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发布时间:2012-10-30      阅读次数:1332

 审计统计报告-中英对照

 审计统计
 开发支持
1. 提供可视化的凭证打印格式设计工具,提高凭证套打的开发效率。
2. 提供完备的AJAX客户端开发框架,将JavaScript及DOM处理的底层机制完全封装,提供类似于Java语言的API,降低开发难度。
3. 提供丰富的界面显示控件库,满足不同种类数据展现和操作的需求。每种控件提供标准的操作API,便于开发。
4. 提供可配置的外设控制控件,只需按照实施所需的外设硬件型号提供对应的驱动文件既可正常使用,方便快捷。
1.1.1 产品特色与优势 业务特点
 建立了统一的客户界面
 建立了统一的柜面业务管理方式
 支持岗位、权限、授权方式的灵活定义
Teller产品支持灵活地设置网点的岗位及权限,支持全行柜员的统一管理和网点的自我管理,为防范银行的操作风险、改善网点作业模式创造了条件。 技术特点
 产品成熟稳定,业务功能全
 支持基于SOA架构的集成
 高度组件化,业务功能、操作界面可配置,资源重用度高,系统灵活性强
 分离界面设计开发与业务逻辑实现,支持两者并行,提高开发效率,降低维护成本
 可扩展性、易维护性

1.2 应用整合平台与企业服务总线
1.2.1 产品发展介绍
SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)是面向服务的系统架构,通过在计算环境中进行设计、开发、部署和管理的服务模型,将应用程序的不同功能单元封装为服务,使用定义良好的接口和协议联系起来。其中接口采用中立的方式进行定义,并独立于实现服务的硬件平台、操作系统和编程语言,使得构建在各种系统中的服务可以用一种统一和通用的方式进行交互。SOA是动态IT的实现方式,它的价值在于跨越了不同应用系统、不同技术整合。SOA实现的关键之处在于不再重点考虑以技术为中心的细粒度实现,而是专注于以业务为中心的服务和流程。服务符合标准的接口和规范,具备松散耦合和可复用的特点,并可因未来业务流程的变换而采取可定制的服务编排,因而很大程度上减少了系统之间的技术依赖性,增加了银行基础IT架构的灵活性和透明性。
现阶段神州数码的应用整合平台Sm@rtIntegrator已发展到5.5版本,产品基于对SOA理念的深刻理解和实践经验所得,整体架构体现了SOA的设计理念,坚持开放、松藕合的设计原则,通过与企业服务总线产品Sm@rtESB的有机组合为服务整合平台,将应用整合平台与企业服务总线的集成能力和服务管理无缝地结合在一起,通过提供基于企业服务总线的应用整合服务,来建设现代银行IT架构中最基本的连接中枢,构筑起银行IT系统的架构基础。平台基于SOA理念,通过服务整合实现全行应用整合,为银行未来的应用系统建设奠定基础并建立标准,并可以加快配置和部署,简化在SOA中共享服务的管理。同时服务总线为核心业务系统及其它金融服务产品提供服务的共享,规范统一的对外接口,实现 SOA 的核心架构功能。
1.2.2 产品架构
神州数码将通过应用整合平台与企业服务总线为杭州银行提供一个面向服务的基础IT架构,不但能够提高银行的IT敏捷性,而且能使技术部门以较低的成本来满足日益丰富和灵活的业务需要。应用整合平台使“服务端点”本身不必再管理服务之间的交互,通过服务总线来方便的扩展服务,消除专门编写的点对点、硬编码实现的脆弱性,以及带来的高昂变更代价。通过服务总线开发人员不再需要在各个服务端点构建集成和中介服务,如路由、协议代理、转化、安全策略和SLA(Service Level Agreement,服务级别协议)质量策略,只需通过Sm@rtESB配置这些策略即可,从而可以有效地加快操作类应用系统的建设速度。企业服务总线将提供智能化消息代理,可实现动态路由和转换,支持异构的服务端点,具有服务生命期管理能力(包括服务注册、监控和设定界限的SLA 实施)。


图表 50 应用整合平台与企业服务总线应用架构图
Sm@rtESB是一个面向服务的企业级应用平台,拥有完备的产品线、充分验证的解决方案和实施方案,具备整套SOA架构下应用开发规范和工具。产品支持异构环境中的服务、消息,以及基于事件的交互,并且具有适当的服务级别和可管理性,实现应用、服务的整合,服务整合平台将提供智能化消息代理,可实现动态路由和转换,支持异构的服务端点,具有服务生命期管理能力。Sm@rtESB通过XML Cache机制保障系统的高效运行,完美的解决了系统的性能问题。
Sm@rtIntegrator内置的服务机制实现与Sm@rtESB的报文转换与交互,并负责复合交易的服务组装,同时提供服务和流程的监控管理。应用整合平台采用Sm@rtIntegrator提供的应用系统的适配器与应用系统通讯,同时通过神州数码的MBSD Proceser对应用系统私有的数据格式进行转换,将服务请求转发到服务总线;或将具体应用系统的服务请求翻译为应用系统的数据格式,并以应用系统的通讯方式转发给应用系统。
1.2.3 功能介绍
图表 51 Sm@rtIntegrator功能层次结构示意图
 总线基础服务框架,为企业服务总线提供一致性保证、安全等基础的技术手段,框架基于第三方的中间件产品和应用服务容器,针对银行集成应用的实际特点,提供性能、可靠性和扩展能力方面的保证;
 基础集成服务,提供总线基础的通讯连接、信息转换、服务路由、日志流水记录、流量服务、附件支持等基础的集成服务功能;
 集成服务,针对集成各类集成需求的特点提供标准服务模式、服务代理、批量模式等多种集成服务模式,还提供跨系统的流水核对这样的应用层次的服务功能;
 流程控制,在集成服务基础上实现服务的封装、重用、服务组合、服务调度、流程优化和流程开发;
 服务管理,提供应用层面的服务管理、权限控制、监控管理、流量管理、故障隔离、服务报告、服务SLA等功能,这些是金融服务总线的高级应用。


Audit and count
aaaa offers the way that can be disposed , help users customize and develop the output of the daily record in the course of the procedure , users can be according to the needs of trade, in the procedure operates different positions, transfer the daily record module , write down the implementation in the trade operation course.
aaaa offers the way that can be disposed, sets up the trade needing to register the daily record of the trade and daily record content ; Support divided by is it operate financial transaction any to inquire , trade record of daily record of financial transaction.
