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Grading Scheme Grade Expectations: https://www.ed.ac.uk/student-systems/support-guidance/admin-support-staff/student-admin-colleges-schools/assessment�hub/recording-of-course-assessment-results-within-eucl Grades followed by 'A' = Fail (Credits Awarded on Aggregation) Grades 'ES' and 'PS' = fail result of 38 or 39 but pass and credits awarded due to special circumstances Grade CD = Course delivery disrupted, awarded on aggregate Common Marking Scheme from 2005/2006 With effect from Academic Session 2005/2006, the marking scheme for undergraduate degree examinations in all Schools is as follows, except for the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and the M.B.,Ch.B. curriculum in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. HONOURS NON HONOURS Honours Class Mark (%) Grade Description I 90-100 A1 Excellent I 80-89 A2 Excellent I 70-79 A3 Excellent II.1 60-69 B Very Good II.2 50-59 C Performance at a level showing the potential to achieve at least a lower second class honours degree III 40-49 D Pass, may not be sufficient for progression to an honours programme Fail 30-39 E Marginal Fail Fail 20-29 F Clear Fail Fail 10-19 G Bad Fail Fail 0-9 H Bad Fail Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS), Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies 70-100 = A (Excellent); 60-69 = B (Very Good); 55-59 = C (Good); 50-54 = D (Satisfactory); 46-49= E (Marginal Fail); 35-45= F (Clear Fail); 0-34 = G (Bad Fail) BVMS is a Masters level degree and is not classified into any other GPA or similar system. Due to differences in examining systems, it is rare for students to receive a mark greater than 80% with 70% or greater equating to a distinction. Postgraduate Extended Common Marking Scheme (with effect from Academic Session 2005/2006) Mark (%) Grade Description 90-100 A1 An excellent performance, satisfactory for a distinction 80-89 A2 An excellent performance, satisfactory for a distinction 70-79 A3 An excellent performance, satisfactory for a distinction 60-69 B A very good performance 50-59 C A good performance, satisfactory for a master's degree 40-49* D A satisfactory performance for the diploma, but inadequate for a master's degree 30-39** E Marginal Fail*** 20-29 F Clear Fail*** 10-19 G Bad Fail *** 0-9 H Bad Fail*** * Assessment of the dissertation: A mark of 47-49 may be used to denote the possibility that by minor revision the work may be upgraded to a Masters standard. ** Assessment of the dissertation: A mark of 37-39 may be used to denote the possibility that by minor revision the work may be upgraded to a diploma standard. *** Assessment of the dissertation: In those programmes where a diploma may be awarded for the taught component only, a failed dissertation may be put aside for the diploma. ANQI LI S2052714 Date Produced: 06/12/2021 Information on the National Higher Education System Description of Higher Education in Scotland Scotland's distinctive higher education system has 20 higher education institutions (HEIs). The 14 Universities, the Open University in Scotland, 2 colleges of higher education, 2 art schools and a conservatoire are part-funded for research, teaching and learning through the Scottish Funding Council. The HEIs are independent, self-governing bodies, active in teaching, research and scholarship. They decide the degrees they offer; the conditions on which they are awarded and the admissions arrangements. Degrees and other higher education qualifications are legally owned by the awarding institution, not by the state. The HEIs offer qualifications at undergraduate (Bologna first cycle) and postgraduate (Bologna second and third cycle) levels. In Scotland, the law distinguishes the power to award degrees on the basis of completion of taught programmes from the power to award research degrees. Universities have powers to award taught and research degrees. Some other HEIs have powers to award degrees