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发布时间:2012-11-30      阅读次数:1521


目  录

第一章 工程概况 6
Chapter 1   Project Profile………………………………………………………………………………….6
一、 概述 6
    I、     General Information…………………………………………………………………………..6
二、 工程特点 7
    II、     Project Characteristics……………………………………………………………………… 7
三、 质量目标 8
    III、    Quality Objective.……………………………………………………………………...... …..8
四、 工期目标 8
    IV、    Project Duration Objective………………………………………………………………...... 8
五、 文明、安全目标 8
    V、     Objective for Civilized and Safe Construction…….………………………………………...8
六、 工程难点 8
    VI、    Tough Points in the Project……………………………………………………………… …..8
第二章 项目组织机构图及管理人员设置 9
Chapter 2  Project Organization Charts & Management Arrangement………………………………….. ...9
一、 项目组织机构图 9
    I、     Project Organization Charts…………………………………………………………………. 9
二、 管理人员设置 14
    II、    Management Arrangement…………………………………………………………………. ..14
第三章 施工方案 17
Chaper 3   Construction Plan……………………………………………………………………………. 17
一、 施工阶段划分和施工顺序 17
    I、     Division of Construction Phase & Construction Sequence………………………………. …17
二、 施工机具 17
    II、    Machines and Tools for Construction…………………………………………………….. …17
三、 冰槽防水保温施工方案 18
    III、    Construction Plan for Water Resistance and Heat Conservation of Ice Tank…………... ….18
四、 钢盘管运输、吊装方案 27
    IV、    Plans for the Transportation and Hoisting of Steel Coils…………………………………… 27
五、 管道施工方案 29
    V、     Construction Plan for Pipeline…………………………………………………………… ..29
六、 盖板方案 37
    VI、    Plans for Cover Plate………………………………………………………………………. 37
七、 调试方案 38
    VII、   Plans for Debugging………………………………………………………………………… 38
八、 冰量检测措施 40
    VIII、   Inspection Measure for the Amount of Ice…………………………………………………40
第四章 主要设备、材料品牌及产地 42
Chapter 4   Brands and Origin of M ajor Equipment and Material……………………………………… 42
一、 主要设备、材料品牌及产地 42
    I、     Brands and Origin of Major Equipment and Material……………………………………… 36
二、 采购质量控制 42
    II、     Quality Control of Purchase……..………………………………………………………….42
三、 进货检验和实验 42
    III、    Purchase Inspection & Test……………………………………………………………….....42
四、 搬运和储存 43
    IV、    Transportation & Storage…….…………………………………………………………….. 43
第五章 蓄冷冰槽材料、设备生产及运输计划 44
Chapter 5   Plans for Production and Transportation of Material & Equipment of Cold Ice Tank……… 44
一、 设备材料总体需求计划 44
    I、     General Equipment & Material Requirements Planning………………………………….. ..44
二、 蓄冰盘管生产 44
    II、    Production of Coils for Ice Storage………………………………………………………….44
三、 运输计划 46
    III、    Transportation Plan………………...…………………………………………………………46
第六章 现场安装工期计划以及劳动力安排计划 50
Chapter 6   Schedule for Construction Term of Site Installation & Labor Arrangement…………………50
一、 现场安装工期计划 50
     I、    Schedule for Construction Term of Site Installation….……………………………………...50  
二、 劳动力安排计划 50
    II、     Schedule for Labor Arrangement……………………………………………………….... ..50
第七章 蓄冷冰槽材料、设备成品、半成品保护措施 52
Chapter 7   Protection Measures for Semi-Finished and Finished Material and Equipment of Cold Ice Tank…………………………………………………………………………………………. 52
一、 蓄冰盘管成品保护措施 52
    I、     Protection Measures for Finished Ice Storage Coils………………………………………… 52
二、 保温防水保护措施 52
    II、     Protection Measures for Heat Conservation & Water Resistance…………………………..52
三、 精密设备保护措施 53
    III、    Protection Measures for Precision Equipment………….…………………………………..53
四、 成品及半成品保证措施 53
    IV、    Measures for Guarantee of Finished and Semi-Finished Products…………………………53
第八章 本工程施工技术保证措施 55
Chapter 8   Measures for Guarantee of the Construction Technology in the Project……………………..55
一、 执行规范 55
    I、      Execution Standard……………………………………………………………………... …55
二、 工程质量技术措施 55
    II、     Technical Measures for Project Quality……..………………………………………………55
三、 工程进度技术措施 57
    III、    Technical Measures for Project Progress………………………………………………. …..49
