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发布时间:2021-11-22      阅读次数:738
Wuhan Financial City - A Core Area of Regional Financial Center
武汉金融城, 区位得天独厚,核心范围约7.7平方公里,规划“一轴两核三带”的城市空间布局。以建设大道为发展轴,以省级金融业集聚发展示范园区武汉金融街和武汉中央商务区核心区为两大发展核心,以长江大道青年路段、汉江大道宝丰北路段、新华路为三条纵向拓展带。区域内交通便利、楼宇林立、配套完善,为金融机构、金融人才入驻发展提供全方位服务和保障。
With an exceptional advantage of favourable regional location, the core area of Wuhan Financial City is about 7.7 square kilometers, planning the urban space layout of “One Axis, Two Cores and Threes Belts”. By taking  Jianshe Avenue as a benchmark for development, Wuhan Financial Street, a provincial financial industry cluster development zone for demonstration, together with the core area of Wuhan Central Business District are planned to build up as two major core areas for development, which expended in three vertical directions, including Changjiang Avenue Youth Section, Hanjiang Avenue Baofeng North Section, and Xinhua Road Section. With convenient transportation, office buildings and complete supporting facilities, this region may provide all-round services and support capability for settlement and development of financial institutions and financial talents. 
Enjoying Exceptional Advantages in Central China and Convenient Transportation
Half an hour’s drive to Tianhe Airport, Wuhan Railway Station, Hankou Railway Station and other external transportation hubs; 4 subway lines, 9 stations; the density of urban road and subway network ranks the forefront in Wuhan, passenger can easily reach the three towns of Wuhan.  
Qualified Estate Building as Business Center
The planning land use for business and commercial purpose accounts for more than 40% of total land use. The planned construction scale of commercial building is about 7.3 million square meters, with the highest density in Wuhan. There are more than 20 Grade-A office buildings with more than 200 meters in height, accounting for 50% buildings of the whole city, which may provide high-quality and diversified office option for enterprises. 
By the end of 2020, there are over 300 financial institution of different sectors entering into the core area of the regional financial center.
Headquarters of 7 National Financial Institutions 
Headquarters of 65 Provincial and Municipal Regional Financial Institutions
15 Banking Regional Headquarters
32 Insurance Regional Headquarters
18 Regional Headquarters of Securities Futures Industry
Annual Revenue Exceeded RMB 100 Billion
2 Building with Financial Tax of RMB 1 Billion
12 Buildings with Financial Tax of RMB 100 Million
Regional Tax Revenue Reached RMB 7,465 Million
The Added Value of the Financial Industry Exceeded RMB 30 Billion 
Complete Supporting Facilities with Excellent Quality
Advantages of Superior Ecology and Comfortable Living Environment: with a large number of public ecological open space, the park land of the financial center district accounts for up to 12.43% of total area; 11 large urban parks, more than 10 parks, plazas, natural oxygen tanks are accessible within reaches of all people around.
Consumer entertainment also has its own excellent special features: Wuhan International Square, Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, Longhu Jiangchengtian Street, Lingjiaohu Wanda Plaza, Panhai City Plaza, Huayan Road, Wansong Garden, and Xuesong Road featured commercial blocks are dotted across this area. 
Comfortable and Convenient for Business Travel: Fairmont, Sheraton, Ritz-Carlton, Novatel Xinhua, Jinjiang International Hotel, Dongfang Jianguo Hotel and other 15 starred hotels are gathered here. 
A full range of comprehensive service will let you have nothing to worry about! This region has a top medical resources such as Union Medical College Hospital, Tongji Hospital. Besides, this region also has high quality educational resources, including Wuhan Foreign Language School, Wuhan First Primary School, Honglingjin School and Furen Primary School, etc. 
Accelerating the Core Area Construction of Regional Financial Center
Vigorously introduce headquarter-based financial institutions and various new types of financial institution to strengthen the weak links in the financial industry chain. 
Explore the development of markets for financial factors, build a high-quality financial ecosystem, and vigorously develop “Finance Plus Science and Technology”, “Finance Plus Consumption”, and “Finance Plus People’s Livelihood”, so as to empower high-quality development of the entity economy. 
Vigorously foster listed companies, improve the multi-tiered capital market system and optimize the cultivating mechanism for listing of domestic enterprises.
Build up a first-class financial business environment that characterized with market orientation, legislation and internationalization.
Build up a financial innovation highland and industry-finance integration demonstration zone in Wuhan, which has radiation effect across Central China as well as a strong influence all over the country. 
Policy of Wuhan Financial Center District
Supporting Policies on Accelerating the Development of Financial Business in Wuhan Financial Center 
I. Facilitating the Gathering of Financial Headquarters
1. Enterprises Settlement Reward: the newly established or newly relocated headquarters financial institutions will be reward with a maximum settlement of 100 million yuan according to 2% of the paid-in capital.
