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发布时间:2012-9-4      阅读次数:1187






1、查名  Business Name Approval :

审批时间 Duration: 5 个工作日  5 working days

所需材料 Document Required


Fill in the Application Form of Business Name Approval in which shall be provided several business name for backup, business area, capital to be registered, share ratio of each holder.

Copy of Passport for individual investor or

Copy of business licence for firm investor.


2、外资审批  Foreign Business Approval

商务委外资审批 Approved in Commerce bureau.审批时间Duration: 7个工作日  7 working days

所需材料Documents required:

公司章程(投资方签字)Articles of Association                         Original

银行资信证明   Bank Reference Letter                                Original

投资方决议(投资方法定代表人签字) Resolution of Investor (Signed by the Legal Representative of the Investor)                                       Original                                                  

(自然人投资)投资方护照Passport for individual investor or            Original

(公司投资人)投资方营业执照及中国驻该国领馆公证证明Business licence with Authentication letter of China Embassy                                Original    

董事监事身份证明(复印件)及任职文件(原件)Passport of board directors (Copy) and supervisor and assignment letters    外文资料的翻译件 Translations of Documents in Foreign Language                


3、营业执照审批  Business License Approval 

工商局审批 Approved in Industrial & Commercial Bureau审批时间Duration: 7个工作日  7 working days

所需材料Documents required:

公司章程(投资方签字)Articles of Association                         Original

(自然人投资)投资方护照Passport for individual investor or            Original

(公司投资人)投资方营业执照及中国驻该国领馆公证证明Business licence with Authentication letter of China Embassy                                Original    

董事监事身份证明及任职文件Passport of board directors and supervisor and assignment letters                                                   Original 

投资方决议(投资方法定代表人签字) Resolution of Investor (Signed by the Legal Representative of the Investor)                                        Original  

法定代表人任职文件  Appointment letter of legal representative          Original

《公司设立登记申请书》Fill in the Application Form of Business Approval  Signature                                 

外文资料的翻译件 Translations of Documents in Foreign Language

法定代表人2寸照片1张,  1 pic of 2-inch photo of ID                    Original                   


4、办理组织机构代码证  Business Code Certificate

审批时间Duration: 1个工作日  1 working days

5、办理外汇登记  Foreign exchange Registration

Duration: 2个工作日  2 working days

6、开立资本金账户  Open Foreign exchange capital account

Duration: 3个工作日  3 working days

7、办理税务登记证  Tax Registeration

审批时间Duration: 7个工作日  7 working days

所需时间不包括办理税种核定等其他税务事务 The duration not include the days for other tax affair such as approval of tax type.

8、银行开户  Open bank account

开立基本账户时间 Time of open company basic account:  7个工作日 7 workdays




企业登记代理费 Agent Fee:  根据工作范围收取  The charge see to workload. 

执照及其他费用以政府***为准:Certificate and Other fees charged by government.



提供合法的注册地址并免费使用。legal address offered free for business registration.



以上所说的审批时间指的是材料符合要求后的审批时间。The Duration of approval is commencing from the day when necessary documents accepted by the bureaus.

以上所列举的是主要材料,其他次要材料会在办理过程中逐步提及。The documents indicated above are the major and key files as some of them need signature or original or time to prepare, other side and supporting documents will be involved in each procedures.


Other Procedures such as Tax Type Verification, Customs registration and Registraion with Foreign Exchange Administration not included.







