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发布时间:2012-11-14      阅读次数:2110

海水预处理加药需1m3/h的连续加药流量即可达到2.0 mg/l。
反渗透加药需1m3/h的连续加药流量即可达到2.0 mg/l。
第二节 主要设备工作原理和技术规范
海水升压泵选用大连耐酸泵LH型立式、单级单吸液下泵,数量为3台。型 号LH50—400;流   量:34m3/h;压 力0.35 MPa;轴  长: 4.5 m;海水升压泵的轴、轴套及叶轮材质选用进口316L不锈钢。立式长轴液下泵轴承采用进口产品;电机转速为1450r/min。
- 反冲洗时不需停机,且反冲洗所用海水量很少。
● 过滤器上盖可方便拆卸,便于滤网的维修。
● 独特的滤网结构防止杂质堵塞,抗机械磨损和流体冲刷能力强。
● 滤网和反冲洗组件的分离消除了损坏的可能性。
● 进口316L不锈钢本体保证了较强的耐海水腐蚀性能和较长的使用寿命。
● 反冲洗组件的低惯性保证了最低的能耗。
● 排污阀采用电动球阀,反冲洗时球阀自动打开,冲洗完毕后球阀自动关闭。
阳极反应:         2Cl—2e→Cl2                    (1)
阴极反应:         2H2O+2e→2OH-+H2↑           (2)
电解槽极间反应:   Cl2+ 2NaOH→2NaClO+H2↑       (3)
电流效率:     ³83%
直流电耗:      £3.76kWh/kg
交流电耗:      £4.43kWh/kg
阳极累计使用时间:    ³43800h
酸洗周期:    ³1080h
电解槽是采用Seven-Trent De Nora公司最新技术制造的SC400/1型单极式网状透明结构的国产海水电解槽。

数量: 2套
有效氯产率: ≥65 kg/h.套
阳极寿命: ≥5 年
阴极寿命: ≥20 年
析氯电位 ≤1.13V(S.C.E)
交流电耗 ≤3.76kW•h/kg•Cl2
直流电耗 ≤4.43kW•h/kg•Cl2
电极材料: 阳极采用DSA﹫阳极(进口)
酸洗周期: ≥1080h

1) 次氯酸钠溶液贮存罐的设计充分考虑气液分离空间。贮存罐的结构便于氢气的安全排放和沉淀物的排出。罐上配备液位计,该液位计具有就地显示和信号远传功能。罐体贮液容积保证满足4小时贮存够单台机组一次冲击加药所需用量加两台机组连续加药10min.缓冲容量之和的1.15倍容量。
2) 次氯酸钠溶液贮存罐室外布置,其材质应采用不透光的耐次氯酸钠溶液腐蚀的材料制造,外壁能抗老化、防盐雾腐蚀。
3)  次氯酸钠溶液贮存罐除具有正常运行所需接口外,还应配有液位测量及控制接口、排污接口、脱氢接口、溢流接口及人孔等。
a. 稀释氢气至1%以下并排入大气中。

数量: 2台
结构材料: 钢衬胶
结构型式: 立式、锥底、椭圆顶
有效容积: 50m3
附件: 人孔、就地液位指示、药液进口、药液出口、进风口、溢流管道、排污口等
外部连接方式: 法兰

 连续加药泵 冲击加药泵 海水预处理加药泵 反渗透加药泵
数量 3台 2台 2台 2台
结构型式 卧式离心泵 卧式离心泵 隔膜泵 卧式离心泵
过流部分材质 氟塑料合金 氟塑料合金 PVDF 氟塑料合金
适用介质 NaClO溶液 NaClO溶液 NaClO溶液 NaClO溶液
电机 防爆 防爆 防爆 防爆
流量 29m3/h 72m3/h 2m3/h 7.5m3/h
扬程 0.25Mpa 0.25Mpa 0.5Mpa 0.3Mpa
型号         40FSB-25氟合金泵泵
流量:     3.6 m3/h
扬程:     0.25 Mpa
电机功率: 2.2 kw
数量: 1台
容积: 1.5m3
结构材料: 钢衬胶
结构型式: 立式、平底
附件: 就地液位指示、药液进口、药液出口、酸雾出口、排污口等
外部连接方式: 法兰

