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发布时间:2012-9-11      阅读次数:1272




世界著名护肤品牌OLAY玉兰油,作为宝洁公司美容品类的实力品牌,是全球最大也是中国最大的护肤品牌之一。作为女性心目中的“专业护肤专家”, OLAY一直不断顺应时代的发展和变迁完善自身,并保持着人们心目中美丽先导的形象,做到真正倾听女性的需求,以全球高科技护肤研发技术为后盾,不断推陈出新,让“惊喜从肌肤开始”。 目前,OLAY已经成为宝洁公司全球年销售10亿美金的品牌之一,为全世界五大洲的8000多万女性带来了肌肤的美丽惊喜。八个系列七十多款产品,OLAY不断为中国女性贡献新美丽呵护女性的美丽使者,致力于成为中国女性的美丽标志。

The world-famous brand OLAY Olay skin care, as Procter & Gamble Beauty category of the strength of the brand, is the world's largest and one of China's largest skin care brands. As a woman in mind "professional skin care specialist", OLAY constantly adapt to the development of the times and change the self-improvement, and maintain people's minds the image of a beautiful pilot genuinely listen to women's needs in order to develop global high-tech skin care technology as the backing, continued to emerge, so that "surprises from the skin to begin." At present, OLAY has become P & G's global annual sales of 1 billion dollar brands, serving the world's five continents, more than 8000 million women have brought the beauty of your skin surprises. 8 series of 70 a variety of products, OLAY continuously new beautiful Chinese women's contribution to care of women's beauty ambassador, is committed to being a beautiful symbol of Chinese women.

“假若你拥有一项美白面膜的专利配方,你既想让这款面膜投入市场,让更多的人享 受美白带来的快乐,但苦于没有资金,并且不愿花太多精力在经营品牌或生意上,怎么 办? 或许你可以考虑和宝洁合作。” 这是宝洁近日启动的“联系+发展”中文网站的开场白。拥有9000 名研发人员的宝洁 早已不满足于其全球28个研发中心的力量来支撑每年5%~7%的增长目标,宝洁如今更寄望于 “外脑”来获得持续增长。
消费品市场向来品牌忠诚度较低, 许多人购买产品时往往是出于新鲜尝试而非仔细考 量。作为消费品制造大王, 宝洁深知必须用持续创新的功能和产品吸引消费者的目光。正 因为如此,宝洁一直把创新放在企业发展的重要地位。事实上,拥有170 余年历史的宝 洁,向来不缺乏产品创新精神。这家公司在漫长的历史中发明了第一种用于全自动洗衣机 的合成洗衣粉“汰渍”,第一块一次性婴儿纸尿片“帮宝适”,还有第一管含氟防蛀牙膏 “佳洁士”。 然而,在上个世纪末,宝洁的创新研发与传统商业模式出现了摩擦:企业陷入停滞状 态,创新产品很少,内部大量的研发成果因为没有配套的战略规划反而成了负担! 出现这种难堪的局面, 与宝洁长期以来坚持的封闭式创新不无关系。封闭式创新是一 种企业内部的良性封闭循环,创新的知识产权被企业严密地保护着,其他企业无法获得这 些创新而为自己谋利。