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发布时间:2012-11-24      阅读次数:2393



作为承包商的任何支付的先例,招揽机构可以要求承包商提交任何的完整的弃权说明书和和任何人员、机构或者劳务公司、服务、有关设备或者材料的公司的所有索赔豁免材料,或者任何有关与施工有关的材料。按照要求,承包商也必须提供所有这样索赔已经满意的可接受证据。As a condition precedent to making any payments to the Contractor, the Soliciting Agency may require Contractor to submit complete waivers and releases of any and all claims of any person, firm or corporation supplying labor, services, equipment or materials in connection with, or in any way related to, the performance of the Work. Upon request, the Contractor shall also furnish acceptable evidence that all such claims have been satisfied.


In addition, any amounts otherwise payable to the Contractor hereunder may be withheld, in whole or in part, by the Soliciting Agency if:

A. 任何招揽机构对承包商正式提出索赔没有受理, 或者,如果招揽机构要求按照所在国的法律法规,通过沙特阿拉伯政府扣留这些金额;或者Any claims are filed against Contractor by Soliciting Agency, or if Soliciting Agency is required to withhold such amounts by the Government of Saudi Arabia pursuant to the laws and regulations of the Kingdom; or

B. 承包商在缺少这份合同的任何条件或者条款时;或者Contractor is in default of any of the terms or conditions of this Contract; or

C. 有合理的怀疑这份合同在规定时间内完成,如果承包商是,或者合同价格的余额未付,或者承包商没有按照合同条款履行义务时。

There is reasonable doubt that this Contract can be completed within the time specified, or for the balance of the Contract Price then unpaid, or if the Contractor is otherwise in default of its obligations under the Contract.

如果招揽机构不满意上述扣留的原因,必须立即支付扣留金额。如果上述扣留的原因在对承包商的书面通知之后,没有迅速解除,招揽机构要求承包商支付纠正的开支,并且扣除因此造成的所有费用和花费,或者可能将到期的开支。如果扣留的部分,在本合同条款规定下,不足以支付这样的费用,或者在最后的款项支付之后发生,承包商和它的保证人或者保证人,如果有,必须迅速支付因此招致任何费用给招揽机构,出现这样的索赔或者,索赔可以强加给一个永久施工项目的留置权或者房地产、永久施工项目或者任何属于皇室委员会其它财产。If the foregoing causes for withholding are removed to the satisfaction of Soliciting Agency, the withheld payments will be paid promptly. If such causes are not promptly removed after written notice to Contractor, the Soliciting Agency may rectify the same at Contractor's expense and deduct all costs and expenses incurred thereby from such withheld payments or from any other monies due, or which may become due, to Contractor. If the amount of such withheld payments or other monies due Contractor under this Contract is insufficient to meet such costs, or if any claim against Contractor is discharged by Soliciting Agency after final payment is made, the Contractor and its guarantors or sureties, if any, shall promptly pay Soliciting Agency all costs incurred thereby regardless of when such claim arose or whether such claim imposed a lien upon the Permanent Works or the real property upon which the Permanent Works are situated or any other property belonging to the Royal Commission.


按照本合同规定,承包商不得分配到期的资金, 或者未经招揽机构书面许可,承包商的银行除外。 如果招揽机构,同意这样的资金转让,在支付到期前至少10数天,书面通知招揽机构。

Contractor shall not assign monies due, or to become due, to it under this Contract except to the Contractor's Bank without the prior written consent of Soliciting Agency. In the event that Soliciting Agency consents to such assignment of monies, written notice thereof shall be given to Soliciting Agency at least ten (10) days before payment is due.任何资金的分派以招揽机构适当的抵销利益为准,并扣除本合同所有的扣留金额。

Any assignment of monies shall be subject to all proper set-offs in favor of Soliciting Agency and to all deductions and withholdings provided for in this Contract.P-5 未使用NOT USED


A. 承包商必须在一个日历月内,按照最后合同数量的最好估计和所有项目完成总数预报,提供估算的每月费用。承包商开始施工时,必须每月提交这样文件,或者按照招揽机构的要求操作。Contractor shall provide on a Gregorian monthly basis its best estimate of final contract quantities and the total forecast cost at completion for all unit price items. Such submittals shall commence with Contractor's first work estimate and continue monthly to contract completion, or as otherwise directed by Soliciting Agency.

