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发布时间:2012-10-17      阅读次数:1624


Wael A. Yousuf


Despite the considerable contributions in the developing world relevant to the development of sustainable environments, the concept of sustainable architecture is yet not widely considered within most of the developing communities whose priority lies with the immediate resolutions of many existing problems. This paper aims to analyze the challenges and applicability of sustainable architecture concepts in developing countries in order to develop a strategy to create a more sustainable built environment. It represents a pragmatic approach to investigate the role that indigenous practices and heritage-inspired architectural solutions as key elements in this respect. The study suggests that utilization of scientific studies conducted on these traditional features and solutions in the early design stages and a computer-aided adaptation using the available software can introduce a much progressive and environmentally-aware architecture. As well, the study supposes that rational and pragmatic practices should be executed through an integrative approach to produce a synthesis of both pre-industrial and high tech-based design. This approach may confer a new dimension of hybridism to a distinct regional architecture. It might result in a much more ecologically-aware built environment as well as maintain a high level of self-consciousness.


Sustainable architecture; challenges; heritage inspiration; computational adaptation.


Many historical practices and indigenous architectural solutions have reflected a great sense of environmental and social sustainability, with respect to the technical advancement, economic and socio-political aspects. Nevertheless, in most of the post-modern revivalist movements, emphasis was placed on the stylistic approach and typologies of historical architecture, and analysis was focused on the cultural and stylistic authenticity. Little emphasis was placed upon functional, climatic and socio-spatial aspects. On the contrary, the functionally-oriented contributions have, to an extent, reflected a limited fundamentalist approach to the role which vernacular architecture can play, through a continuous process of straight revivalism. As illustrated in fig. 1, the limited conservative approach towards heritage contextualization and symbolic meanings of regression are the major challenges facing indigenous architecture.

The scope of this paper hence is limited to review the challenges and applicability of sustainable architecture in developing countries and the relevance of indigenous solutions in this respect. This would be accomplished through a major two-step process as expanded within the next few pages. The first step involves an overview of the architectural situation in the developing world, the generic perception of sustainability in context, and both economic and cultural challenges. However, the second step is dedicated to review examples of the potentially sustainable qualities in the indigenous features in relation to both climatic and cultural aspects. The last part of this paper suggests a conceptual framework for adaptation of these inherited features through conducting deliberate scientific researches and employment of the available computer-aided design tools.

This paper introduces three major hypotheses. First of all is that architecture should be conceptually influenced by its heritage along with the available technology. Combining both strategies would optimize the advantages of each. Secondly, passive environmental systems require considerations in the early design stages, initial decisions about orientation, form, and materiality, which cost nothing, yet lead to increased sustainability. The third hypothesis targets the human element. Such a functional approach will add a new evolutionary dimension to the stylistic aspects, which can change the ingrained perception of these features asimages from the past. The result might be an emphasis on cultural authenticity and increased self-consciousness. The assumed influence over the holistic approach of sustainability could be concluded through fig. 2.

Generic Architectural Situation in the Developing World and Sustainable Architecture in Response

The situation of contemporary architecture, in the majority of developing countries, exists between two extremes: an unconscious adoption of advanced international designs on one side and the stylistic revitalization of classical forms of architecture on the other. Most significant are those attempts which try to create a contemporary synthesis of the two. However, the architectural situation in developing countries is almost characterized by both decline in innovation and break down of traditions. This has led to a continuous process of copying, whether temporally from the past or geographically from the West regardless of both regional and cultural identities. Most of the recent projects are governed by this collective consciousness. The overall results hence were un-functional stylistic transplants and strange hybrids.

The boom in construction technology led to increased consumption of energy and resources that exceeded all expectations. Consequently, this necessitates investigation of alternative methods of design in order to achieve better management of natural resources and reduce the damage caused to the environment. Today, as at no other time, there is a critical need tore-evaluate the architectural situation and to maintain a sustainable development policy which demonstrates aspects of economical, ecological, and socio-political dimensions. However, the initial cost of the new technology associated with concepts of sustainability is comparatively high and the economic feasibility of adopting such method remains unclear to real estate investors in developing countries. A sustainable built environment, however, could be more derivative and related to the regional heritage and the social collective memory.