while others offer programmes leading to degrees awarded by HEIs with degree powers. Lists of institutions with powers toward degrees and institutions recognised by authorities in Scotland as being able to offer courses leading to a degree of another HEI may be found at (http://www.univsities-scotland.ac.uk). A small number of degrees are available in colleges of further education by the authority of a duly empowered HEI. Qualifications The types of qualification awarded at the undergraduate (first cycle) and postgraduate level (second and third cycles) in Scotland are described in the Framework for Higher Education qualifications in Scotland which includes qualifications descriptors, developed with the higher education sector (http://www.qaa.ac.uk). The Framework is an integral part of a wider national framework: the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework that covers all forms of programmes and qualifications from School to Doctorates (see table 1 and http://www.scqf.org.uk). Institutions use SCQF credit points for students entering or transferring between programmes or institutions, and use ECTS for transfers within the European area. Admission Requirements for particular programmes are set by the HEIs which offer a range of routes for entry and/or credit transfer into their programmes, and admit students whom they believe have the potential to complete their programmes successfully. The Open University is an open entry institution. The most common qualification for entry to higher education is the Higher or Advanced Higher or, for entrants from the rest of the U.K., the General Certificate of Education at 'Advanced' level (including the "advanced supplementary") or comparable qualifications. Four or five Highers are normally taken in the 5th and 6th year of secondary school or at college or further education and studied in considerable depth, involving coursework and final examinations. Advanced Highers are taken in the 6th year. A major route into Degrees, often with transfer of credit, is the higher National Qualifications offered in colleges or further education. Quality Assurance Standards of qualification and the quality of the student learning experience are maintained by the HEIs using a range of processes including extensive use of external examiners. In some subject areas, Professional and Statuary Bodies have a role to ensure that programmes meet the needs and standards of the particular profession. HEIs in Scotland demonstrate their public accountability for quality and standards through a national quality and standards through a national quality assurance framework that has a strong focus on enhancement as follows: HEIs take account of a QAA published U.K.- wide code of practice for quality assurance, and U.K. subject level 'benchmark' statements on standards (see http://www.qaa.ac.uk). Subject level issues are addressed by HEIs internal reviews conducted in accordance with guidance issued by the Scottish Funding Council (SHEFC)(see http://www.scf.ac.uk). External reviews are conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Scotland (QAA). The Agency is an independent body established to provide public confidence in the quality and standards of higher education. It involves students in its quality enhancement activities. The Agency publishes reports on the outcomes of reviews and the confidence that can be placed in the HEIs' arrangements for assuring and enhancing standards and quality, and for ensuring that they provide public information that is complete, accurate and fair (see http://www.qaa.ac.uk). A national development service supports students in their role as active participants in assuring and enhancing quality and standards (see http://www.sparqs.org.uk). Table 1: The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) The SCQF covers all the major qualifications in Scotland from school to Doctorate and including work based Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) SCQF