企业对外部的关注,也只是更多地在乎竞争对手的研发动态、市场 占有情况等。在这种情况下, 宝洁与消费者的关系是: 宝洁推出新产品,消费者被动接 受。 在知识垄断的时代里, 封闭式创新模式可谓大放异彩。然而,随着全球创新环境的变 化,很多专利已由集约式转向分散式, 由一个企业掌握全部专利的时代慢慢瓦解。大学、 研究机构和高学历的人增多,创新的源头逐渐增加。同时,研究成果面临更多的机会。市 场竞争加快以后,产品生命周期缩短,在内部转化出现困难时,很多科研成果会选择与新 资本、新企业等进行接触,寻求更多的合作转化方式。 换言之,在企业外部创新资源如此丰富的今天,企业已不能承担包揽一切创新的重 任。如果仍然勉强为之,会极大降低企业的创新效率。当然,知识分散化也带来了新的机 遇,那就是直接导致实践的集中化。一个企业不需要自己做出最完美的创新成果,一样也 能获胜:因为它可以整合内外的各种资源,及时、充分地利用不同的创新技术的视角、创 新方式把各种技术整合在一起,不断衍生出新产品和新服务。 时代的变化被临危受命的宝洁CEO 雷富礼看在眼中,记在心里。1999 年,上任之初的 雷富礼力排众议提出了“开放式创新”,将宝洁的心脏———研发(Research&Develop) 扩展为联发(Connect &Develop),即联合外部研究机构、客户、供应商、个人甚至竞争 对手来开发新市场新产品。当时,这位新掌门提出2010 年要将外部创新做到50%时,绝大 多数人认为是天方夜谭,因为1999 年时这个数字只有10%。然而,神奇的雷富礼不但达到
了目标,还比预设的2010 年提前了4 年。这位管理大师在多年后回忆往事的《游戏颠覆 者》一书中道出了真谛:随着知识产权市场的扩张, 拥有创造能力已经不再是企业的绝对 优势,通过收集、转移、融合等手段将技术为己所用,才是宝洁真正的竞争优势,“一个 与世隔绝、自以为能够解决所有问题的公司是会失去很多机会的”。
技术经纪人的“ 火种” 技术经纪人的“ 火种”
借助外部资源进行开放式创新, 其最大优点是降低了自行研发的费用和失败的概率, 这种创新模式无须像对待公司员工那样对外部研发人员进行管理。同时,由于研发成果是 现成的,拿来即用,因此不仅无须承担研发过程中的风险, 更缩短了从发现市场机会到获 得收益之间的时间。 宝洁雇有9000 名科研及工程人员,而在公司之外工作的研发人员却高达几百万人。在 宝洁看来,现在多学科融合的趋势越来越明显,产品的更新周期越来越快,像以前单靠内 部研发无疑是效率十分低下的。而忽视如此巨大的外部人才库,更是缺乏开放式创新的思 维。为了更好地发挥外部人才库的作用, 宝洁创建了名为“技术经纪人”的企业侦察小 组。经过将近5 年的发展,该小组已经拥有近百名全职“侦察员”。 这是一支由创新型猎头组成的团队, 他们不隶属于任何一个部门,也不受既有制度的 约束。这些从实验室里解放出来的技术经纪人由一名总经理领导, 他们被分别派到欧洲、 中国、日本、印度和拉丁美洲,搜索能够创造新消费的机会。他们的主要工作就是搜寻与 公司相关的创新。他们访问政府和学校的实验室,与主要的科学家和教授建立联系,走进 贸易展览会,甚至在超市里面游荡。所有这一切都是为了搜寻可以借鉴的创新, 对宝洁现 有的产品进行改进或者创造新的产品。 正所谓“星星之火可以燎原”,这些技术经纪人更像开放式创新思维的“火种”,通 过自己的工作不断改进公司的创新率、外部联系程度和销售的增长,进而“改变了整个公 司的文化,让每一个人都关注外部的变化。” 宝洁负责品客薯片的团队曾想到一个新创意, 他们想通过在薯片上打出食用颜料的图 案和文字来吸引消费者的眼球。然而,从技术上来说,这需要一个每分钟喷印3.4 亿滴的 印刷系统,这让宝洁的研发人员感到为难。于是,分布在世界各地的技术经纪人迅速展开 行动,利用它的全球联系网络, 找到了一个由意大利某大学教授经营的面包作坊, 该教 授曾经发明了在蛋糕或曲奇上打印可食用图像的喷墨打印方法。宝洁随即采用了这个方 法,并为北美品客薯片销售带来了两位数的增长。 又如,宝洁研发人员在为玉兰油寻找一项抗皱配方的时候,曾经一筹莫展。然而,在 欧洲的一个技术会议上,台下的技术经纪人听到法国Sederma 公司正在研发一种全新的肽 化合物,能够促进细胞再生和伤口愈合。他们觉察到这很可能就是宝洁需要的关键技术。 于是,技术经纪人迅速与该公司取得联系, 并通过一系列试验后买下了该专利。于是,颇 受欢迎的玉兰油“新生焕肤”系列面世了,并实现了高达20 亿美元的销售额。 通过技术经纪人穿针引线般的工作,目前宝洁与超过400 个供应商、高校、零售商、 制造商甚至是竞争对手公司保持着联发方面的合作伙伴关系。这串长长的名单里包括了杜 克大学、哥伦比亚大学、巴斯夫、GE、惠氏、高露洁、联合利华、惠普、3M、迪士尼、沃