 aaaa supports and counts and follows the trail of the trade situation through the key element of any transaction daily record . For example code names of persons who pass the cupboard, the code name of the trade, organization's code name , the amount of money of the trade, trade date, authorizing the sign, the sign that the trade succeeds in failing, wash and conclude the business and waiting for making wantonly up and inquiring about counting .
Develop and support
1. aaaa offers good , high-efficient development to support the change in order to reply the site business with rapid change of ability , include mainly:
2. Offer the visual evidence to type the form design tool , raise a set of development efficiency typed of evidence.
3. Offer the complete AJAX customer end to develop the frame , the complete encapsulation of mechanism of ground floor dealing with JavaScript and DOM, offer API similar to Java, reduce and develop the degree of difficulty .
4. Offer the abundant interface to show the controlling part storehouse , meet the demand not represented and operating with the kind data. Each kind of controlling part offers operation API of the standard, it is easy to develop .
Offer the peripheral hardware that can be disposed to control the controlling part, only need to set up the type of the hardware and offer the corresponding drive file and can already be used normally necessary outside according to implementing, convenient and swift.
1.1.1 The technologies for ground floor the encapsulation more, make developer unable to need not defining last logic already display position and corresponding incident of controlling part for interface only but, reduce and develop the work load, guarantee to submit fast. Characteristic of the products and advantage
 Business characteristic
Have set up unified customer's interface
 To managing commonly and the private customer's materials centralizedly in unison, each customer is in the only brass-wind instrument of customer of the whole bank. Customer all static behavior, multidate information in bank can record more. Thus e condition analysis for the thing that the bank launches customer's contribution degree analysis , customer's trading activity analysis , products contribution degree analysis , products operating position analysis fed. Created conditions that customer's difference is served too at the same time .
Have set up the management style of the business unified cupboard
 The persons who support the comprehensive cupboard make, the business is managed in unison the cupboard, cover the home currency and foreign currency, on bank , all kinds of business from the bank ,etc., may offer for launching a cupboard openly, the service quality and efficiency of serving have offered systematic support in order to improve the cupboard.
Support the post , authority , authorize the flexible definition of the way Teller products support and set up the post and authority of the site in a flexible way , the managing oneself of the unified management and site of the persons who support the whole bank cupboard, has created conditions for taking precautions against the operation risk of the bank, improving the homework mode in the site.