02 办公用房补贴,金融机构房给予最高1000万元购房补贴,重点企业可一事一议。
2. Subsidies for Common Premises: financial institutions will have a house purchase subsidy of up to 10 million yuan for house purchase, and the subsidy for key enterprise can be negotiated specifically. 
II. Encouraging the Growth of Financial Headquarters
3. Operation Reward: operation reward will be given to newly established or newly relocated banks, securities and insurance headquarters financial institutions for three consecutive years. 
04. 增长奖励,对辖区金融机构有关业务增长给予工作团队最高30万奖励。
4. Growth Incentives: the working team will be reward with a maximum of 300,000 yuan for the business growth of financial institutions under its jurisdiction. 
5. Rewards for Equity Capital Increase or M&A and Reorganization: the financial institution of the headquarters under the jurisdiction shall be rewarded with a maximum of 20 million yuan. 
III.  Supporting the Development of Capital Market
06. 上市挂牌奖励,对在沪深交易所首次公开发行股票并上市的,给予最高1000万元奖励。
6. Listing Reward: those who make initial public offerings and are listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange will be given a reward of up to 10 million yuan.  
07 上市挂牌企业再融资奖励,通过资本市场再融资投资本市项目的我区企业给予最高200万元奖励。
7. Refinancing Incentives for Listed Enterprises: enterprises in our region who invest in projects in our city through refinancing in the capital market will be rewarded with a maximum of 2 million yuan. 
08 支持已上市企业发展,上市满一年后按营收规模给予最高不超过200万元奖励。
8. Support the Development of Listed Enterprises: after one year of listing, a reward of no more than 2 million yuan will be given according to the scale of revenue.  
9. Interest Discount Subsides to Listed Backup Enterprises: loan interest subsidy shall be given for three consecutive years.
10. 鼓励企业直接债务融资,按实际融资额给予最高100万元奖励。
10. Encourage Enterprises for Direct Debt Financing: a reward of up to 1 million yuan will be given according to the actual financing amount.
11. Supporting the Development of Equity Investment Funds: the newly established or newly relocated equity investment enterprises shall be given a settlement reward of up to 20 million yuan and an investment reward of up to 20 million yuan. 
12. 支持设立要素市场,对新设立或新迁入的、经有关部门批准的要素市场交易平台,分级别给予最高不超过1亿元奖励。
12. Support the Establishment of Factor Markets: the newly established or newly relocated factor market trading platform approved by relevant departments shall be rewarded at different levels with a maximum of 100 million yuan.  
IV. Supporting the Entity Economy of Financial Services 
13. 加大信贷支持力度,对金融机构向辖区中小企业发放首贷给予奖励。
13. Increase Credit Support: reward financial institutions for offering the first loan to small and medium-sized enterprises in their jurisdiction. 
14. 增强保险保障功能,对开展创新险种的辖区保险机构给予奖励。
14. Enhance the Function of Insurance Protection: the insurance institutions in the jurisdiction that carry out innovative types of insurance shall be rewarded.
15. 鼓励融资担保业务发展。对经认定的融资担保机构,按服务我区企业产生的担保收入给予奖励。
15. Encourage the Development of Financing Guarantee Business: the insurance institutions in the jurisdiction that carry out innovation types of insurance shall be rewarded. 
V. Promoting Financial Innovation and Development
16. 支持金融科技企业发展,对新设金融科技类市场主体给予最高400万落户奖励。
16. Support the Development of Financial Technology Enterprises: the newly established financial technology market entities will be rewarded with a maximum of 4 million settlement awards.
17. 中介服务机构奖励,对推动我区金融发展作出积极贡献的金融行业协会和中介机构,给予最高100万元奖励。
17. Reward for Intermediary Service Institutions: financial industry associations and intermediaries that have mode positive contributions to promoting the financial development of our region will be rewarded with a maximum of 1 million yuan.
VI. To Attract High-end Talents
18. 金融高管人才奖励,对新设立或新迁入的各类金融机构高管人员连续3年给予最高1000万元奖励。
18.Financial Executive Talent Award: senior executives of newly established or newly relocated financial institutions will be rewarded with a maximum of 10 million yuan for three consecutive years.
19. 待遇保障,给予我区认定的高端金融人才包括住房、教育、疗养等生活补贴等。
19.Treatment Guarantee: give the high-end financial talents recognized by our district, including living subsidies for housing, education and convalescence, etc.
20. 金融人才技能补贴,对取得规定的执业资格证书后在我区金融系统全职工作满2年的金融人才给予2万元奖励。
20.Financial Talent Skills Subsidy: RMB 20,000 will be awarded to financial talents who have worked full-time in the financial system of our district for more than 2 years after obtaining the required professional qualification certificate.
21. 设立股权激励专项资金。对重点人才企业高管团队及业务骨干实施股权激励。
21.Establishing a Special Fund for Equity Incentive: implement equity incentive for key talent enterprise senior management team and business backbone.
VII. Optimizing the Financial Ecological Environment
22.Support High-level Financial Exchange Activities: subsidies will be given to financial activities that strengthen the influence of Wuhan Financial City. 