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发布时间:2012-12-17      阅读次数:1224

1. 目的

2. 适用范围
3. 定义
3.1. 新员工入职培训:针对每位新入职员工,由人力资源部组织的培训,包括公司的发展,组织结构,经营方针,以及公司规章制等内容培训和实验室组织的岗位技能培训。
3.2. 老员工在职培训:使老员工适应业务发展的新要求进行的培训。
4. 权责
4.1. HR负责组织、实施和配合实验室的培训工作
4.2. 实验室主管负责组织、实施本部门的培训工作
4.3. 实验室文件管理员负责组织培训需求调查,建立员工技术档案,归档员工培训及考核记录。
4.4. 技术主管负责拟定实验室年度培训计划
5. 流程图
详见《QP-009-2.0教育训练管理程序》6.1. 流程图。
6. 工作程序
6.1. 实验室文件管理员负责编制《实验室人员一览表》(LP-025-01),并随时更新。
6.2. 文件管理员负责建立本实验室技术人员个人技术档案,以证明其技术经历和作业能力。技术档案包括:
(1) 《实验室员工履历表》(LP-025-02)
(2) 学历、学业证明
(3) 专业技术能力资格证明
(4) 授权任职文件
(5) 各种培训记录
(6) 其他有必要的证明,如:身份证复印件。
6.3. 年度培训计划
6.3.1. 每年十一月份,实验室文件管理员组织对实验室人员进行年度培训需求调查:发放《实验室______年度培训需求调查表》(LP-025-03)于实验室人员填写。
6.3.2. 技术主管汇总《实验室______年度培训需求调查表》(LP-025-03),并对实验室人员的技术能力做出分析,根据工作需要和人员的实际能力在每年12月1号前拟定员工《实验室_______年度培训计划表》(LP-025-04)。
6.3.3. 技术主管拟定《实验室______年度培训计划表》(LP-025-04)后,报实验室质量主管审批,提交至人力支援部备案。
6.4. 新员工岗前培训
6.4.1. 新员工在入职后,由人力资源部门根据《QP-009-2.0教育训练管理程序》6.8 “新员工入职培训”对其培训及相应的考核。
6.4.2. 实验室主管根据各岗位的工作要求,将需要培训的项目填写于《新员工培训表-----非一线人员》(QP-009-09),并组织人员对新员工进行培训及做相应的考核,检测人员正式授权上岗前,必须进行考核,该考核包括理论和现场操作考核,考核项必须覆盖计划授权检测范围有关标准的全部项目,完全通过后才可正式授权上岗。
6.4.3. 没有检测经历的操作者应进行以下内容的严格的培训:工作流程、试验目的;不同标准的要求;试验程序、仪器设备使用和相关检测技巧;每个试验的关键点;样品识别;结果报告和记录;仪器校准和维护核查的重要性;试验结果的判定。
6.5. 老员工在职培训
6.5.1. 内部培训开展新的项目或标准修订,应及时编制或修改相应的作业指导书,并及时对从事该检测项目的人员进行培训,经考核合格后方可展开工作。所有的内部培训都需要填写《培训签到表》(QP-009-08),以便人员考核统计。技术主管组织培训效果的考核,并填写《实验室人员培训考核表》(LP-025-05),考核方式可灵活多样,如采用理论知识考卷或实际操作能力考核等方式。考核合格后,方可安排工作。对没有达到培训目标的员工,技术主管应再次安排培训和考核。如仍达不到要求的,由技术主管提请最高管理者对其工作另行安排。对临时聘用的检测人员或辅助人员由检测室负责人负责对其进行必要的培训和考核,考核合格后准予有限制上岗。
6.5.2. 外部培训若员工需要外部培训时,请参照《QP-009教育训练管理程序》 6.4.2. 外部培训申请进行申请。员工参加由公司出资的培训项目而获得的培训证件的复印件须交至人力资源部保管。并复印一份给实验室文件管理员归档到实验室人员档案,由实验室保存管理。
6.6. 文件管理员负责组织培训计划及实施记录的收集、存档。
6.7. 实验室所有人员应积极配合资料管理员做好员工培训记录的收集,主动将个人手中保存的培训资料(复印件或原件)及时交资料员存入员工技术档案。
6.7.1. 测试标准的重复培训为获得准确可靠的试验结果,对从事本领域的测试人员,持续进行测试标准的培训。培训时间为每半年一次或者标准变更时立即培训。应将这两次的培训列入年度培训计划表。
6.8. 人员能力分配
6.8.1. 按照检测方法理论与实际操作考核结果填写《实验室人员培训考核表》(LP-25-05),根据考核结果对人员进行分配工作。

7. 相关文件
7.1. LP-025-01 实验室员工一览表
7.2. LP-025-02 实验室员工履历表
7.3. LP-025-03 实验室_______年度培训需求调查表
7.4. LP-025-04 实验室_______年度培训计划表
7.5. LP-025-05 实验室人员培训考核表