数据显示,宝洁每年投入的研发费用大大高于竞争对手,几乎是联合利华的两倍,同 时也约为雅芳、高乐士、劲量、汉高、金佰利、欧莱雅和利洁时的总和。然而,令人尴尬 的是,1990 年代后期宝洁的一次内部调查发现,公司每年投入了 15 亿美元研发资金, 研制出了令人咋舌的约 2.7 万项专利,利用率却只有 10%;真正在市场上获得成功的创新 产品比率, 也仅维持在 35%左右的行业平均水平上。 宝洁一直试图化解这样的尴尬,如何为大量的专利寻求外部需求者? 如何打破封闭的 实验室寻求更切合消费者需求的技术和服务? 对于无数没有走向研发阶段或者中途搁置的 创意,在开放式创新思维主导下,宝洁大胆提出了出售“包袱专利”的口号。 为了提高宝洁对专利的使用效率,雷富礼制定了一项标准: 如果宝洁的某项专利在 3 年内没有被公司内的任何部门采用, 那么就将其出售给别人, 甚至包括竞争对手。对 此,有人可能会觉得难以接受,事实上,聪明的宝洁是通过把自己所用不到的好创意在合 适的地方实现价值,在实现共赢的同时也为宝洁获利。例如,宝洁研制出了一种“透皮控 释给药”技术,让糖尿病患者可以像贴膏药一样直接将药物贴在皮肤上治疗。宝洁将其放 在专业网站上出售, 一家专门研究药物传导的小公司最终成了宝洁的生意伙伴。又如,宝 洁将罗汉果提取物应用于饮料产品的专利权, 就使一家中国公司成为了许多顶级饮料品牌 的供应商。 除了出售专利, 宝洁在开放式创新的道路上还以非凡的勇气和魄力实现共赢的目标: 与竞争对手合作! 在亚洲市场,拥有苏菲、妈咪宝贝品牌的日本尤妮佳(Unicharm)是宝洁在女性护理用 品和纸尿裤产品方面的竞争对手, 但尤妮佳一款主要面对日本市场的速易洁除尘 掸却激起了宝洁的兴趣。不久,这对昔日的冤家对头牵手走上了合作的道路。宝洁不 仅要求尤妮佳帮自己在加拿大工厂里兴建了一模一样的生产线, 甚至还原样使用了后者的 产品广告。此次合作堪称宝洁开放式创新的典范:宝洁相当于创造了一个新的产品品类, 几乎不做改进就推向了北美市场,并取得了巨大的成功;拥有该产品专利的尤妮佳则借由 宝洁强大的全球销售网络, 将其地方性的创新成果推广到了全球。 现在, 宝洁的开放式创新活动已经达到了良性循环的共赢程度,在宝洁的合作伙伴名 录中,竞争对手的名字越来越多。
创意集市” “ 创意集市” 横空出世
在创建自己的开放式创新网站“创意集市”以前,宝洁多数是利用中介公司网站建立 与其他研发机构和个人的联系。宝洁在 InnoCentive、Yet2 和 NineSigma 等网站上扮演求 解人的角色,在非公开的论坛内匿名发帖,描述自己的难题并且给出悬赏金额。任何人都 可以看到此类信息, 如果他能提供解决方案并且被宝洁选中, 那就可以“揭榜”,并得 到赏金。类似的成功例子不胜枚举,最为典型的 Spin Brush 电动牙刷技术就是宝洁通过 中介网络从一位发明家手中花 4.75 亿美元买来的。便宜简单的旋转电动牙刷上市后大受 欢迎, 让一整排的传统牙刷顿时失色。 哈佛商学院的研究表明,宝洁向外界发出求助,大约 29%的问题会在三周内得到解 决。2006 年,已有超过半数的宝洁新产品和技术通过这个途径取得。2007 年,其收到个 人企业家、大学、研究所和公司提交的创意超过 5000 个,其中有 200 多个创意转化成新 产品并已上市。目前,新品达到财务目标的比率也增长到了 50%。依靠这些技术中介网 站, 宝洁和全球范围内的众多科学家和工程师成为朋友,研发生产力提高了近 60%,创新 成功率提高两倍多,而创新成本下降了 20%。 借助中介网站求购技术方案的经历让宝洁得到启发,推倒研发室的围墙,变自主研发 为联发,面向全球招募创意, 用开放式创新和外部智慧解决公司、消费者之需。2007 年 10 月,宝洁开发了自己的 2.0 版“创意集市”———“联系+发展”网站,并最终成为 其开放式创新的核心策略之一。