数量: 1台
容积: 1.5m3
结构材料: 钢衬胶
结构型式: 立式、平底
附件: 就地液位指示、药液进口、药液出口、溢流管道、排污口等
外部连接方式: 法兰
第三节 系统运行及控制

    IV. Chemical Adding Process:
Continuous chemical adding pump is used to add drugs into the sodium hypochlorite solution successively. When the solution in the sodium hypochlorite storage tank rises to a certain level, it is available to start up the impacting chemical adding pump, achieving the flow required by impacting chemical adding.
During continuous chemical adding, two units require a totally continuous chemical adding quantity of 58m3/h to maintain the effective chlorine concentration of 1ppm. The remaining sodium hypochlorous solution will be stored in the tank for impacting chemical adding. When the sodium hypochlorous solution accumulates to a certain quantity, start up the impacting chemical adding pump, keeping impacting chemical adding for 30 minutes with a flow of 72m3/h in order to obtain an effective chlorine concentration of 3ppm.
Seawater pretreatment chemical adding requires a continuous chemical adding flow of 1m3/h to achieve 2.0 mg/l.
Anti-penetrating chemical adding requires a continuous chemical adding flow of 1m3/h to achieve 2.0 mg/l.
V.Hydrogen Discharging and Sewage Draining:
After being diluted below 1%, the hydrogen air is safely discharged into the atmosphere from the outlet on the top of sodium hypochlorite storage tank.
The calcium and magnesium generated in the electrolytic process precipitate at the bottom of the sodium hypochlorite storage tank, which are discharged through the blowdown valve regularly.
VI.Acid Rinsing:
On electrolyzing seawater, it is unavoidable to generate precipitates as calcium and magnesium besides sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen gas, which accumulate on the cathode of the electrolytic cell, resulting in the increase of cell voltage, the decrease of current efficiency and the growth of power consumption as well. Therefore, it is necessary to do some acid rinsing to the electrolytic cell regularly so as to remove the precipitates on the surface of cathode. At this moment, PLC is used to analyze the running time and the abnormality of cell voltage in order to judge if acid rinsing is required. Giving alarming signal during acid rinsing and light warning on the panel of control cabinet is necessary for acid rinsing. During the course of acid rinsing, the generator will be locked till the acid rinsing is completed, which shall be unlocked automatically for standby after it. 
Operation mentioned above does not need disassemble any equipment or pipeline and do no harm to operators.

