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发布时间:2012-11-19      阅读次数:1987

Section One Main engine and chemistry system overview
1. Main engine survey:
● 印尼中爪哇2×300MW燃煤电站项目为一滨海工程。电厂位于印尼中爪洼芝拉扎镇东北,南面紧邻印度洋。
●Indonesia Java 2×300MW coal-fired power plant is a project in Coastal area. The power plant is located in northeast Cilacap town of the central Java of Indonesia and close to Indian Ocean in south.
● 三大主机分别由四川东方锅炉厂、东方汽轮机厂和东方电机厂制造。
●Three major main engines are manufactured by Sichuan East Boiler Plant, East Steam Turbine Factory and East Electrical Machinery Plant respectively.
● 电厂水源为紧邻的海水,采用海水直流循环系统,通过海水淡化提供电厂必须的淡水。
●The water source of power plant is supplied by the sea water nearby, which uses the direct circulation system of sea water and supplies the fresh water to power plant through the seawater desalination process.
2. Chemistry system overview:
 1. 为满足电厂用水需要,原水需进行净化处理。净化处理采用混凝、澄清和过滤工艺流程。 
1. In order to fulfill the water need to the power plant, it is required to implement the purification process to the raw water. Purification processing applies coagulation, clarification and filtration technical process. 
2. 补给水处理系统主要包括过滤系统、一级反渗透系统、二级混床,二台机组共用2X1000m3除盐水箱,三台除盐水泵。过滤系统包括双介质过滤器和活性炭过滤器,滤料分别为无烟煤、石英砂和活性炭,分别采用并联布置。反渗透装置采用并联布置,混床采用并联布置。
2. The feed water treatment system includes filtration system, the first class anti-penetration system and the second mixed bed. These two units share 2X1000m3 desalinization water tank and three desalinization water pumps. Filtration system includes a double medium filter and an activated charcoal filter. The filter media are be anthracite, the quartz sand and the activated charcoal respectively, which are arranged in parallel separately. The anti-penetration installment applies the parallel arrangement as well as the mixed bed.
3. 凝结水精处理采用中压运行、体外再生系统。每台机组设2套高速混床(1运1备);1、2号机组共用一套体外再生设备。精处理系统设有高速混床旁路系统,当进水超温或系统超压情况下,凝结水全部经旁路通过。
3. Condensate polishing treatment applies medium pressure operation and external regeneration system. Each unit are arranged with 2 sets of mixed bed (1 for operation and 1 for backup in case of failure); the 1 and 2 units share the same set of external regeneration equipment. The polishing treatment system is equipped with high speed mixed bed by-path system. The condensing water shall pass through the bypass in case of feeding water overheat or system overpressure.
The operation of mixed bed applies on -line silicon dioxide analyzer, sodium analyzer, conductivity meter and integrating to control operation of failure end.
4. 汽水加药及取样系统:芝拉扎电站机组热力系统的汽水品质监督采用水汽集中取样装置,整套装置包括降温减压架、取样仪表屏。高温、高压汽、水样经取样装置进行减温、减压和恒温,在线各类化学监督仪表跟踪检测各点数据并用记录仪及声光信号装置显示。
4. The steam-water dosing and sampling system: the steam-water quality supervision of the thermodynamic system of Java power plant unit applies the concentrated sampling device. The integral device includes a temperature and pressure relief frame and a sample measuring appliance panel. The high temperature and high pressure steam water sample shall be processed through the device for releasing temperature and pressure and maintain a constant temperature. The various online chemical supervision measuring appliance shall track the data of each checking points and displays in recording instrument and acousto-optics signal device.
The steam-water dosing system applies the three dosing procedures of ammonia solution, diammonium and trisodium phosphate.
5. Chlorine (dosing) system
● 凝汽器采用直流冷却方式,海水一次性流过凝汽器冷却(开式冷却)。为控制循环水中藻类、细菌等微生物在凝汽器、管道内生成附着物,影响冷却效果,对循环水采用加次氯酸钠氯处理,采用海水电解产生有效氯,向凝汽器循环水入口加氯;
●Condenser applies the direct cooling water method. The sea water flows the water condenser in one time for cooling process (open cooling).In order to control the microorganisms and bacterium of the circulating water to form the attachment inside the condenser and pipeline, which may affects the cooling effect, it is required to apply to dose sodium hypochlorite in the circulating water adds for chlorine processing;  dose the chlorine to the circulating water from the entrance of condenser by applying the effective chlorine electrolysis from the sea water.
Moreover, it is also required to dose the chlorine into the raw water of the purification station continuously; to supply the chlorine fluid for the operation of anti-penetration equipment.