任何时候,如果承包商有理由相信,施工可以在下个60天内执行,按照原先的项目价格增加所有以前的权利,项目价格支付 百分之80(80%)的,按照当时的"赔偿"条款的规定执行,承包商必须立即:If at any time Contractor has reason to believe that the work it will perform in the next succeeding sixty (60) days will entitle it, when added to all previous entitlements for Unit Price Items, to payment for Unit Price Items of more than eighty percent (80%) of the Estimated Amount for Unit Price Items as stated in the Article hereof entitled "COMPENSATION", Contractor shall immediately:

1. 以书面形式通知招揽机构;Notify Soliciting Agency in writing to that effect;

2. 提交最新的估计的项目金额完成所有任务; 并且Submit an updated Estimated Amount for Unit Price Items to complete all tasks; and

提交估计的单价项目的当今金额预计用完日期。Submit the estimated date when the current amount for Unit Price Items is expected to be exhausted.

 C.如果合同资金不足,承包商无法按期支付工资,招揽机构可以通知承包商在15(15)公历日内支付过去的工资,或者由招揽机构通过托收兑现承包商拖欠到期工资。 招揽机构通过托收兑现部分或者全部资金,承包商必须在10(10)公历日内提供招揽机构托收资金用于兑现,用证券兑成现款进行支付。 如果承包商没有办法在内10(10)公历日内替换证券,"默认终止"根据特别条款的规定,承包商将对上述默认的结果负责。Soliciting Agency is not obligated to pay Contractor for work performed on Unit Price Items in excess of the Estimated Amount for Unit Price Items stated in the Article hereof entitled "COMPENSATION". Contractor is not obligated to continue working on Unit Price Items if it would otherwise entitle Contractor to payment for Unit Price Items by Soliciting Agency in excess of the Estimated Amount for Unit Price Items as stated in the Article hereof entitled "COMPENSATION", as it may be revised in writing by Soliciting Agency.

当招揽机构对承包商和分包商的雇员支付过去的工资时,招揽机构可以直接或者通过一个劳动部的办公室支付工资。鉴于招揽机构的行为合适,承包商必须迅速提供全部支付到期雇员的有关记录和数据和必要计算数据资料给招揽机构。The Soliciting Agency when paying the Contractor's and/or Subcontractor's employees their past due wages, may do so either directly or through an office of the Ministry of Labor In the event any such payments are. determined to be appropriate by the Soliciting Agency, the Contractor shall promptly provide to the Soliciting Agency all pertinent records and data associated therewith and essential for the calculation of payments due employees.


如果招揽机构确定承包商对一个延迟完成惩罚负责, 根据一般条款第39条"延迟罚金"的规定, 招揽机构可以从承包商的下一发展支付款项中,扣除罚金部分,同时,招揽机构必须出具罚金估算的最后判定文件。不过, 扣除罚金不得超过进度支付款项的百分之10(10%)。如果估算的扣除罚金超过进度支付款项的10%, 罚金金额的余额从下次支付款项的10%中扣除。招揽机构的任何罚金将从在合同时完成时,从承包商的最终支付款项中扣除。

In the event that the Soliciting Agency determines the Contractor is liable for a late completion penalty in accordance with the provisions of General Conditions Article 39 "Delay Penalty", the Soliciting Agency shall deduct the penalty amount from the Contractor's next progress payment following the Soliciting Agency's issuance of its final decision assessing the penalty. However, no penalty deduction shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the total amount of any progress payment., In the event that the assessed penalty exceeds 10% of the Progress Payment, the balance of the penalty amount owing to the Soliciting Agency shall be deducted from the following Progress Payment(s) up to the maximum deduction of 10% of the Progress Payment(s). Any penalties owing to the Soliciting Agency at the time of contract completion shall be deducted from the Contractor's final payment.