 Technological characteristic
The ripe stability of the products, the business is with complete function
 On the basis of supporting the traditional site business to run in an all-round way , offer the strong functions of management of business and multiple new business support functions; The products succeed in operating and using the scene in each banking, the customer is numerous in quantity , systematic performance and function stability are verified through the real business.
Support and integrate because of what SOA is built up
 Use the products independently as one, adopt and face the framework design method to serve (SOA ), backstage supporter's business logic is released to the outside through the standard method of service, the convenient integration with other outside system.
High package, business function , disposition of can operate interfacing, resource put in an position degree high, the systematic flexibility is strong
 The interface is designed to adopt package way, collect the public part of the interface to put in an position as the package of the interface, still support interfaces to operate the flexible disposition of the procedure , the interface demand difference that can match the products customer while implementing fast at the same time . Meanwhile, the public part logic to business treatment too collects the package , will change and strip by way of disposing the file to define partly, thus realize that deals with the putting to the logic in common use in an position of the package .
Separate interfaces and design and develop realizing with business logic, support the two to run side by side, improve the efficiency of developing, reduce and safeguard the cost
 The front interface is developed and absorbed in the form of expression of the interface and incident controlling, and support and put in an position through the package storehouse; Backstage supporter's business logic is dealt with and developed and totally separated with the interface; After two parts of jobs run side by side and finish, it is related to pass the way of disposing ; While guaranteeing to develop efficiency , reduce the work load of safeguarding systematically and adjustment.
Expansibility, easy safeguarding
1.2 Adjust the mechanism through the interface that puts in an position and flexible of the interface, guarantee it on the minimum developing amount and foundation of adjusting the work load , meet the customer to the function difference or the demand for the new function fast; Offer it to the control of the operation state of the system and recovery mechanism, guarantee to upgrade the edition in do not shut down cases.
1.3.1 Use and combine the platform and enterprises service bus
The products develop the introduction
The number of the Divine Land uses the solution provider as the bank leading at home, there are ripe and overall whole financial product solution frameworks, among them has used and combined the serial products Sm@rtIntegrator of platform and gone through from the point-to-point leading system that integrated, get to the integrated platform of application of EAI mode, reach the development course based on enterprises service bus platform that SOA builds up , pay close attention to customer's demand origin and technological development trend closely , is upgrading constantly, devoted to offering the advanced and ripe and steady systematic products to bank customer.
SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture ) faces the systematic framework served, service model through designing in calculating the environment , developing , disposing and management, for serve, is it define good interface and connected agreement to use different function unit encapsulation of application program. Among them the interface adopts neutrality way to define, and is independent of the hardware platform , operating system and programming language realizing being served, can be carried on to construct and is built in the service in various kinds of systems mutually to make. SOA is a realization way of dynamic IT, its value lies in crossing over different application systems, not combining with technology. Lie in not considering especially again that the detailed grain size taking technology as the centre is realized the key place where SOA realizes, but absorbed in with business serving the centre and procedure. It accords with standard interface and norm , the characteristic that possess loose coupling and can be replied and used to serve, and but because business procedure in the future varies and adopts very customized service to grade , therefore has reduced the technological dependence between the systems to a great extent , has increased flexibility and transparency that basic IT of bank builds up.
1.3.2 The application of the number of the Divine Land combines platform Sm@rtIntegrator and already develops into 5.5 editions at the present stage, the products build up the design idea which has reflected SOA wholly on the basis of to deep understanding and practical experience income of SOA idea , insist on the design principle that the open , loose lotus root is shut, through with the making organically up in order to serve and combine the platform of bus products Sm@rtESB of enterprises service, will use integrated ability and service management of combining the platform and enterprises service bus not to conbine together sewing, through offering the application based on enterprises service bus to combine and serve , to build the most basic connection centre in the modern bank IT framework, construct the framework foundation of the bank IT system. The platform combines realizing that the application of the whole bank is combined through serving because of SOA idea , establish the foundation that the application system in the future of the bank is built and set up the standard, and can accelerate disposing and disposing , simplify the management sharing serving in SOA. It is the sharing that key business system and other financial service product provide service to serve buses at the same time, the foreign interface with unified norm, realize that the core of SOA builds up the function.