6. Hydrogen gas cooling system of generator
● 发电机采用水-氢-氢冷却方式,即发电机定子绕组采用水冷却,定子铁芯和转子绕组采用氢气冷却。
●The generator applies the cooling method of water - hydrogen - hydrogen process, namely, the generator stator winding applies the water cooling method, and the stator ferrite core and the rotor winding applies hydrogen cooling.
● 制氢站采用除盐水电解获得氢气,储存于气罐内备用。供氢采用两路(一路运行一路备用)不锈钢管路补入发电机。
●The hydrogen generation station applies brine electrolysis to create hydrogen, which stores in the gas storage holder and applies in reserve. The hydrogen supply has two stainless pipelines (one for operation and one for backup in case of failure) access to the generator.
7. Wastewater processing system:
7. 废水处理系统:
● 电站化学污废水处理系统包括工业废水处理和生活污水处理。
●Chemistry sewage and waste water processing system of power plant includes industrial waste processing and domestic sewage processing.
● 工业废水主要采用分散处理方式。锅炉补给水处理系统过滤器的反洗水及反渗透排水直接排入下水道,离子交换器再生废水,凝结水精处理的再生废水池进行PH调整,中和达标后送入复用水箱。
●The industrial waste mainly applies the decentralized processing method. The back flushing water and anti-penetration draining water of the filter of water supply disposal system of boiler may discharge into the drainage directly. The regeneration waste water of ion-exchange reactor and the precision processing of condense water shall implement the PH adjustment process and flow to the reusable water tank after reaching the designated standard.
● 厂区生活污水汇集于废水处理站,进行二级生物处理和沉淀消毒处理,处理合格后送往复用水箱。
●The domestic sewage of factory district collects in the waste water processing station for implementing the secondary biological treatment and precipitation disinfection processing. Discharge the processed flow to reusable water tank after reaching the designated standard.
第二节 化学事故处理通则
Section Two General rule of chemistry accident processes
1. Principles of management of operation accident
1. Attendant of chemistries operation shall be familiar with the operating equipments and system and probe for danger before it appeared. Before setting off for work, it is required to be prepared to take preventive measures to guard against possible trouble Take the effective action rapidly and eliminates the hidden danger in event of accident, so as to prevent the occurrence of accident.
2. In processing accidents, it is required to follow the following principles and carry on measures of handling accident in a calm, decisive, rapid and correct pattern.
● 首先解除对人身的伤害,其次防止设备损坏。在保证人身和设备的前提下,持续生产进行;防止事故扩大,迅速投入备用设备。
●Relieves the personal injury at first and then prevents the equipment damage. Under the prerequisite of guaranteeing the security of personnel and equipments, prevents the expansion of accident expands and start up the backup equipments quickly.
The attendants shall stick to their post, follow the direction and operate quickly and correctly according to instruction of the superiors.
● 事故处理应在值长和班长的统一指挥下进行。其他人员的指示,应通过上述人员后执行。
●The management measures of accident shall be carried out under the unified command. Other personnel's instructions shall be implemented with the approval of the personnel above.
● 当班人员力量不够时,应立即报告有关领导,组织力量,迅速处理。
●When on-duty personnel strength is insufficient, it is required to report to the concerned leader immediately, organize the strength and apply the relevant measures quickly. 
In the accident treatment process, the irrelevant personnel shall not enter the accident scene.
● 当发生人生伤亡事故时,立即使伤员脱离危险区域,进行急救,并汇报值长。
●When there are accident of serious injuries, transfers the casualty from the dangerous region immediately, carries on the first aid and report to the shift supervisor.
● 当发生重大设备损坏时,立即汇报值长,值班人员应保持事故现场原状,不得任意变动。为查明水、汽劣化原因,对每次取样应留样品,并标明留样名称,取样时间和取样人。
●When the destruction of important facilities is occurred, it is required to report to the shift supervisor immediately. The attendant shall maintain the original condition of accident scene and do not make any change. In order to check out deterioration reason of water and steam, reserve the sample of each sampling process and marks the type name, sampling time and the person who take the sample.
● 有关值班人员应结合本岗位实际情况,全面、细致、真实地做好事故处理经过记载。
●The related attendant shall record the overall process of accident carefully according to actual condition of accident together with the situation of their post.
● 化学主值应在事故处理后及时组织人员进行声光分析,查找原因,吸取教训,制定对策,确保安全。
●Chemistry shift supervisor shall organize the personnel to implement the acousto-optic analysis promptly after the accident, search the reason, absorb the lesson, formulate countermeasure and guarantee the security. 