Section II Working Principle and Technical Specification of Main Equipment
I. Seawater Booster Pump:
The seawater booster pump selects Dalian Acid-resistant Pump, LH vertical type   single-stage and single-suction submergible pump, 3 sets. The model: LH50—400; the flow rate: 34m3/h; the pressure: 0.35 MPa; the axial length: 4.5m; the axle, axle sleeve and impeller of the seawater booster pump are all made of 316L stainless steel form abroad. The bearing of vertical long-axle submerged pump is an imported one; the motor speed is 1450r/min.
II.Automatic Backwashing Filter:
1.Working Principle:
Automatic backwashing filter utilizes the pressure difference of system to implement backwashing without any influence on flowing of seawater and no special cleaning fluid is required during the cleaning process. In the normal operation, crude seawater runs into sieve through the inlet of filter, all impurities with diameter larger than 0.5mm will be retained on the sieve. This process carries on until the impurities accumulate to a certain degree, which causes the increase of pressure difference, when the pressure differential controller achieves the preset value(0.035Mpa), automatic backwashing starts up. Sliding seal plate connected to the backwashing outlet will clean each part of sieve effectively. The internal pressure in the filter shell is higher than that of backwashing outlet pipe, thus some seawater flows in an opposite direction through sieve and cleans all accumulated impurities effectively, discharging them into trench through the blowdown valve.
The whole process is carried out by the differential pressure controller automatically. After all sieves of filters were cleaned, the automatic backwash cycle stops, and filters restore to the normal mode till next action of the pressure controller takes place, washing repeatedly.
2.Characteristics of Equipment:
- It is unnecessary to shut down during backwashing and the water consumption for backwashing is quite low.
 Backwashing adopts small and light motor with low power for convenience of maintenance. 
● The lid of filter shall be easily disassembled for maintenance of the sieve,
● Unique structure of sieve prevents from being blocked by impurities with strong anti-mechanical wear and anti-scour abilities.
● The possibility of damage is eliminated due to the separation of sieve and backwashing components.
● The imported 316L stainless steel has strong anti-corrosion ability to seawater and longer service life.
● The low inertia of backwashing components ensures the minimum power consumption.
● The blowdown valve adopts an electric ball valve, which opens automatically during backwashing and closes after it.
3.Equipment Specification:
ZHG56-LA Automatic Backwashing Filter, water treatment capacity is 68m3/h.
III.Sodium Hypochlorite Generator:
1.Working Principle:
The seawater that passes through the electrolytic cell shall be electrolyzed at both anode and cathode with chemical reactions as below: 
Anodic reaction:    2Cl—2e→Cl2                                    (1)
Cathodic reaction:   2H2O+2e→2OH-+H2↑                            (2)
Reaction between electrodes of electrolytic cell:   Cl2+ 2NaOH→2NaClO+H2↑ (3)
Hypochlorous acid and hypochlorous acid ion are all called effective chlorine, and prevention of sea biological defile is realized by using effective chlorine which is generated from electrolyzing seawater.
2.Characteristics of Equipment:
Lid of electrolytic cell: the lid is made of UV-resistant organic glass which is transparent so that the operator is able to directly observe chemical reactions in the cell through the lit during operation which is helpful for operators to judge and master maintenance of electrolytic cell and time of acid rinsing well.
Shell of electrolytic cell: the shell is made of PVC with perfect corrosion resistance to the sodium hypochlorite. This material possesses features of high strength, anti-aging and corrosion resistance compared with other materials with higher safety and stability, eliminating the leakage of liquid. 
Anode: the anode adopts titanium anode coated with rare metallic oxide specially for electrolyzing seawater which is a patent developed by STDN Company, i.e. DSA®. Aiming at features of water in Southeast Asia, STDN Company focuses on developing the anode for electrolyzing seawater and ensuring that the electrolytic cell can keep good chemical performance and service life within a temperature range of 10~35℃, prolonging the long acid rinsing period and improving electrolytic efficiency. The content of Mn in seawater will have no effect on the normal service life and current efficiency.
The shape of anode is a plate-net type, which increases flow of seawater as well as electrolytic efficiency. The active area of plate-net type anode is larger than that of plate type anode, which increases the yield of chlorine. The PVDF spacer separates the anode and the cathode with an optimal space so as to decrease cell voltage and energy consumption as well.
Cathode: the cathode is made of Hastelloy Alloy. The Hastelloy Alloy has better corrosion resistance than titanium in mediums of seawater and sodium hypochlorite solution, and the hydrogen-evolution potential of this alloy is 0.45V lower than titanium so the power consumption can be decreased by 10~15%. The polished surface of alloy plate reduces precipitates. Comparing with titanium cathode, hardly any hydrogen brittleness or “hydrogen evolutional corrosion thinning phenomenon” will occur during large current, it overcomes the trouble of replacing titanium cathode only using for 4~5 years and permanent application will be realized.    
Sealing: the sealing of conduct piece in the cell adopts fluorine rubber o-ring, the shell and lid are sealed with silicone rubber o-ring. These sealing ways and special materials with excellent sealing performance have been proved already.
Metallic parts: all fasteners and structural components in the cell are made of titanium; the material of exterior fasteners is silicon bronze. All fasteners shall be tightly screwed up with wrenches in accordance with regulations so as to ensure the reliability of sealing.
Conduction: the conductive connector of cathode or anode in the electrolytic cell shall be a titanium-copper composite rod, the part inside the cell shall be titanium and the part outside the cell shall be copper in order to prevent corrosion and ensure the good conductivity. Copper bars are applied for connection between cells which is easy to disassemble.
Design: the anode in the electrolytic cell is a single-pole type. The electrolytic cell is upright and seawater flows upwards with a high speed. The hydrogen gas generated by electrolyzing water can be discharged in the same direction with waterflow without staying in the cell. The high flow velocity reduces the accumulation of precipitates as calcium and magnesium at the cathode which prolongs acid rinsing period.
2.Equipment Specification:
Current efficiency:     83%
DC consumption:      3.76kWh/kg
AC consumption:      4.43kWh/kg
Service duration of anode:    43800h
Acid rinsing period:   1080h
It adopts the domestic seawater electrolytic cell with a netlike and transparent structure of SC400/1 monopolar type which is produced by introducing the latest technology of Seven-Trent De Nora Company.