通过这个被宝洁称为“创意集市”的网站,无论是企业还是研究机构,甚至普通消费 者,都能成为这家世界最大的日用消费品公司的合作伙伴。在这里,你可以浏览宝洁的需 求及创新成果。若你手上的创新成果刚好符合宝洁的需求, 便可以根据提示提交方案, 并在 8 周内获得回复。未收到回复前,可随时登陆系统查询方案审核情况。在宝洁的眼 中, 合适的方案可以是一款适合宝洁的创新产品,一项新技术,一种新的商业模式,甚至 是有创意的商标、包装和设计。而除了为宝洁提供创意资产的合作者,希望获得许可使用 宝洁的商标、技术等其他创新资产的人同样可以通过“创意集市” 和这家跨国企业成为朋 友。 截至2009 年4 月,“创意集市” 英文网站收集到了3700 多个方案, 已有几十个项 目进入到了宝洁的深度评估环节。然而,在“联系+发展”全球网站收到的方案中,来自中 国的不足20 个,来自日本市场的也仅有30 个。如何挖掘和充分利用亚洲创意力量, 也正 是宝洁眼下发布中文和日文网站的初衷。2009 年3 月,宝洁启动“联系+发展”中文和日 文网站,将这个创新的法宝搬到了亚洲。令人惊喜的是,不到半个月的时间,中文网站的 浏览量已经突破10000 次, 通过这个平台提交的方案超过了20 个,接近英文网站上线至 今在中国获得方案的总数。 在传统封闭式创新世界中,宝洁曾经笑傲江湖;而在开放式创新浪潮中,宝洁也勇于 打破规则,走出了一条富有特色的创新道路。正如带领宝洁走出开放式创新道路的雷富礼 所说:“宝洁希望既有内部基础来创造知识产权,又有联发的信息结构创造智力伙伴;宝 洁将实验室打破并双管齐下,意图不是寻找发明创造,而是发现市场机会,最终目的是为 消费者创造价值。”
Procter & Gamble: Innovation without borders
"If you have a proprietary formula whitening mask, this mask you only want to market, so that more people enjoy the white to bring happiness, but unfortunately there were no funds, and do not want to spend too much energy on the brand or business, and how to do? perhaps you can consider and Procter & Gamble co. " This is P & G recently launched the "Contact + development" Chinese websites opening. 9,000 R & D personnel with Procter & Gamble had not met its 28 global R
& D center to support the power of 5% to 7% annual growth target, P & G now more hopes on the "brain" to achieve sustained growth.
Change for the United Nations Development R & D Consumer goods market has always been low brand loyalty, many people tend to buy products rather than carefully considered for fresh attempt. As a consumer goods
manufacturing King, Procter& Gamble Aware of the need to use innovative features and products continued to attract the attention of consumers. Because of this, P In fact, P &
& G has put innovation on the importance of enterprise development.
