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Anheuser-Busch, Inc.  
Standard Operating Procedure Document  
Version: 1  SOP (#)    BP&S05.950  页号:1  总页数:5
Page 1: Total pages: 5
生效日期: 1/19/2005  Effective date: 1/19/2005
Operating Procedure of Cable Car
Purpose :
Instruction of the cable car operating procedure.
Security / environment requirement: (check the area that may be reached and tool may be used)
 0  H=危险物料要求
0  C=密封空间要求
1  E=安全要求
1  R=防护用品
1  S=专用工具
0  L=锁定/标志牌要求
0 T=不允许超越极限值的要求

H =Dangerous materials  requirements 
 C =Seal space requiring
 E = Safety requirements
 R =Protective articles
 S =Special tool
 L =Locking / nameplate requirements
 T =Do not allow to extend the requirements for limiting value. 
• 无
• 耳塞, 防护眼镜
• 防护鞋, 防护手套
• 防护帽 , 工作套装
• 木棍

Special protective articles:
• None
General protective articles and tools:   
• The earplug, protective glasses
• Protective footwear, protective gloves 
• Helmet, working wears 
• Stick

Remarks: fasten two ropes while fastening the cable car, in case of entering the basement of cable car it is necessary to act rashly and alert the snack with the stick first .


1.The cable car driver must pass the examination and  hold  the card on duty for driving through vocational training .
2.Operatrs shall check whether safe guard, pulley, track, etc. of  the cable car is in a good condition before operation, otherwise it is necessary to notify the mechanic  for on site  maintenance  or replacement.

3.Check whether steel wire rope is serious in wearing (evaluate perceivable steel rope with eye ), otherwise it is necessary to notify the mechanic  for on site  maintenance  or replacement.
4. 检查和清除缆车作业范围内的障碍物
4.Check and remove the barrier in the homework range of cable car

5.Check whether the indicating instrument  of the power,  switch alarm bell, etc. is in a normal condition, otherwise it is necessary to notify the mechanic  for on site  maintenance
6.Check whether it is normal for braking, otherwise it is necessary to notify the mechanic  for on site  maintenance; determine for further operation  by the electrician in accordance with brake wearing degree of cable car and report to shipment chief manger and electrical repairing supervisor.
7. 检查控制器是否处于零位,否则通知电工到现场。

7.Check whether controller is in zero position, otherwise it is necessary to notify the mechanic  for on site  maintenance.
8. 操作工检查并确认一切正常后方可开机运行。

8.Operators shall start up the machine for operation after checking and confirming everything is in a normal condition .

9.Operators shall concentrate in operation , pay attention to looking around the upper and lower state of work site; confirm upper and lower vehicle of cable cars is well arranged before ringing bell and start up.

10.After starting, controller shall be geared in turn  form slow to fast,  from quick to slow, accomplish stead starting and  stead stop; prohibit the sudden starting and stop.
11.The cable car forbids to carrying any person on board during operation; overload working is prohibited
12.If the cable car has different loud or other unusual phenomena in operating, shut down the vehicle and check for the reason immediately.
13. Reset the  controller to zero position immediately in case of  cable car encounter the power failure suddenly.
14.Operators and rise to the cable car to the middle positions of the track, then cut off the power after operation.
15. 操作工做好缆车的表面卫生及控制面板、控制室的卫生。

15.Operators shall maintain hygiene of vehicle  surface, control panel, control room.

16.Operators shall record on duty, and perform duty handover to the duty shift personnel..

Appendix: Equipment problem feedback procedure on dock
1.In case of emergency maintenance, operator shall call the  electricity supervisor or shipment chief manger or electricity repairing supervisor directly.

2.The equipment hidden danger was found during operating, there are 2 approaches for maintenance  :


1).Operators shall  fill in the hidden danger in operating list, afternoon shift personnel shall responsible for submit the form to the supervisor office every day; and feedback and packing and electricity repairing supervisor after collection of  shipment chief manager;

2).The packaging and maintenance form shall be available in operating office; the operators responsible for filling the hidden danger of equipment; the packaging and maintenance department shall send person for communicating with the operators on dock four times each week. (arrangement shall be assigned in accordance with the production schedule, and  distributed average as far as possible); and collect the  hidden danger of the equipment at the same time; and write down the solution progress in maintaining list in order to feedback to operator.
3).The above-mentioned two approaches shall be performed at the same time .  
11.Beer 6; The empty bottle 10; empty trays 10
15.The control panel shall be cleaned with the dry cleaning cloth.
Anheuser-Busch, Inc. 

Standard Operating Procedure Approval Document
SOP(#)  BP&S05.950
Wuhan BP&S
版本 Edition
      1 缆车操作程序

拟稿日期:    5/9/2004
Date Written 撰写人:       代   凌
Written By
检查日期:    8/5/2004
Date Checked 变更人:      Received By
试行时间:         至
Date on Trial
批准时间:    1/19/2005
Date Approved 批准人签名:    
Approved By

Version No. 生效起时间
Date Applied 修改人
Revised By 修 改 原 因
Revised Reason 批准人/时间
Approved by/ Time
BP&S05.950   SOP讨论修改(见附件) CK,2005-7-18