Structure of Generator:
Quantity: 2 Sets
Yield of effective chlorine: ≥65 kg/h. set
Anode lifetime: ≥5 Years
Cathode lifetime: ≥20 Years
Chlorine evolution potential ≤1.13V(S.C.E)
AC consumption ≤3.76kW•h/kg•Cl2
DC consumption ≤4.43kW•h/kg•Cl2
Electrode material: Anode adopts DSA﹫Anode (import)
 Cathode is made of Hastelloy alloy C
Acid rising period: ≥1080h

3.Functions and Effects of Equipment:
The electrolytic cell is the core component of the whole device, and the seawater passes through the electrolytic cell is electrolyzed by DC, generating effective chlorine, thus the performance of electrolytic cell directly affects the whole device. As for the device, there are two groups of electrolytic cell modules in parallel connection, and each group is composed of 9 SC400/1 type electrolytic cells through series connection of water circuit and electric circuit, with a yield of effective chlorine of 65kg/h/set.
IV.Storage Tank for Sodium Hypochlorite Solution:
1.Technical Requirement:
1) The design of the sodium hypochlorite storage tank should take space of gas-liquid separation into consideration. The structure of storage tank shall be designed to discharge hydrogen gas and precipitates safely. The tank is fixed with a level gauge with functions of in-situ indication and signal distant transmission. The storage tank shall hold a volume for 4 hours that is 1.15 times of once impact chemical adding quantity by one single unit and buffer capacity of continuous chemical adding quantity by two units for 10min. 
2) The outdoor layout for the storage tank of sodium hypochlorite solution, which shall be made of opaque materials with good performance of corrosion resistance to the sodium hypochlorite solution, the outer wall shall be anti-aging and salt spray proofing.
3) Besides interfaces for regular operation, the sodium hypochlorite storage tank shall be equipped with liquid-level measuring and controlling interfaces, the blowdown interface, the dehydrogenation interface, the overflow interface and the manhole, etc.
2.Functions and Effects:
The three functions of the storage tank for sodium hypochlorite solution are as follows:
A.Dilute hydrogen air below 1% and discharge it into the atmosphere.
B.Store the sodium hypochlorous solution, when unbalanced flow occurs to electrolytic unit and chemical adding unit, it is necessary to ensure that the chemical adding unit operates continuously, normally and steadily.
C.Discharge precipitates generated during electrolytic process periodically.
3.Equipment Specification:
Quantity: 2 Sets
Material: Steel rubber line
Stricture & Type: Vertical, cone bottom, elliptic top
Effective volume: 50m3
Accessory: Manhole, in-situ liquid level indication, liquid inlet, liquid outlet, air inlet, overflow pipeline, sewage outlet, etc.
External connecting ways: Flange
V. Equipment Specification of Chemical adding Pump:
 Continuous chemical adding pump Impacting chemical adding pump Seawater pretreatment chemical adding pump Anti-penetrating chemical adding pump
Quantity 3 Sets 2 Sets 2 Sets 2 Sets
Structure & Type Horizontal centrifugal pump Horizontal centrifugal pump Diaphragm pump Horizontal centrifugal pump
Overflow partial materials Fluoroplastic alloy Fluoroplastic alloy PVDF Fluoroplastic alloy
Applicable medium NaClO solution NaClO solution NaClO solution NaClO solution
Motor Anti-explosion Anti-explosion Anti-explosion Anti-explosion
Flow 29m3/h 72m3/h 2m3/h 7.5m3/h
Lift 0.25Mpa 0.25Mpa 0.5Mpa 0.3Mpa
