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发布时间:2012-11-20      阅读次数:1203


Main production equipments

唐山渤海冶金设备有限责任公司制造厂是唐山渤海冶金设备有限责任公司下设的大型专业化冶金机械设备制造企业,作为唐山渤海冶金设备有限责任公司专业精密的机械设备制造基地,制造厂设备生产制造能力强大。唐山制造厂传承了渤冶的企业精神,厂区规划整齐,环境别致。拥有机械加工等各工序的先进工艺装备110余台。现已形成了完备的高炉、转炉、连铸机、轧钢机、除尘等几大系列的冶金设备生产线,装备能力达到了国内领先水平,部分关键设备达到了国际先进水平,年生产能力达5万吨。Tangshan BOHAI Metallurgy Equipment Co., Ltd Manufacturing Factory is a subsidiary of BYM and a large and professional metallurgy mechanical equipments manufacturing enterprise. As the professional and precise mechanical equipments manufacturing base of BYM, it has strong equipment manufacturing capacity. Tangshan Manufacturing Factory carries on the enterprise spirits of BYM, the planning of factory area is in order and the environment is novel. It possesses over 110 advanced equipments for machining etc various processes. Now it has formed complete blast furnace, converter, continuous caster, rolling machine and dedusting etc several series of metallurgy equipment production lines, its equipping capacity has reached domestic leading level and part of key equipments have reached international advanced level with 50000t of annual capacity.