G has 170 years of history, has always been not the lack of product innovation. This company invented the long history of the first synthetic detergent for automatic washing machine, "Tide", the first piece of disposable baby diapers, "Pampers", as well as the first tube of fluoride tooth decay prevention cream "Crest." However, in the last century, P & G's R & D and the emergence of the traditional business model of friction: business to a standstill, few innovative products, a large number of internal R & D results because there is no supporting strategic planning has become a burden! When this embarrassing situation, and Procter & Gamble has long adhered to a closed innovation are not unrelated. Closed innovation is a closed loop within
the enterprise healthy and innovative intellectual property is a closely guarded company, other companies can not access to these innovations and for their own profit. Business outside the concern of only the R & D competitors care more In this case, P & G is the relationship with
dynamic, market share and so on.
consumers: Procter & Gamble to introduce new products, consumers passive acceptance. Monopoly in the knowledge era, closed innovation model can be described as shine. However, with the global innovation environment changes, many patents have been intensive steering distributed by a company to master all of the patent age slowly collapse. Universities, research institutions and highly educated people Meanwhile, research is facing more
increased, the source of innovation increases. opportunities.
Accelerate competition in the market after the product life cycles,
difficulties in the internal transformation, many will choose and research a new capital, new business contacts, etc., into ways to seek more cooperation. In other words, the external resources for innovation in the enterprise so rich today, companies can not afford everything and has the important task of innovation. If you still do, the innovation will greatly reduce the efficiency. Of course,
knowledge has also brought a new diversification opportunities, and that is a direct result of the practice of concentration. Enterprises do not need to make a
perfect innovation, the same can win: Because it can integrate a variety of internal and external resources, timely and adequate use of different innovative technology perspective, innovative ways to integrate the various technologies continuously derived from new products and services. Changes of the times was CEO Lafley, Procter & Gamble stepped in to see the eyes, in mind. In 1999, against all the odds Lafley took office at the beginning of the
proposed "open innovation", the heart of P & G --- R & D (Research & Develop) extended to the United Nations Development (Connect & Develop), the joint external research institutions, customers, providers, individuals and even competitors to develop new products, new markets. At that time, the new head made in 2010 to
achieve 50% of external innovation, most people think is a fantasy, because in 1999 this figure was only 10%. However, Lafley is not only achieved amazing goals, but The management guru
also than the default four years earlier in 2010.
recollection of events in the years after the "game insurgents," a book revealed the true meaning: With the expansion of intellectual property market, with the ability to create enterprise is no longer an absolute advantage, through the collection, transfer, integration, etc. means the technology for their own use, P & G is a real competitive advantage, "an isolated, self-belief that they can solve all the problems the company will lose a lot of opportunities." Technical manager of the "fire" With external resources to open innovation, its biggest advantage is to reduce the cost of their own R & D and the probability of failure, this innovative model not treat employees as for external R & D personnel management. Also, because
research results are ready, and brought that with, so not only do not bear the risk of the development process, shortened from the identification of market opportunities to the time between a gain. P & G employs 9,000 scientific and engineering personnel, while working outside in the company's R & D personnel is as high as several hundred million people. P
& G seems, is now a multi-disciplinary integration trends are becoming evident, the product update cycle faster and faster, as before, rely on the efficiency of internal R & D is undoubtedly very low. The neglect of such a huge talent pool In order to better play the
outside, but the lack of open innovation thinking.
