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发布时间:2012-11-17      阅读次数:1404


Asbestos, Pollution, and Other Hazards
General APH Discussion
关于APH 的一般讨论
A number of Fairfax’s subsidiaries wrote general liability policies and reinsurance prior to their acquisition by Fairfax under which policyholders continue to present asbestos-related injury claims, claims alleging injury, damage or clean up costs arising from environmental pollution, and other health hazard or mass tort (collectively “APH”) claims. The vast majority of these claims are presented under policies written many years ago.
There is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding these types of claims, which impacts the ability of insurers and reinsurers to estimate the ultimate amount of unpaid claims and related settle¬ment expenses. The majority of these claims differ from most other types of claim because there is, across the country, inconsistent precedent, if any at all, to determine what, if any, coverage exists or which, if any, policy years and insurers/reinsurers may be liable. These uncertainties are exacerbated by judicial and legislative interpretations of coverage that in some cases have eroded the clear and express intent of the parties to the insurance contracts, and in others have expanded theories of liability. The insurance industry as a whole is engaged in extensive litigation over these coverage and liability issues and is thus confronted with continuing uncertainty in its efforts to quantify APH exposures. Conventional actuarial reserving tech¬niques cannot be used to estimate the ultimate cost of such claims, due to inadequate loss development patterns and inconsistent and yet-emerging legal doctrine.
Following is an analysis of Fairfax’s gross and net loss and ALAE reserves from APH exposures at year-end 2007, 2006, and 2005 and the movement in gross and net reserves for those years:
 2007 2006 2005
Runoff Companies Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Provision for APH claims and ALAE at January 1 1,153.2 333.2 1,286.5 366.7 1,447.0 377.1
APH losses and ALAE incurred during the year 0.8 (6.5) 10.3 7.0 109.1 44.7
APH losses and ALAE paid during the year 115.0 21.5 143.6 40.5 269.6 55.1
Provision for APH claims and ALAE at December 31
Operating Companies 1,039.0 305.2 1,153.2 333.2 1,286.5 366.7
Provision for APH claims and ALAE at January 1 853.8 659.2 848.7 674.8 871.1 673.5
APH losses and ALAE incurred during the year 164.2 132.0 113.5 74.2 106.7 93.4
APH losses and ALAE paid during the year 125.0 91.6 108.4 89.8 129.1 92.1
Provision for APH claims and ALAE at December 31
Fairfax Total 893.0 699.6 853.8 659.2 848.7 674.8
Provision for APH claims and ALAE at January 1 2,007.0 992.4 2,135.2 1,041.5 2,318.1 1,050.6
APH losses and ALAE incurred during the year 165.0 125.5 123.8 81.2 215.8 138.1
APH losses and ALAE paid during the year 240.0 113.1 252.0 130.3 398.7 147.2
Provision for APH claims and ALAE at December 31 1,932.0 1,004.8 2,007.0 992.4 2,135.2 1,041.5


 2007 2006 2005
Runoff公司  总数  净值 总数 净值 总数 净值
截止1月1日APH预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 1,153.2  333.2 1,286.5  366.7 1,447.0  377.1
全年APH损失和产生的直接理赔费用  0.8 (6.5) 10.3 7.0 109.1 44.7
全年APH和支付的直接理赔费用  115.0 21.5 143.6 40.5 269.6 55.1
经营公司  1,039.0  305.2 1,153.2  333.2 1,286.5  366.7
截止1月1日的APH预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 853.8 659.2 848.7 674.8 871.1 673.5
全年APH损失和产生的直接理赔费用  164.2 132.0 113.5 74.2 106.7 93.4
全年APH损失和支付的直接理赔费用  125.0 91.6 108.4 89.8 129.1 92.1
Fairfax总公司  893.0 699.6 853.8 659.2 848.7 674.8
截止1月1日APH预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 2,007.0  992.4 2,135.2  1,041.5  2,318.1  1,050.6
全年APH损失和直接理赔费用索赔 165.0 125.5 123.8 81.2 215.8 138.1
全年APH损失和支付的直接理赔费用  240.0 113.1 252.0 130.3 398.7 147.2
截止12月31日的APH预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 1,932.0  1,004.8  2,007.0  992.4 2,135.2  1,041.5