I.Acid rising system:
1. Equipment specification of acid rising pump:
Model:         40FSB-25 Fluoroplastic Alloy Pump
Flow:         3.6 m3/h
Lift:         0.25 Mpa
Power of motor: 2.2 kw
2. Acid liquid storage tank:
Quantity: 1 Set
Volume: 1.5m3
Material: Steel rubber line
Stricture & Type: Vertical, flat bottom
Accessory: In-situ liquid level indication, liquid inlet, liquid outlet, acid vapor outlet, sewage outlet, etc.
External connecting ways: Flange
3. Acid rising tank:
Quantity: 1 Set
Volume: 1.5m3
Material: Steel rubber line
Stricture & Type: Vertical, flat bottom
Accessory: In-situ liquid level indication, liquid inlet, liquid outlet, overflow pipeline, sewage outlet, etc.
External connecting ways: Flange
Section III. Operation and Control of System
I. Operation of System
1. Checking before startup of the system:
Check if each solution tank and level gauge is ready for use, if the blowdown valve is closed and if the inlet pipe and outlet pipe are well connected.
Check if the inlet/outlet of the pump is intact, if the connection of pipeline and valve is good, and if the joint of flanges is good.
Implement electric power transmission and ensure the motor is well insulated. 
Check if the primary valve of each pressure gauge and instrument is in good conditions, and the gauge and instrument shall be intact. 
2. Startup of the cooling water system:
Ensure that each part of the system is in good conditions and the cooling water pump operates well.
3.The startup of system for making sodium hypochlorite:
Start up the seawater booster pump;
Make the automatic backwashing filter operate;
Open water inlet/outlet of the heat exchanger;
Make the generator operate and adjust the flow rate;
When water flows out from sampling tube of the generator, start up the rectifier and regulate the current.
Since the system parameters become stable, the system is in a normal state, then feed liquid to the sodium hypochlorite storage tank;
4. The shutdown of system for making sodium hypochlorite
After adjusting the rectifier to the minimum value, shut down the rectifier;
Shut down the chemical adding system;
Shut down the seawater booster pump;
Close relevant valve and discharge electrolyte in the electrolytic cell;
Shut down cooling water system;
Notes: the operation steps mentioned above can not be reversed;
5. Operation of chemical adding system:
When liquid in the sodium hypochlorite storage tank achieves a proper level, start up the continuous chemical adding pump; when liquid in the sodium hypochlorite storage tank achieves another proper level, start up the impact chemical adding pump, seawater pretreatment chemical adding pump and anti-penetrating chemical adding pump;
When liquid in the sodium hypochlorite storage tank achieves a proper level at the low position and the rectifier shuts down, it is compulsory to shut down the chemical adding system or stop it artificially according to particular situations;
6. Operation of acid rinsing system:
Prepare dilute acid solution with a proper concentration in the dilute acid tank;
Start up the acid pump, a closed-loop system has been formed between the acid system and the generator where acid rinsing carries out on electrodes of the generator at the same time;
Discharge waste acid solution and rinse in the dilute acid tank with water timely;
After the rinsing water is qualified, shut down the acid pump and close the relevant valve, the acid rinsing for the generator is completed; 


