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发布时间:2021-12-12      阅读次数:697

Information identifying the qualification Name of qualification and (if applicable) title conferred: Master of Science; With Merit (The power to award degrees is regulated by law in the UK.) Main field(s) of study for the qualification: Language Education Name and status of awarding institution: The University of Edinburgh (The University of Edinburgh is a recognised body granted powers by the Privy Council to award degrees.) Language(s) of instruction/examination: English Information on the level of the qualification Level of qualification: SCQF level 11 Official length of programme: 1 Years Access requirement(s): Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available in the University's Prospectus Information on the contents and results gained Mode of study: Full-time Programme requirements: Information not available. Please contact relevant School using the details in 'Further Information Sources' Information on the function of the qualification Access to further study: Professional status (if applicable): Not applicable Further Information Sources Further information sources: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/education Any enquiries regarding the above should be addressed to: The Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh, Old Moray House, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ; Tele: +44 (0) 131 242 6533; Web: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/education Further information regarding the University of Edinburgh HEAR: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools�departments/student-administration/other-info/overview This Higher Education Achievement Report incorporates the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPS for the European Diploma Supplement. The purpose of the report is to provide sufficient recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were purposed and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this report should be appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should be given. ANQI LI S2052714 Date Produced: 06/12/2021 Programme details, and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained Programme Start Date: 1 September 2020 Qualification Conferred Date: 3 December 2021 Qualification Conferred: Master of Science Qualification Subject: Language Education Overall Classification of the Qualification: With Merit Academic Year Code Name Mark Grade Result SCQF Level No. of attempts Credits Achieved* 2020/21 EDUA11045Language Testing 59 C P 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA11048Professional Practice 66 B P 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA11206Teaching texts across borders - from picture books to teenage fiction and film 57 C P 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA11248Language and the Learner 54 C P 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA11419Languages, Society and Education 78 A3 P 11 1 20 2020/21 REDU11045Conceptualising research: Foundations, assumptions and praxis 70 A3 P 11 1 10 2020/21 REDU11046The sources of knowledge: Understanding and analysing research literature 66 B P 11 1 10 2020/21 REDU11087Dissertation (Language Education) 58 C P 11 1 60 Sub Total: 180 * 1 European Credit Transfer Scheme (ECTS) credit = 2 University of Edinburgh credits Total: 180 Additional Information Prizes and Medals: None awarded Additional Recognised Activities: None recorded Additional Notes: None recorded Certification: Lisa Dawson, Director of Student Systems and Administration 识别资格的信息 资格名称(如适用)以及授予头衔:理科硕士;附成绩单 (授予学位权力受英国法律监管。) 授予资格主要研究领域:语言教育 资格授予机构名称和地位:爱丁堡大学 (爱丁堡大学是枢密院具有学位授予权的公认机构。) 授课语言/考试语言:英语 资质等级信息 资质等级:SCQF 11级 官方课程时长:1年 准入要求:有关入学的详细信息可查阅大学的招生说明简章。 获得内容和结果信息 学习方式:全日制 学科计划要求:如信息不适用,请点击“更多信息源”与有关学校联络。 资质功能信息 进入深造: 专业地位(如适用):不适用。 更多信息来源 更多信息来源:http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/education 有关上述内容的任何查询,请联系:Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh, Old Moray House, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ;电话:+44 (0) 131 242 6533; 网站:http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/education 关于爱丁堡大学的更多信息: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/student management/other-info/overview 此高等教育成绩单参考了由欧洲委员会、欧洲理事会和联合国教科文组织为欧洲文凭补充而开发的格式。文件旨在提供足够的认可资格(文凭,学位,证书等)。其目的为学科研究的性质、水平、背景和状态进行描述,上述学科研究由原资格证书上所列的个人目的和成绩构成,本成绩单应附在该资格证书上。文件不含有任何价值判断、等价陈述或关于承认的建议。文件应该提供所有八个部分的信息。如未提供相关资料信息,文件应作出解释。 ANQI LI S2052714 制作日期:2021年6月12日 课程详情,以及学生个人获得的成绩/分数/学分 课程计划开始日期:2020年12月01日 资格证书授予日期:2021年12月03日 授予资格:理科硕士 资格科目:语言教育 资格总分:备注有成绩分数 学年 代码 课程名称 分数 等级 结果 学分 考试次数 获得学分 2020/21 EDUA 11045 语言测试 59 C 通过 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA 11048 专业实践 66 B 通过 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA 11206 跨界教学文本-从绘本到青少年小说和电影 57 C 通过 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA 11248 语言与学习者 54 C 通过 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA 11419 语言、社会与教育 78 A3 通过 11 1 20 2020/21 EDUA 11045 概念化研究:基础、假设和实践 70 A3 通过 11 1 10 2020/21 EDUA 11046 知识来源:理解与分析研究 66 B 通过 11 1 10 2020/21 EDUA 11087 论文(语言教育) 58 C 通过 11 1 60 小计:180 * 1 个欧洲学分转移计划 (ECTS) 学分 = 2 个爱丁堡大学学分 总计:180 附加信息 奖学金和奖牌:无 其他认可的活动:未记录 附加说明:无记录 认证: Lisa Dawson,学生系统负责人与行政主管