Asbestos Claim Discussion
As a result of tort reform, both legislative and judicial, the landscape of asbestos litigation is changing in the U.S. While U.S. federal legislation has stalled, many states (Mississippi, Texas, and Ohio, for example) have enacted local tort reform serving to restrict the volume of filings, increase plaintiffs’ burden of demonstrating an injury, and provide seriously injured plaintiffs with preferential treatment on the docket.
由于在司法和立法上,对侵权行为定义的变更,在美国,石棉诉讼的情况正在发生变化。美国联邦的许多立法规定已经过时,很多国家(例如密西西比、得克萨斯和俄亥俄) 都制定了适用的本地侵权行变更方案,用来限制文档的数量,增加起诉人提交证明文件的数量,并且在议程上,为严重伤害的原告提供优先治疗。
Also, within the past two years, the doctors and screening companies that diagnosed large numbers of unimpaired asbestos plaintiffs have come under scrutiny. Some key participants are under investigation by government authorities and/or have had their medical licenses challenged.
The result has been a dramatic decrease in the past year in the number of unimpaired plaintiffs filing claims. The majority of claims now being filed are mesothelioma, lung cancer, or impaired asbestosis cases. This reduction in new filings has allowed the defense bar to focus on individual cases, and has resulted in more trials and verdicts.
We are aware of twenty-four mesothelioma trials concluded in the U.S. in 2007: (a) fourteen plaintiffs’ verdicts (58%), (b) seven defense verdicts (29%), and (c) three hung juries/mistrials (13%). The range of plaintiffs’ verdicts was $0.7 to $35.0 and the average was $9.9. Depending upon applicable law, the defendant(s) remaining at the conclusion of the trial are not necessarily responsible for 100% of the verdict.
我们知道,2007年在美国已经发生有24起石棉案件:(a)14起诉讼人裁决(58%),(b)7起辩护裁决(29%),以及(c)3起悬而不决的陪审团/无效审判(13%)。起诉讼人裁决的范围是0.7美元至35.0 美元,平均9.9 美元。根据相关的法律,在审讯结束时,被告(s)不一定对裁决负100%的责任。
California continues to be the most active and challenging venue for defendants. Seventeen out of the twenty-four known mesothelioma trials in 2007 occurred in California, and were pros¬ecuted by two very experienced law firms that recruit and file claims exclusively on behalf of terminally ill individuals.
As a result of these trends, the asbestos claims industry is shifting toward a focus on single cases with significant injury, rather than a large volume of cases with little, if any, injury.
On the negative side, the loss of revenue to the plaintiffs’ bar due to the decrease in filings, combined with increased scrutiny on individual cases, has resulted in an increase in plaintiffs’ settlement demands and an increased likelihood of trial. The risk of taking a seriously injured asbestos plaintiff to verdict continues to be significant.
Following is an analysis of Fairfax’s gross and net loss and ALAE reserves from asbestos exposures at year-end 2007, 2006, and 2005 and the movement in gross and net reserves for those years:
以下表格显示2007, 2006和2005年Fairfax公司曝光点的石棉数量,以及这些年总量和净值分析:

2007 2006 2005
Runoff Companies Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 729.8 219.0 857.4 248.6 962.9 251.2
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 6.2 (8.7) (22.9) (3.6) 105.1 39.7
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 80.6 10.4 104.7 26.0 210.6 42.2
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31
Operating Companies 655.4 199.9 729.8 219.0 857.4 248.6
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 713.1 537.2 701.7 545.8 724.4 538.1
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 117.0 87.3 100.7 63.3 83.9 75.9
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 99.4 68.5 89.3 71.9 106.6 68.2
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31
Fairfax Total 730.7 556.0 713.1 537.2 701.7 545.8
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 1,442.9 756.2 1,559.1 794.4 1,687.3 789.3
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 123.2 78.6 77.8 59.7 189.0 115.6
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 180.0 78.9 194.0 97.9 317.2 110.4
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31 1,386.1 755.9 1,442.9 756.2 1,559.1 794.4

