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis if they have not completed the recommended children DTP/DTap immunization series and if they hvave not received either TD or Tdap. Thereafter, Td booster given every 10 years is recommended. An interval of at least 5 years from the last Td dost is recommended if Tdap is used as booster to reduce the risk of local and systemic reactions.





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对于 2016 年 3 月 12 日的乙型肝炎 #2 Vacciu。



麻疹疫苗在 9 个月大时接种,但在爆发的情况下最早可在 6 个月大时接种。


在出生后的前 12 小时内给予第一剂。乙型肝炎出生剂量可用作 3 剂主要系列中的第一剂。给药间隔至少 4 周。以下情况需要第四剂:

如果第三剂是在 6 个月大时给予的;

如果没有使用 6、10 和 14 周的 EPI 计划给予出生剂量。

对于小于 2 公斤的早产儿,初始剂量不应计入 3 剂免疫计划。



肺炎球菌疫苗 (PCV/PPV)

肺炎球菌结合疫苗 (PCV) 的最低接种年龄为 6 周龄,肺炎球菌多糖疫苗 (PPV) 的最低接种年龄为 2 岁(除 PCV 外)。对于健康儿童,如果 PCV 系列是 comp0letedx,则不需要额外剂量的 PPV。



建议所有 12 个月以上的儿童接种甲型肝炎疫苗。在第一剂疫苗后 6 至 12 个月给予第二剂疫苗。


轮状病毒疫苗 (RV) 轮状病毒疫苗

单价人轮状病毒疫苗 (RV1) 以 2 个剂量系列的形式接种。五价人牛轮状病毒疫苗 (RV5) 分为 3 个剂量系列。第一剂疫苗在 6 周龄至 14 周零 6 天之间接种。大龄婴儿首剂轮状病毒疫苗的安全性数据不足。剂量之间的最小间隔为 4 周。 RV 1 的第二剂给药不应晚于 24 周龄。第 3 剂 RV 5 不应在 32 周龄后给药。


水痘疫苗 水痘减毒活疫苗

第一剂疫苗在 12-15 个月大时接种,第二剂水痘疫苗在 4-6 岁或更早的年龄接种,前提是第一剂和第二剂之间的间隔至少为 3 个月.建议先前仅接种一剂疫苗的儿童、青少年和成人接种第二剂疫苗。所有年龄大于 13 岁且之前没有免疫力证据的人都应至少间隔 4 周接种 2 剂水痘疫苗。


推荐给所有 6 个月至 5 岁的儿童,患有以下高危疾病的儿童:慢性心血管疾病(如冠心病、血管疾病)、慢性代谢和肾脏疾病、慢性肺病(如哮喘)、血红蛋白病(血红蛋白病) ) 和接受长期阿司匹林治疗的儿童。 5 岁以上的健康儿童也可以接种流感疫苗,以预防流感。第一次接种流感疫苗的 6 个月至 8 岁儿童应接种 2 剂疫苗,最初至少间隔 4 周,之后每年接种一剂。


出生后第一年仅接种一剂流感疫苗的儿童应在第二年接种 2 剂疫苗。


连续 2 年接种单剂流感疫苗的儿童应继续每年接种一次。


每年的疫苗接种最好在 2 月至 6 月之间进行。


人乳头瘤病毒疫苗 (HPV)

初次接种由 3 个剂量系列组成。按照推荐的 0、1 和 6 个月的时间表,二价 HPV 适用于 10-55 岁的女性。按照推荐的 0、2 和 6 个月的时间表,向 10-45 岁的女性接种四价 HPV。第一剂和第二剂之间的最短间隔至少为一个月,第二剂和第三剂之间的最短间隔至少为 3 个月。


破伤风和白喉类毒素和无细胞百日咳 (Tdap)

10 - 18 岁的儿童和青少年,如果没有完成推荐的儿童 DTP/DTap 免疫系列,并且没有接受过任何一种 TD,则应接受单剂 Tdap 代替 Td 以进行破伤风、白喉和百日咳的加强免疫或 Tdap。此后,建议每 10 年给予一次 Td 加强剂。如果使用 Tdap 作为加强剂以降低局部和全身反应的风险,建议从最后一次 Td 给药至少间隔 5 年。