Framework of the products
The number of the Divine Land will combine the platform and enterprises service bus and offer a service -oriented basic IT framework for bank of Hangzhou through using, not only can improve IT agility of the bank but also can make the engineering department meet abundant and flexible business day by day's needs with lower cost . Is it combine platform make needn't " serve extreme point " itself again between the management service mutual to use, through serving the convenient expansion service that the bus comes , dispel the fragility that the point-to-point , hard code written specially realizes, and the high change cost brought. Do not need in each service end a little more to structure integrating and intermediary sevices through serving the bus developer, if act as agent in route , agreement, transforms , safe tactics and SLA (Service Level Agreement , the agreement of rank of service ) quality tactics, only need to dispose these tactics through Sm@rtESB, thus can accelerate the construction speed of the operating type application system effectively . The enterprises service bus will offer intelligent news to act as agent , can realize the dynamic route and change , support different service extreme point that construct, is it serve life issues of managerial ability to have (is it is it register , control and establish SLA of demarcation line not to implement to serve to include).


Chart  50 uses and combines the platform and enterprises service bus and uses and builds up pursueing
Digital enterprises service bus products Sm@rtESB of Divine Land supports the platform of ground floor facing application system served, can solve and construct the interconnection between the systems differently , enterprise layer application implement stage by stage, stock system utilize , organize standardization , procedure , association and person who expand question systematically that serve that rank serve, risk and investment that the reducing system is implemented, and it is facing service to offer and develop the norm and tool.
Sm@rtESB is that one faces the enterprise layer application platform served, there are complete product line , solution that fully proves and implementing scheme, possess a whole set of SOA and build up application and development norm and tool. Products support different service , news to construct environment, and mutual because of incident, and have the proper rank of service and very managerial , realize the merger that is used , serving, serving and combining the platform will offer intelligent news to act as agent , can realize the dynamic route and change , support the different service extreme point that constructs, serve a managerial ability of life. Sm@rtESB ensures the high-efficient operation of the system through XML Cache mechanism, the perfect one has solved the systematic performance problem.
It is mutual to adopt API way and Queue within ESB, the outside is carried on mutually through JMS agreement and Queue, users can already choose the Sm@rtMessaging products of the number of the Divine Land to realize exchanging with the news of the outside system , can realize information mutually through a product the middle standard interface and other news too. Sm@rtESB can support distributed to dispose also, is it register information put among database and as is it register target keep enduringly to serve to serve, can increase and serve the information of registering through API , and adopt the way in which the data list information of the database move ahead simultaneously to realize that the service information between a lot of ESB move ahead simultaneously, can visit all already registration services through ESB while guaranteeing to serve users.
From can see to pursue to have that serve the container and is divided into two kinds to build up, one serves the container here, namely the service container of local registration service in Sm@rtESB; Another kind serves the container publicly, serve the container for the outside that uses Connector to join correspondingly. Serve the container with serve the container to set up and serve and join publicly through Connector here, thus the localization of realizing the outside and serving publicly is transfered.
1.3.3 Sm@rtIntegrator built-in service mechanism realizes that is changed and mutual with the newspaper document of Sm@rtESB, and is responsible for compounding the service of the trade is assembled, the control with the procedure is managed to provide service at the same time. Use and combine the adapter that adopts application system that Sm@rtIntegrator offers in the platform and application system communication, change through the data form of MBSD Proceser of the number of the Divine Land privately owned to the application system at the same time , will serve and ask to transmit to and serve buses ; Or ask to translate the service of the concrete application system as the data form of the application system, and transmit to the application system by way of communication of the application system.
Introduction to the function
Use and combine the platform and enterprises service bus and can be divided from the function into five levels:
 Chart  51Hierarchical structure sketch map of the function
 The basic service frame of the bus , the technological means to offer for enterprises service bus foundations , such as consistency assurance , security ,etc., the frame integrates the real characteristic used to the bank on the basis of a product of the middle and using serving the container of the third party's, offer performance , dependability and assurance of expanding ability ;
 The foundation is integrated and served, offer the basic communication of buses to connect , information changes , serves the route , flowing water writing down , integrated service function on the foundation that flow service , enclosure are supported ,etc. of daily record ;
 Integrate and serve, offer many kinds of integrated service modes , such as standard service mode , service acting as agent , batch mode ,etc. to the characteristic of integrating all kinds of integrated demands, offer and step the systematic service function of checking such an application level of flowing water ;
 The procedure is controlled, the encapsulation , putting in an position , serving that realizes being served on the basis of integrating and serving makes up, serves dispatcher , procedure optimizing and procedure development;
Serve and manage, the management , authority control , control management to offer service of using the aspect, the function that flow management , trouble isolate , serving the report , service SLA ,etc., these are the advanced application of the financial service bus .