role of external talent pools, called Procter & Gamble created a "technology broker" business reconnaissance team. group has nearly 100 full-time "scout." After nearly five years of development, the
This is an innovative executive search by the team, they do not belong to any one department, are not subject to the constraints of the existing system. These
freed from the laboratory by a broker, general manager of technology leadership, they are respectively assigned to Europe, China, Japan, India and Latin America, the search to create new consumption opportunities. with the company related to innovation. Their main job is to search
Their access to government and school
laboratory, with the leading scientists and professors to establish contacts, into the trade fair, even in the supermarket wandering inside. All of this can learn
to search for innovation, P & G to improve existing products or create new products. As the saying goes, "A single spark can start a prairie fire", these technologies open innovation thinking more like agents of the "fire", through their work continuously improve the company's innovation rate, degree of external contact and sales growth, and thus "change the entire company culture, so that everyone concerned about the external changes. " Pringles Procter & Gamble is responsible for the team would have thought a new idea, they want to play by eating paint chips on the graphics and text to attract the attention of consumers. However, technically speaking, this requires a 340
million drops per minute printing the printing system, which makes P & G's R & D personnel in a dilemma. Thus, the distribution of technology brokers throughout
the world taking action quickly, using its global network of contacts to find a business professor at the University of Italian bread and a workshop, the professor has invented a cake or cookies in print edible images on inkjet printing method. Procter & Gamble immediately adopted this approach, and the North American Pringles brought double-digit sales growth. In another example, Procter & Gamble R & D personnel for the Oil of Olay antiwrinkle formula to find a time, was unable to do anything. However, in Europe, a
technical meeting, the audience heard the French Sederma agent technology company is developing a new peptide compounds that promote cell regeneration and wound healing. They perceive that this is probably the key technologies needed to As a result, technology brokers quickly get in touch with the Thus, the popular Olay
Procter & Gamble.
company, and through a series of tests bought the patent.
"new whitening" series available, and and achieve up to 20 billion in sales. Like go-between by technology brokers, the current P & G and more than 400 suppliers, universities, retailers, manufacturers and even competitors to maintain the United Nations Development cooperation partnership. This long list of strings
to include Duke University, Columbia University, BASF, GE, Wyeth, Colgate, Unilever, HP, 3M, Disney, Wal-Mart and a series of institutions and companies. winInnovative cooperation and win-win Data, P & G annual R & D spending is much higher than its competitors, is almost twice as Unilever, Avon is about the same time, high Dulux, Energizer, Henkel, Kimberly-Clark L'Oreal and Reckitt Benckiser's combined. However, it is
embarrassing that in the late 1990s an internal investigation found that Procter & Gamble, the company invested U.S. $ 1.5 billion annual R & D funding, developed a staggering 2.7 million patents, but only 10% utilization; really market success of innovative products ratio, it can only be maintained at about 35% of the industry average level. Procter & Gamble has been trying to resolve this dilemma, how to seek patents for a large number of external demand for those? How to break the closed laboratory For numerous R & D
to meet consumer demand for more technology and services?
stage or not to hold the middle of the creative, innovative thinking in the open under the auspices of the sale of P & G made a bold "burden patent" slogan. In order to improve the efficient use of P & Gpatents, Lafley has developed a standard: If a P & G's patent within three years has not been any departments within the company, then will sell it to others, even competitors. In this regard,
some people may find it difficult to accept, in fact, P & G is smart to own less than a good idea at the right place to achieve value, and also in achieving win-win for the Procter & Gamble profit. For example, Procter & Gamble developed a
"controlled-release transdermal drug delivery" technology for people with diabetes can be the same as plaster attached directly to the skin of drug treatment. P & G
to sell on the professional website, a special study of drug transfer of small companies eventually become P & G's business partner. Again, P & G will
Mangosteen extract used in beverage products of the patent, it makes a lot of a Chinese company to become the top supplier of beverage brands. In addition to the sale of patents, P & G open innovation on the road but also with extraordinary courage and determination to achieve win-win goal: cooperation with competitors! In the Asian market, with Sophie, Mommy Baby brand in Japan Unicharm (Unicharm) Procter & Gamble in the feminine care products and diapers products of competitors, but Unicharm a major face of the Japanese market, speed and easy clean dust
Shan P & G's interest was aroused. hand onto the path of cooperation.