Level Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions SQA Higher National and National Units, Courses and Group Awards SVQs 12 Doctoral Degrees (Minimum 540 SCQF credits) - - 11 Masters Degrees (Minimum 180 SCQF credits) Postgraduate Diploma (Minimum 120 SCQF credits) Integrated Masters Degrees (Minimum 600 SCQF credits) - SVQ 5 10 Bachelors Degree with Honours (Minimum 480 SCQF credits) Graduate Diplomas and Certificates - - 9 Bachelors Degree (Minimum 360 SCQF credit) Graduate Diplomas and Certificates - - 8 Diploma of Higher Education (Minimum 240 SCQF credits) Higher National Diploma SVQ 4 7 Certificate of Higher Education (Minimum 120 SCQF credits) Advanced Higher Higher National Certificate - 6 - Higher SVQ 3 5 - Intermediate 2 Credit Standard Grade SVQ 2 4 - Intermediate 1 General Standard Grade SVQ 1 3 - Access 3 Foundation Standard Grade - 2 - Access 2 - 1 - Access 1 评分方案 成绩期望: https://www.ed.ac.uk/student-systems/support-guidance/admin-support-staff/student-admin-colleges-schools/assessment-hub/recording-of-course-assessment-results-within-eucl 成绩后标注“A” = 不及格(累计计算所得学分); “ES”和“PS”等级 = 38 或 39 不及格成绩,但由于特殊情况而获得及格和学分; 等级 CD = 课程交付中断,按累计总分授予; 2005/2006 年通用评分方案 自2005/2006学年起,所有学校本科学位考试的评分方案如下,不包括 (Dick) 兽医学院和 M.B.,Ch.B.医学和兽医学院的课程。 荣誉 非荣誉 荣誉班级 分数 (%) 等级 说明 I 90-100 A1 优秀 I 80-89 A2 优秀 I 70-79 A3 优秀 II.1 60-69 B 良好 II.2 50-59 C 表现出有潜力获得至少较低的二等荣誉学位的水平 III 40-49 D 通过,可能不足以升读荣誉学位等级 未通过 30-39 E 仅合格 未通过 20-29 F 不合格 未通过 10-19 G 完全不合格 未通过 0-9 H 完全不合格 皇家(Dick)兽医学院兽医医学与外科学士学位 70-100 = A(优秀); 60-69 = B(良好); 55-59 = C(较好); 50-54 = D(满意); 46-49= E(仅合格); 35-45= F(不合格); 0-34 = G(完全不合格); BVMS为硕士学位,不属于任何其他GPA或类似的系统。由于考试制度的不同,很少学生获得超过80%的分数,而 70% 或更高则等同于优异成绩。 研究生扩展共同评分计划(自 2005/2006 学年起生效) 分数 (%) 等级 说明 90-100 A1 成绩优秀,令人满意 80-89 A2 成绩优秀,令人满意 70-79 A3 成绩优秀,令人满意 60-69 B 成绩非常好 50-59 C 成绩不错,可以获得硕士学位 40-49* D 文凭成绩令人满意,但不足以获得硕士学位 30-39** E 仅合格*** 20-29 F 不合格*** 10-19 G 完全不合格*** 0-9 H 完全不合格*** * 论文评估:47-49 分可用于表示通过较小修改将成绩升级到硕士标准的可能性。 ** 论文评估:37-39 分可用于表示通过较小修改将成绩升级到获得文凭标准的可能性。 *** 论文评估:在只能为所教授的部分颁发文凭的课程中,可以将不合格的论文暂时放置,而先发放文凭。 ANQI LI S2052714 制作日期:2021年6月12日 全国高等教育系统信息 苏格兰高等教育说明 苏格兰独特的高等教育系统有20所高等教育机构 (HEI)。苏格兰的14所大学、苏格兰开放大学、2 所高等教育学院、2 所艺术学校和一所音乐学院通过苏格兰资助委员会为研究、教学和学习提供部分资金。 高等教育机构是独立的自治机构,活跃于教学、研究和学术领域。高等教育机构决定提供的学位;授予条件和录取安排。学位和其他高等教育资格在法律上归授予机构所有,而不是国家所有。高等教育机构提供本科(博洛尼亚第一周期)和研究生(博洛尼亚第二和第三周期)级别的资格证书。在苏格兰,法律将根据完成教学课程授予学位的权力与授予研究学位的权力区分开来。大学有权授予教学和研究学位。其他一些高等教育机构有权授予学位,而另一些高等教育机构则提供由具有学位权力的高等教育机构授予学位的课程。 您可以在 (http://www.univsities-scotland.ac.uk) 上找到有权获得学位的机构和苏格兰当局认可的能够提供通往另一个高等教育机构学位的课程的机构名单。由正式授权的高等教育机构授权,继续教育学院提供少量学位。 资格 在苏格兰,本科阶段(第一轮)和研究生阶段(第二和第三轮)授予的资格类型在苏格兰高等教育资格框架中进行了描述,该框架包括与高等教育部门一起开发的资格描述(http://www.qaa.ac.uk)。该框架为更广泛的国家框架的组成部分:苏格兰学分和资格框架,涵盖从学校到博士学位的所有形式的课程和资格(见表 1 和 http://www.scqf.org.uk)。 机构使用 SCQF 学分,用于学生进入或在课程或机构之间转学,选用ECTS 用于欧洲地区内的转学。 入学 特定课程的要求由高等教育机构设定,提供一系列进入课程和/或学分转换的途径,并录取有潜力成功完成课程的学生。 开放大学是一所开放式入学机构。 进入高等教育的最常见资格是高等教育或高级高等教育。或者,对于来自英国其他地区的入学者来说,是“高级”级别的普通教育证书(包括“高级补充”)或类似的资格。 四、五名高中生通常在中学 5 年级和 6 年级或在大学或继续教育中学习,并进行了相当深入的学习,包括课程作业和期末考试。 高级高等教育是在第 6 年进行的。 获得学位的主要途径,通常是学分转移,是在大学或继续教育中提供的更高的国家资格。 质量保证 HEI 使用一系列流程来维护资格标准和学生学习体验的质量,包括广泛使用外部考官。在某些学科领域,专业和法定机构可以确保项目满足特定专业的需求和标准。苏格兰的高等教育机构通过国家质量和标准通过国家质量保证框架展示其对质量和标准的公共责任,该框架非常注重提高如下方面:高等教育机构考虑到 QAA 发布的英国范围内的质量保证实践守则,以及,英国主题级别的“基准”标准声明(参阅 http://www.qaa.ac.uk)。根据苏格兰资助委员会 (SHEFC) 发布的指南(参阅 http://www.scf.ac.uk),高等教育机构内部审查解决了学科层面的问题。外部审查由苏格兰高等教育质量保证局 (QAA) 进行。该机构是一个独立机构,旨在提高公众对高等教育质量和标准的信心,让学生参与其教学质量提升活动。该机构发布关于审查结果的报告以及对高等教育机构确保和提高标准和质量安排,并确保提供完整、准确和公平的公共信息(见 http:// www.qaa.ac.uk)。国家发展服务支持学生作为积极参与者,确保和提高教学质量和教学标准(见 http://www.sparqs.org.uk)。 表1:苏格兰信用和资格框架(SCQF) SCQF涵盖了苏格兰从学校到博士学位的所有主要资格,包括基于工作的苏格兰职业资格(SVQs) 苏格兰学分和学历框架等级 高等教育机构资质 SQA国家和国家高级单位、课程和团体奖励 SVQs 12 博士学位 (最低540 SCQF学分) - 11 硕士学位 (最少180 SCQF学分) 研究生文凭课程 (最低120 SCQF学分) 综合型硕士 (最低600 SCQF学分) SVQs 10 荣誉学士学位 (最低480 SCQF学分) 毕业证书 - 9 学士学位 (最低360 SCQF学分) 毕业证书 - 8 高等教育文凭 (最低240 SCQF学分) 高级国家文凭 7 高等教育证书 (最低120 SCQF学分) 高级高等 国家高级证书 6 - 高等 5 - 中高级2 学分标准等级 4 - 中高级1 一般标准学分 3 - 接近3 基本标准学分 2 - 接近2 1 - 接近1