四、 本工程拟采用的新技术、新工艺、新材料 57
    IV、    New Technology, Process and Material Planned to be Used in the Project……….………...57
五、 降低工程造价、提高工程质量措施 58
    V、     Measures for the Reduction of Project Cost and for the Improvement of Project Quality....58
第九章 质量保证措施、工期保证措施 60
Chapter 9   Measures for Quality Guarantee and Project Duration Guarantee……………………….......60
一、 质量保证措施 60
    I、     Measures for Quality Guarantee………………………………………………………..…. ..60
二、 工期保证措施 66
    II、     Measures for Project Duration Guarantee……….………………………………………….66
第十章 冬雨季施工技术措施 72
Chapter 10  Technical Measures for the Construction in Winter and in Rainy Season………………….. 72
第十一章 试验、检验计划 73
Chapter 11  Test & Inspection Plans………………………………………………………………… ……73
一、 依据 73
    I、      Basis…………………………………………………………………………………….. …73
二、 试验 73
    II、     Test……………………………………………………………………………………… …73
三、 设备检测 73
    III、    Equipment Inspection……………………………………………………………………….73
四、 工程检测 74
    IV、    Project Inspection…………………………………………………………………………. 74
第十二章 质量、安全、文明、环保保证措施 75
Chapter 12    Measures for Guarantee of Quality, Safety, Civilization and Environment Protection…....75
一、 质量保证措施 75
    I、     Measures for Quality Guarantee……………………………………………………………..75
二、 安全保证措施 75
    II、     Measures for Safety Guarantee………………………………………………………………75
三、 安全生产、消防、保卫保证措施 75
    III、    Measures for Guarantee of Safety in Production, Fire Fighting and Defense..……………..75
四、 重大风险因素及控制措施 78
    IV、    Key Risk Factors & Control Measures……...………………………………………………78
五、 文明施工措施 79
    V、     Measures for Civilized Construction…………..…………………………………………….79
六、 环境保护措施 80
    VI、    Measures for Environment Protection……….……………………………………………… 80
第十三章 紧急情况处理措施及预案 82
Chapter 13   Disposal Measures & Emergency Response Plan  ………………………………       82
一、 概述 82
    I、     General Information…………………………………………………………………………82
二、 应急组织 82
    II、    Organizations for Emergency……………………………………………………………...... 82
三、 救援器材 82
    III、    Instruments for Rescue….……………………………………………………………………82
四、 应急知识培训 83
    IV、    First Aid Training…….……………………………………………………………………..83
五、 通信联络 83
    V、    Communication Liaison……………………………………………………………………..83
六、 事故报告 83
    VI、    Accident Report….…………………………………………………………………….. ….83
第十四章 资金使用计划 84
Chapter 14   Fund Utilizing Plan………………………………………………………………………….84
第十五章 需要单位招标配合条件 85
Chapter 15 Cooperative Requirements for the Bid Invitation Unit………………………………………….85
一、 临水、临电设施 85
    I、      Temporary water and temporary power facilities…………………………………………. 85 
二、 住宿、办公设施 86
    II、    Accommodation and office facilities…………………………………………………………...86

第一章 工程概况
Chapter 1      Project Profile
一、 概述
I、    General Information
工程名称: 酒店工程项目蓄冷冰槽深化设计、供应及安装分包工程
 Project Name: The Subcontract Project for the In-depth design, supply and installation of Cold Ice Tank in the Hotel Engineering Project of Beijing Huabin International Building 
工程地点: 北京市
Project Location: Beijing
建设地点:北京市朝阳区Construction Location: Dongli, Jianwai Yong’an, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Project Scale: 46119m2
Project Purpose: Five-Star Hotel
Construction Scope: Based on the requirements in the tender document, the specific scope includes: in-depth design of the construction and installation drawings for the subcontract works of cold ice tank, supply and installation of cold ice tank, supply and installation of the auxiliary system facilities.
Project Division: The main return pipeline of cold ice tank is built at the place where the cold ice tank sticks out for 1.5m, with flange installed, electrical and mechanical projects are subcontracted to make bonding of the remaining pipelines. Meanwhile, supply and installation of facilities for heat conservation, water resistance and of cover plate in the tank are also included.