Soon, this former deep-seated antagonists Procter & Gamble not only requires Unicharm
help themselves to build a factory in Canada, exactly the same production line, or even to restore the use of the latter kind of product advertising. The
partnership called the P & G open innovation model: P & G is equivalent to creating a new product category, not to improve on almost into the North American market, and has achieved great success; with the product is patented Unicharm Procter & Gamble by the strong global sales network, to promote local innovations to the world. Now, P & G open innovation has reached a virtuous cycle of win-win level, P & G's partners in the directory, the name of more and more competitors. "Creative Bazaar" turned out to When creating your own Web site open innovation "Creative Bazaar" In the past, P & G is the use of intermediary companies in most sites and other research institutes and the establishment of personal contact. Procter & Gamble in
InnoCentive, Yet2 and NineSigma to play on sites such as solving the people's role in non-public forum, anonymous posting, describe their problems and give the reward. Anyone can see this information, if he can provide a solution and selected by Procter & Gamble, it can "Chunghwa Cigarette", and get reward. Similar success
stories abound, the most typical of Spin Brush electric toothbrush technology is P & G through the intermediary of the network from an inventor in the hands of spending $ 475 million bought. Rotating electric toothbrushes inexpensive simple
listing of popular, so a row of traditional toothbrush suddenly eclipsed. Harvard Business School study shows that P & G issued to the outside world for help, about 29% of the problem will be resolved in three weeks. In 2006, more
than half of the P & G's new products and technologies to achieve through this approach. In 2007, it received individual entrepreneurs, universities, research
institutes and companies to submit more than 5,000 ideas, including more than 200 ideas into new products and have been listed. targets to achieve the ratio increased to 50%. Currently, the new financial These techniques rely on an
intermediary site, Procter & Gamble and a number of worldwide scientists and engineers to become friends, R & D productivity increased nearly 60 percent, innovation success rate more than twice, and innovative cost reduction by 20%. Buying technology solutions through an intermediary Web site experience for P & G to get inspired, R & D room down the walls, change for the joint development of
independent research and development, global recruitment for the creative use of open innovation and external intelligence solutions company, consumer needs. In
October 2007, Procter & Gamble developed its own 2.0 "Creative Bazaar "---" Contact + Development" website, and eventually became the core of its open innovation strategy. P & G through this is called "creative market," the Web site, whether business or research institutions, and even ordinary consumers, could become the world's largest consumer products company partners. needs and innovations. Here, you can browse the P & G's
If your hand is just in line with P & G's innovation needs,
they can follow the prompts to submit plans and obtain a response within 8 weeks. Did not receive a response before the program can be reviewed at any time of landing system check. P & G's eyes, the right programs can be a suitable P & G's
innovative products, a new technology, a new business model, and even creative trademarks, packaging and design. In addition to providing creative assets for P
& G's partners, hoping to obtain permission to use P & G's trademarks, technology and other innovations were the same assets can be "creative market," and this multi-national corporations to become friends. As of April 2009, "Creative Bazaar" English website collected more than 3700 programs, there are dozens of projects into the depth of the assessment part of Procter & Gamble. However, in the "Contact + development" programs received
worldwide website, less than 20 from China, from the Japanese market is also only 30. How to tap the creative power and take advantage of Asia, Procter & Gamble is In March 2009, P & G
also now published in Chinese and Japanese sites in mind.
launched the "Contact + development" in Chinese and Japanese websites, this innovative magic moved to Asia. A pleasant surprise is, less than half the time,
the Chinese Web site has exceeded 10,000 page views, proposals submitted through this platform more than 20, close to the English websiteon-line access to programs in China since the total number. In the traditional closed world of innovation, P & G had Swordsman; in the wave of open innovation, P & G is also the courage to break the rules, out of a distinctive way of innovation. As the leading P & G out of the path of open
innovation Lafley said: "P & G hopes to create the basis of both internal and intellectual property, information structure there MediaTek creating intellectual partners; Procter & Gamble and the laboratory to break the two-pronged approach, the invention is not intended to find creation, but find that the market opportunity, the ultimate goal is to create value for consumers