Perception of Sustainability and Challenges Within

The concept of architectural sustainability attracted some architects since it represents a new trend that addresses the desire for excellence. Many developers pursue to adopt principles of sustainable architecture mostly citing the experiences of industrialized countries. However, in spite of many contributions in this  field, the practices remain limited and theoretically un-integrated. The problem of the applicability of these ideas lies in how the architects perceive them, and the adoption of such method without adequate assessments of regional convenience. The methodology of adopting these concepts recalls what was followed with the international style that emerged with the ascendancy of modernism. Internationalism dominated the stylistic consciousness of most architects, and therefore, a breakdown of traditions and lack of identity were evident and a strong apprehension was imposed regarding regionalism and self-consciousness.

The techniques that were developed in Europe and the United States might not be commensurate with the natural conditions of different regions, and more importantly, they might contradict what was authentically understood as principles of sustainability. These methods and techniques require adaptation to achieve the desired convenience. Also they may require different environmental solutions due to the different climatic conditions. Such adaptation might lead, in terms of both style and materials, to significantly different practices, or even the opposite of what was originally adopted.

In terms of morphology, many local architects adopt the method as forms and expressions, not as content and principles. In many cases they follow a systematic approach of adopting nonregional imported architectural ideas without taking into account the direct relationship to their environment and its natural and cultural context. Hence, what began in the West as an alternative to save energy and an attempt to create a built environment that respects the ecological and environmental aspects, may be turned into a mere imported architectural style that ultimately lacks local peculiarities. However, challenges of sustainability, as shown in fig. 1, could be discussed mainly on economic and cultural levels.

Economic Challenges

The boom in urban and architectural development and increased investments in the real estate industry in many developing countries, such as in the Middle East, were both associated with high consumption of relatively cheap energy. However, the initial cost of the new technology associated with the progressive sustainable designs is comparativelyhigh and the economic feasibility of adoptingsuch methods remains unclear to real estateinvestors. This resulted in the investors ignoringthe possibility of alternative energy sources, aswell as a lack of serious consideration of the useand development of construction techniquesthat would significantly reduce the wasting ofenergy, unless through the imposed domesticregulations. In addition to the high initial cost,the projects in which these technologies areemployed usually encounter maintenanceand operating problems due to the lack ofsupporting industries and local expertise,resulting in a necessity to rely on foreign expertsand outsourcing, which contradicts the basicprinciples of sustainability.

Cultural Challenges

In addition to the previously mentionedfinancial constraints, sustainable design is notyet a culturally accepted concept within thedeveloping communities whose priority lieswith the immediate resolutions of the society’smany existing problems. The concepts ofsustainability then are not seriously adoptedas essential design requirements of manyowners and stakeholders. “Many buildings areoccupied by a succession of temporary ownersor renters, each unwilling to make long-termimprovements that would mostly benefit futureoccupants” (Brown, Southworth& Stovall, 2005p. 4). Furthermore, the architects themselvesare not encouraged to acquaint themselveswith such an approach due to the lack ofenvironmental orientation, regulations, andrelevant building codes.


威尔 A 约瑟夫






很多早期的当地建筑都反映出了当时的设计者对环境和社会可持续发展的关注度,同时,他们也考虑到了技术发展、经济和社会政治等要素。然而,在很多后现代的复旧运动中,关注的重点在早期建筑的形态设计理念和类型,分析的重点也放在文化和设计的原真性上。却很少有人关注早期建筑的功能性,气候和空间限制因素。而相反的是,在直接复古主义浪潮的过程中,注重功能性的建筑则在某种程度上反映出了设计者们用的是局限的基要主义方法看待本土建筑作用。如下所列:1. 本土建筑面临的主要挑战来自于对传统情景化和复古现象的象征意义局限而保守的看法。


本文主要提出3中假设。第一种是现代建筑的设计理念必须融合早期建筑特点和现代科技手段。结合两种方案可以优势互补,相互提升。第二点,被动控制系统中应在设计初期就决定设计侧重点,外观和建筑材料等,这不会花费一分一毫,而且会提高稳固性。第三点是考虑人为因素。这种功能法带来了一种新的设计风格,从而能改变早期沿袭下的根深蒂固的旧设计理念。带来的改变就是建筑更有传统文化气息和个人特性。可能对可持续性带来的改变如图所示。 2.











