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发布时间:2012-12-2      阅读次数:1330

2. Pressure test of equipment
The ice storage equipment shall perform pressure test for six times during course of producing and installation:
①. 管道在经过焊接、弯管工艺后进行气密试验,试验压力27bar,盘管弯制成形后充入充入400psi(2.8MPa) 的气压并放入水下至少15分钟,进行防漏测试。
(1).The test pressure of pipeline is about 27bar after the process of welding and pipe bending; after the coil bend is made, fill in the air pressure of 400psi (2.8MPa) and put it under the water for at least 15 minutes for the leakage inspection.
②. 盘管组装焊接后进行气密试验,试验压力27bar;
(2).Carry on the airtight test after assembling and welding process of pipe bending process; test pressure is about 27bar
③. 整体组装完成后进行整体气密检验,蓄冰设备组装完成后,充入400psi(2.8MPa) 的气压并放入水下至少15分钟,进行防漏测试。
(3).After the assembly of ice storage equipment is completed, fill in the air pressure of 400psi (2.8MPa) and put it under the water for at least 15 minutes for the leakage inspection.
④. 整体热浸锌后气密检验,热侵镀锌工艺后的设备再次充入400psi(2.8MPa) 的气压并放入水下至少15分钟,进行防漏测试。
(4) .Carry on the airtight test after assembling; the equipment after the hot dip galvanization process is filled with the air pressure of 400psi (2.8MPa) and put under the water for at least 15 minutes for the leakage inspection.
⑤. 成品检验(外观,盘管,焊接质量)后充入氮气;
(5).Product inspection (appearance, coil pipe, welding quality), fill the nitrogen;
⑥. 安装前:蓄冰设备出厂时内已充注氮气,在现场安装拆掉管口密封时应有砰的气流声音,说明设备密封完后,设备无需现场打压,如果没有气流声音,应做现场压力试验并通知厂家,没有气流声音有两种可能,一是管口密封不好,二是盘管在运输中有碰撞导致漏气,经过现场压力试验即可判断原因。
(6).Before installation: the ice storage equipment has already filled the nitrogen inside before leaving the factory, the air current sound as peng during on site installation while dismantle orifice seal proves that after the sealing process of equipment, the equipment does not need on site pressuring. If the products without the air current sound, it is necessary to perform on site pressure test and notify the producer, there has two kinds of possibility without current sound, the first one is poor performance of orifice seal; the second is that the coil pipes have collision during the transportation process and cause the air leakage. The reason shall be defined through the on site pressure test.
3.  Pressure test of pipeline
The operating pressure of selected products of pipeline, pipe fittings, valve, shockproof throat, manometer, etc. should be greater than the ethylene glycol system;
Pressure testing medium of the pipeline is water; test pressure is 1.5 times of the design pressure; maintain steady pressure for 10 minutes under the testing pressure, and lower to design pressure for 30 minutes; qualified products shall has no sign of pressure reducing and free of leakage status; the working pressure of ethylene glycol systematic of this project does not exceed 0.6mPa; the pressure for testing is about 1.0mPa.
The testing equipment should be intact; the manometer shall be qualified for inspection; the precision of manometer shall not lower than 1.5 grades; the scale value of dial plate is 1.5 times of the test pressure; the number of manometer shall not no less than 2.
一、 调试方案
V.   Plans for Debugging
This content of this construction project is ice tank subcontracting. Individual debugging of ice tank is ethylene glycol flow balance test of each ice tank equipment, cooperate with other units for system debugging after system installation in the computer lab.
1、 蓄冰设备调试目的
1. The purpose for ice storage equipment debugging

①. 通过调试,检验蓄冰设备安装和运行工况是否符合设计要求和设计目的;
②. 保障设备能够运行良好,保障北京华彬国际大厦酒店工程供冷功能的实现;
③. 培训业主方操作人员,使其掌握设备的使用和维护;
(1)Through testing, check whether the installation and operation operating mode of the ice storage equipment is complied with the designing requirement and purpose of design;
(2).Ensure the sound operation of equipment, ensure the realization of the cooling function of Beijing Hua Bin International hotel in China;
(3)Train the operating personnel of the owner; make it understand the operation and maintenance of the equipment;
2、 蓄冰设备调试内容
2. Content of ice storage equipment test
①. 检测每项蓄冰设备与各个系统的运行工况。
Check the operating modes of every ice storage device and every system
②. 配合机电总包及冷冻机组厂家等单位检测蓄冰设备与整个系统的运行有关的控制系统的运作。
Support electromechanical general address contractors and refrigeration unit manufacturers etc. to check the operation of control systems concerning ice storage devices and the whole system
③. 配合机电总包及冷冻机组厂家等单位汇编所有提交的数据及操作与维修指导。
Support electromechanical general address contractors and refrigeration unit manufacturers etc. to compile all the submitted data and instructions of  operation and maintenance
④. 汇编所有的设备安装检测记录和验收报告。
Compile all the installment and checking records and acceptance reports