2007 2006 2005
Runoff公司  总  网  总  网  总  网
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 729.8 219.0 857.4 248.6 962.9 251.2
全年石棉和直接理赔费用损失 6.2 (8.7) (22.9) (3.6) 105.1 39.7
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用 80.6 10.4 104.7 26.0 210.6 42.2
经营公司  655.4 199.9 729.8 219.0 857.4 248.6
截止1月1日石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 713.1 537.2 701.7 545.8 724.4 538.1
全年石棉损失和直接理赔费用出现  117.0 87.3 100.7 63.3 83.9 75.9
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用  99.4 68.5 89.3 71.9 106.6 68.2
Fairfax总公司  730.7 556.0 713.1 537.2 701.7 545.8
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 1,442.9  756.2 1,559.1  794.4 1,687.3  789.3
全年石棉损失和直接理赔费用出现  123.2 78.6 77.8 59.7 189.0 115.6
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用  180.0 78.9 194.0 97.9 317.2 110.4
截止12月31日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 1,386.1  755.9 1,442.9  756.2 1,559.1  794.4
Following is an analysis of Fairfax’s U.S.-based subsidiaries’ gross and net loss and ALAE reserves for asbestos exposures at year-end 2007, 2006, and 2005 and the movement in gross and net reserves for those years (throughout this section, in the interests of clarity, TIG and IIC are presented separately, notwithstanding their merger in December, 2002):
以下表格显示了2007, 2006和2005年Fairfax公司曝光点的石棉数量, 以及这些年的总量和净值分析:
(在这个部分,为了表述清楚,分别列举了TIG 和IIC公司,这两个公司在2002年12月已经合并)
 2007 2006 2005
IIC Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 512.0 114.5 592.8 124.1 687.5 130.0
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 9.7 (9.6) (0.8) 0.9 58.4 (2.3)
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 65.1 6.8 80.0 10.5 153.1 3.6
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31
Crum & Forster 456.6 98.1 512.0 114.5 592.8 124.1
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 404.4 348.2 426.9 376.7 482.2 408.8
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 31.1 24.3 38.2 22.7 29.7 31.5
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 44.0 38.9 60.7 51.2 85.0 63.6
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31
OdysseyRe(1) 391.5 333.6 404.4 348.2 426.9 376.7
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 308.7 189.0 274.8 169.1 242.2 129.3
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 85.9 63.0 62.5 40.6 54.2 44.4
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 55.4 29.6 28.6 20.7 21.6 4.6
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31
TIG 339.2 222.4 308.7 189.0 274.8 169.1
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 81.6 8.4 94.7 11.5 97.7 8.5
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 0.0 0.0 (4.6) 2.1 1.4 5.1
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 7.6 3.7 8.5 5.2 4.4 2.1
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31
Ranger 74.0 4.7 81.6 8.4 94.7 11.5
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at January 1 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.9 0.4
Asbestos losses and ALAE incurred during the year 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 (0.3) (0.3)
Asbestos losses and ALAE paid during the year 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Provision for asbestos claims and ALAE at December 31 2.0 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.1

 2007 2006 2005
 总  网  总  网  总  网
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 512.0 114.5 592.8 124.1 687.5 130.0
全年石棉损失和发生的直接理赔费用 9.7 (9.6) (0.8) 0.9 58.4 (2.3)
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用 65.1 6.8 80.0 10.5 153.1 3.6
克拉姆和福斯特公司  456.6 98.1 512.0 114.5 592.8 124.1
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 404.4 348.2 426.9 376.7 482.2 408.8
全年石棉损失和发生的直接理赔费用 31.1 24.3 38.2 22.7 29.7 31.5
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用 44.0 38.9 60.7 51.2 85.0 63.6
OdysseyRe ( 1 )  391.5 333.6 404.4 348.2 426.9 376.7
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 308.7 189.0 274.8 169.1 242.2 129.3
全年石棉损失和发生的直接理赔费用 85.9 63.0 62.5 40.6 54.2 44.4
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用 55.4 29.6 28.6 20.7 21.6 4.6
TIG  339.2 222.4 308.7 189.0 274.8 169.1
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 81.6 8.4 94.7 11.5 97.7 8.5
全年石棉损失和发生的直接理赔费用 0.0 0.0 (4.6) 2.1 1.4 5.1
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用 7.6 3.7 8.5 5.2 4.4 2.1
漫游者  74.0 4.7 81.6 8.4 94.7 11.5
截止1月1日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.9 0.4
全年石棉损失和发生的直接理赔费用 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 (0.3) (0.3)
全年石棉损失和支付的直接理赔费用 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
截止12月31日的石棉预提理赔款和直接理赔费用 2.0 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.1
 (1) Net reserves presented for OdysseyRe exclude cessions under a stop loss agreement with nSpire Re, which was commuted in 2006. In its financial statements OdysseyRe reports reserves net of this agreement.
(1) OdysseyRe的准备金净值不包括nSpire Re提出的损失限额协议的范围内,该协议于2006年发布。在财务报表中,OdysseyRe报告了该协议的准备金净值。
The policyholders with the most significant asbestos exposure are traditional defendants who manufactured, distributed or installed asbestos products on a nationwide basis. IIC, which underwrote insurance generally for Fortune 500 type risks between 1971 and 1986 with mostly high layer excess liability coverages (as opposed to primary or umbrella policies), is exposed to these risks and has the bulk of the direct asbestos exposure within Fairfax. While these insureds are relatively small in number, asbestos exposures for such entities have increased over the past decade due to the rising volume of claims, the erosion of underlying limits, and the bankruptcies of target defendants. As reflected above, these direct liabilities are very highly reinsured.
在传统被告中描述、分配或者设置的明显石棉曝光点是一个全国范围的概念。 IIC,承保1971到1986的500种类型,主要适用于高端客户的承保范围;(通常与主要责任保险的或者总括责任保险相反),在Fairfax公司内直接公开危害大部分石棉领域的暴露点。当时这些投保人的数目相对较少,由于索赔数额的提高、潜在限制的威胁以及目标辩护人破产的原因,在这些企业中曝光点的石棉已经在过去十年有所增加。如上所述,这些直接责任都有很高的再保险率。
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