出了上述的经济上的挑战,可持续发展的建筑理念还没有被广泛采用,大部分发展中国家依然将工作重心放在如何快速解决现有问题上。很多业主和利益相关者并没有认真考虑将可持续性发展理念作为设计要求的重点。”很多房子都是被临时租住的,临时住户们都不愿意做一些永久性的改善,因为他们认为这些改善最大的收益者可能是以后的住户。“(布朗,索斯沃斯和斯托瓦,2005刊)4). 另外,因为缺乏相关环境保护法规和建筑法规,建筑家们自己也不愿学习这种方法。




以一个内部庭院集中布局为例,可显著提高建筑物的潜在功率。它有助于温和极端气候带来的不便,避免阳光直射,提供对流通风和气流。此外,它提供了隐私和舒适的户外空间享受温和的小气候(见图4)。“许多文学作品中的庭院建筑形式能够回应炎热干燥气候环境带来的变化,尽管有很多明显的逻辑,大部分这类说法都比较模糊,并且主要来源于传闻、定性观察和常识。“(Ratti,Raydan & Steamer,2003, 第54页)。例如,庭院建筑的高度和地面之间的相互关系要准确量化。因此,目前可用的科学技术、预算、观察以及远远不够了。通过实验科研科学量化意义重大,可以将该问题进一步阐释清楚。



“乡土建筑应该遗弃,居住这些建筑相当不舒适。“(Karaosman,1996,第9页)。在这里,问题是对重新评价对本土主义的坚持。这些问题主要包括乡土建筑的本质,被动环境反应和人类行为的关系。“乡土建筑和人类行为之间的关系是什么?理解建筑的基本性质是否要抛开建筑环境中关于被动环境反应的分析?“(Turan,1988,第135页)。然而, 以Fathy哈桑为例,Fathy是埃及在这个领域的先锋人物,取得的成绩无疑是显著的。他试图引进一个理性的并且为地区接受的环境体系结构,同时能够感知对经济环境和区域传统。以最低的成本和最可利用材料、泥砖、使用继承传统特色创建出来的环保建筑(见图5)。“乡土建筑的经济性依赖于原材料和能源。它的优点是用当地的材料与技术,而且是人类和某个时代的长期试验过程。“(Gulmez,2007第三页)。不过,他的可持续发展观点并没有得到文化上得认可,其原因是他的观点带有贫困的象征意义,同时缺乏官方的支持和推广。


发展中国家在这一领域最大的贡献在仅局限于个体建筑的研究和实践,无论是采用单一途径,或者是采用进步或保守方式。毫无疑问,应该采用理性、务实的做法,通过一个综合方案将上述两种方法合成在一起。但是,高科技设计受到各种经济方面的制约,包括政府补贴等条件的制约。然而,在过去几十年计算设计繁荣的时期,我们可以选择“改善,现代化和传统建筑技术,建筑设计和定居模式”这种方式(Plessis 1999,第6页)。因此,本土实践和受传统文化启发的解决方案能有意识地介入到当代建筑设计中。“现在我们面临让一种新的建筑理念继续成长的困难,但我们必须意识到。在过去,这种在过去存在的建筑理念,必须有意识地创造出来。”(Doxiadis,1963,第136页)。这个过程可以在早期设计阶段,在短时间内通过运用适用的计算实验工具实现,如各种能源仿真程序和气流预测方法。



“在过去的五十年里,已经有数以百计的建筑物能源计划得到发展,提高和使用”(Crawley,Hand, Kummert& Griffith, 2005, 2005,第231页)。通过序列计算实验可以量化建筑物许多方面的潜在能力,因此可以更实际的准确提出评估特点的优点。这样一个科学的流程,可以提出建筑物更多的精确评估,如耐用性、阻燃、节能和保温。从而提高建筑设计的解决方案。最后可以思考下列事项:建筑维护结构的优化,建筑定位,建筑材料和模式,最大化的采光,被动冷却和空气对流。




