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发布时间:2012-12-18      阅读次数:1164

The following matters should be paid special attention in the construction of glass steel epoxy resin water resistant layer:
①. 为了便于施工,应选用分子量不大于500,软化点不大于30度的低分子量的环氧树脂,9布10胶玻璃钢环氧树脂防水层常用品种为E-4和E-42环氧树脂
For the convenience of construction, epoxy resin featured as molecular weight no higher than 500 and softened point no larger than 30 degrees should be adopted. E-4 and E-42 epoxy resin should be frequently adopted for 9 cloth 10 rubber glass steel epoxy resin water resistant layer.
②. 环氧树脂在固化前是热塑性的线型结构,因此施工时须加入固化剂,使其成为体形网状结构。据本工程的施工条件,可选用C20固化剂或JA-1固化剂此两种固化剂可常温固化,也可在低温、潮湿、带水条件下固化。且此两种固化剂低毒,无刺激性气味,对操作人员无过敏现象。C20固化剂常温时加入量为18~20%,低温潮湿时为25~30%。JA-1固化剂常温时加入量为15~20,低温潮湿带水时为20~25。
Epoxy resin refers to hot plastic linear structure before hardening, therefore hardener must be added before construction to change into net-shaped structure. According to the construction conditions of this project, C20 hardener or JA-1 hardener which can be hardened under normal temperature and also under low temperature, wet and water conditions can be adopted. The above two kinds of hardeners have low poisoning and no stimulating odor and thus are not allergic to operators. 18-20% C20 hardener should be added under normal temperature and 25-30% under low temperature and wet condition. 15-20% JA-1 hardener should be added under normal temperature and 20-25% under low temperature and wet & water condition.
③. 环氧树脂在施工应用中,须加入一定比例的填料,在配置玻璃钢打底料或环氧胶泥时需加入粉料,在配置环氧砂浆时应加入粉料和砂料。
In the construction applications, a certain ratio of filling material must be added to the epoxy resin. Pulverized material should be added in the preparation of glass steel base material or epoxy rubber mud. Pulverized material and sand material should be added in the preparation of epoxy slurry.
④. 玻璃布选用0.1~0.4厚,常用的玻璃布为有碱有捻或无碱无捻粗纱布,布表面宜浸润剂亦选择树脂型,这种玻璃布易被环氧胶液浸透又能使环氧胶液与玻璃纤维结合牢固。
0.1-0.4 thick glass cloth should be adopted. Frequently used glass cloth should include alkali and twisted cloth or no alkali roving cloth. The surface sizing agent should be resin type. This kind og glass may be dipped by epoxy rubber liquid and can fasten epoxy rubber liquid and glass fibre.
⑤. 为便于施工操作,环氧树脂需加入溶剂稀释,常用溶剂为活化溶剂如甲苯、二甲苯、丙酮等,加入量应以满足工艺要求为前提尽量少用。
For the convenience of construction operations, solvent should be added to the epoxy resin for dilution. Frequently used solvents should include activated solvents such as toluene, xylene and acetone. The dosage should be as little as possible under the condition of meeting the technical requirements.
⑥. 为加强环氧树脂的抗冲击能力,改善其脆性,须在环氧树脂加入一些增韧剂,但用量不宜过多,否则,会影响环氧树脂各方面的性能。
In order to strengthen the impact capability of epoxy resin and improve its brittleness, some toughening agent should be added to epoxy resin. But the dosage should be as little as possible. Otherwise, it may affect various performances of epoxy resin.
⑦. 环氧树脂固化剂,稀释剂是易燃有机物质,在施工现场和库房均应采取防火措施,施工现场须配灭火器,并对工人加强安全防火教育。
Epoxy resin hardener and diluting agent refer to combustible organic substances. And fire-proof measures must be adopted in the construction site and warehouse. Fire extinguishers must be equipped and workers should be given fire prevention education.
⑧. 打底料、衬布胶料和面层胶料的施工配置,均要严格称量,随配随用,充分摇匀,应根据施工人员多少、施工进度快慢分多次勤配快用。以免使用不及时,出现爆聚现象,导致不能使用。
Construction collocation of base paint, cloth rubber mass and surface layer rubber mass should be weighed strictly. The materials should be collocated and used and operated evenly. The principle of “frequent collocation and rapid use” should be adopted according to the number of workers and construction progress to prevent delayed use or failure in case of excessive demand.
⑨. 蓄冰槽防水保温过程中,为保证施工工人的人身安全必须改革机械排风,一种方法连接排风管道排至室外。其二是将排风风管接至地下室的排风系统中,同时启动排风机,通过排风系统将有毒气体排至室外。
In the water resistance and heat conservation process of ice tank, in order to ensure the safety of construction workers, mechanical ventilation must be reformed. One method is to connect the exhaust pipeline to the outside. The other method is to connect exhaust pipeline to the basement exhaust system and at the same time, start the fan and exhaust poisonous gas out of the room through such system.