8. 使用表单
1. Purpose
Improve the quality consciousness and technical level of laboratory technologists through training and assessment, so as to ensure the effective operation of quality system, and perfect the system, in order to constantly satisfy the requirements of our clients for testing service.
2. Scope
Apply to all employees participated the quality system operation of laboratory.
3. Definition
3.1. New employee orientation training: human resources department organize the training activities for each new employee, including the development of the company, organization structure, management policy, and the regulations system training and on job training of laboratory.
3.2. On job training of old employees: training the old employees to familiar the new requirements for business development.
4. Authorities 
4.1. HR is responsible for organizing, implementing, and cooperating with the training works of laboratory.
4.2. Lab director shall be responsible for the organization and implementation of the training work of the department.
4.3. Laboratory file manager is responsible for organizing and training the needs survey, set up an employee technical file, maintaining company training and assessment records of staff.
4.4. Technical director shall be responsible for formulating the annual laboratory training plan.
5. Flow chart
See the article 6.1. flow chart of “QP 009 2.0 Education Training Management Procedure”.
6. Working procedures
6.1. Lab file manager shall be responsible for formulating and updating the “Laboratory Technologists List” "(LP-025-01).
6.2. File manager is responsible for establishing the individual technique files of laboratory technologists, so as to prove their experience and work ability. The technical files including:
(1) “Laboratory technologists resume” (LP 025-02)
(2) Diplomas and academic certificate
(3) Professional technical qualifications
(4) Authorized documents
(5) Other training records
(6) Other necessary documents, such as: copy of ID Card.
6.3. Annual training plan
6.3.1. In November of each year, laboratory file manager shall organize the laboratory technologists for needs survey of annual training: issues “    laboratory training needs questionnaire” (LP 025-03) filled in by lab technologists.
6.3.2. Technical director shall collect the “    laboratory training needs questionnaire” (LP 025-03), evaluate the technical ability of laboratory technologists, and formulate the “    laboratory training needs questionnaire” (LP 025-04) according to the need of the actual work and personnel ability on December 1st each year.
6.3.3. Technical director draw up the “    laboratory training needs questionnaire”, submit to laboratory quality supervisor for approval, and then submit to the manpower support department for the record.
6.4. On job training of new employees
6.4.1. The human resources department shall train and assess the new employees according to  article 6.8 “On job training of new employees” of “QP 009 2.0 education training management procedures”.
6.4.2. The lab director shall fill out the training program in “new employee training form - not front-line staff” according to the job requirements, organize personnel training and examination for new employees. Before taking up their posts formally authorized, testing personnel shall pass the corresponding examination, including theory and field operation assessment. The content of examination must cover the relevant standards of all the projects of authorized examination scope in plan, and start to work after completely passed examination.
6.4.3. The operator without the testing experience shall subject to the strict train of following content: work procedure, test purpose, different standard requirements; test procedures, instrumentation, and related testing skills, key points of each test the, sample identification, results report and record, the importance of instrument calibration and maintaining verification, and the judgment of experiment results.
6.5. On job training of old employees
6.5.1.Internal training starting a new project or making any revision of the standards, made or revised the relevant guides in time, and trained the person in charge of inspection in time till they are qualified. internal training shall be finished with a “Training Sign-up Form” for the convenience of personnel evaluation statistic. directors shall be in charge of evaluation of the effects of the training, which can be flexible and done with theory tests as well as operation tests, and fill in the “Lab Person Training Evaluation Sheet” (LP-025-05). should pass the tests before any job arrangements. For those who failed the tests, they can be given on more chance. If they still cannot pass, Technical directors shall rearrange their work with top manager’s permission. and evaluation, hold by Lab Directors, are necessary for temporary check personnel or assistant personnel . They can go to work with limits after being tested qualified.
6.5.2. External training If the employee need external training, please refer to article 6.4.2. External Training Application of “QP-009 Education Training Management Procedures” for application. Employees shall submit the copy of the training certificate issued by the training program, which funded by the company. And submit another copy to laboratory file manager for records.
6.6. File manager is responsible for organizing the training plan and implementing the collection and archive of records.
6.7. All laboratory personnel shall cooperate with data manager for the collection of staff training records. Send the training data (copy or the original document) to data manager for records.
6.7.1. Repeated training of test standards To get accurate and reliable results, the testing personnel engaged in the field shall continuously participate the training of test standard. Training time changes form every six months or standard change to immediate training. It is required to list the two training in the annual training plan.
6.8. Personnel assignment according to their abilities 
6.8.1. Fill in “Laboratory technologists training progress” (LP-25-05) according to the theoretical and practical examination results. Assign the work according to the assessment results of the person in examination.
7. Related documents
7.1. “Laboratory Technologists List” "(LP-025-01)
7.2. “Laboratory technologists resume” (LP 025-02)
7.3. “    laboratory training needs questionnaire” (LP 025-03)
7.4. “    laboratory training needs questionnaire” (LP 025-04) 
7.5. “Laboratory technologists training progress” (LP-25-05)
8. Forms


