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发布时间:2012-12-24      阅读次数:2081

                                                  Trenches: Aleksandrovskoye 地区:KULUDJUN矿床

英国 CF10 3BN,加的夫区,格罗夫公园12号,1楼,
Kaskad N                                                                            SRK 探索服务                                                                 
SRK 勘探服务公司(简称SRKES)受邀协助指导Kaskad N 完成其在哈萨克斯坦东北地区所有Kuludjun 金矿产业的技术回顾。本技术回顾包括全部的地址资料,用以对勘探潜能及苏联资源进行评判;通过参照最佳经验方法和JORC准则对勘探和钻探方法进行评价;同时,对规划完成的样品备制设备进行回顾。
Kuludjun 在结构上受约束,属于中温金矿床,诞生于早前石炭纪的变质沉积岩石中。原生矿物于石英矿脉相结合,平铺形成网脉石英脉纹和细脉带,长度可能有数十米宽。个别的石英矿脉宽达2米,且围岩的硅化作用局部性强。
SRKES尚未证实苏联数据资料或方法的准确性,除了标注出哪些资源种类不符合JORC标准外,SRKES无法对苏联资源的有效性进行评判。而且,1996年Vost Kaz Nedra 报告指出苏联在Kuludjun的资源应仅被视为是一个估计值,有待进一步的探测从而转化为合适的GKZ范畴,并允许内含物进入国家平衡表中。
2006年8月,Kaskad N 获得一份6年的勘探许可和一份14年的采矿许可证,并且已经完成了一项涉及地质填图的一次勘探项目,5,554米直线长的挖沟工作和10,438米金刚石钻孔。2006年勘探项目集中于Kuludjun11个已知勘探方面中的3项上。
2006年,对部分Kaskad N凿洞的初步化验结果表明,苏联的分级之间联系紧密且良好,并证实在接近地表处存在等级2至20g/t金的氧化物金矿存在。Veseloe 勘探前景的Kaskad N 钻探密度应该与JORC的矿产资源预算项符合。
野外制图、挖沟,钻探及地质取样的质量良好,且样品正在喀拉巴尔塔的分析专家亚历克斯•斯图尔特手中接收化验。Kaskad N 必须开发一种更新的质保/指控协议,协议包括对质量控制空白处的内容插入,分阶段的复制品以及验证合格的参考材料。
Kaskad N为Kuludjun执照支付了50万美元,并且已经同意再支付911,780美元(历史的勘探成本)以及接下来的20多年中,用于各种社会和地区性发展的勘探项目590万美元。

Kuludjun技术评估: SRKES 7119                                                         第I页

Kaskad N                                                                            SRK 探索服务                                                                            
Kaskad N 还承诺另外支付一笔6年以上勘探的花费,总计580万美元。在每年委托事项中,挖掘,金刚石钻孔以及一些地下开发的直接勘探成本占绝大部分。

SRK Exploration Services


Trenches: Aleksandrovskoye Zone: Kuludjun Deposit
A Technical Review Prepared For
KASKAD N By SRK Exploration Services Ltd February  2007
SRK Exploration Services Ltd, First Floor, 12 Park Grove Cardiff, United Kingdom CF10 3BN Tel:  +44 (0) 29 2023 3233 FAX:  +44 (0) 29 2023 3211 email: admin@srkexploration.com  URL: www.srkexploration.com
SRK Exploration Services (SRKES) were asked by Kaskad N to conduct a technical review of their wholly owned Kuludjun gold property is northeast Kazakhstan.  This included a review of all available geological data in order to comment on exploration potential and Soviet resources; comment on exploration and drilling methodology with reference to Best Practice and JORC compliance; and a review of the planned sample preparation facility.
Placer gold was discovered in the Kuludjun river and associated tributaries in the 1860’s and approximately 300 kilograms was eventually produced.  The bedrock source of the gold was discovered in the early 1900’s and exploration in the 1920’s and 1930’s resulted in delineation of over 3 tonnes of gold.  By the late 1940’s approximately 3 tonnes of gold had been produced from shallow shafts and adits using mercury extraction techniques.
Kuludjun is a structurally-controlled, mesothermal gold deposit, hosted in Early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks.  Primary mineralization is associated with quartz lodes and sheeted to stockwork quartz vein and stringer zones, which may be tens of metres wide.  Individual quartz lodes are up to two metres wide and silicifi cation of the wallrocks is locally intense.
Supergene gold occurs as free gold in quartz lodes and in association with disseminated arsenical pyrite.  Free gold is also present in the oxide zone and was the main target of the historic bedrock mining.  Ore containing free gold should be amenable to cyanide heap-leaching. Auriferous quartz-wolframite-scheelite veins are locally developed.
The Kuludjun Deposit was extensively explored and drilled in the 1950’s to late 1980’s by a succession of Soviet expeditions. This resulted in the delineation from the surface to a depth of 250 metres of a C1+C2 resource of 12 tonnes of gold, a P1 resource of 25 tonnes of gold and an undefined C1+C2+P1 resource of 19 tonnes of gold.  A P1 resource of 24 tonnes was cited from 250 to 500 metres depth.  Calculations were based on a cut-off of 1 g/t Au using average grades of between 3 to 9 g/t Au.
SRKES has not verified the Soviet data or methodology and cannot comment on the validity of the Soviet resource except to note that the resources are not JORC compliant.  Moreover, a 1996 Vost Kaz Nedra report indicated that the Soviet resources at Kuludjun should be considered as estimates only and that further exploration is required to convert the resources into an acceptable GKZ category which will allow inclusion into the State Balance.
Kaskad N were granted a six year exploration licence and a 14 year mining licence in August 2006 and have already completed a first pass exploration programme involving geological mapping, 5554 linear metres of trenching and 10,438 metres of diamond drilling.  The 2006 exploration programme concentrated on three of the eleven known prospects at Kuludjun.
Preliminary assay results for some 2006 Kaskad N holes show good correlation with Soviet grades and substantiate the existence of near surface oxide gold mineralization with grades of between 2 to 20 g/t Au.  The density of the Kaskad N drilling at the Veseloe Prospect should be sufficient to allow the estimation of a JORC compliant mineral resource.
The quality of the field mapping, trenching, drilling and geological sampling is good and samples are presently being assayed at Alex Stewart Assayers in Kara Balta.  However, Kaskad N must develop a more robust QA/QC protocol which should include the insertion of quality control blanks, staged duplicates and certifi ed reference materials.
Kaskad N paid USD 0.5 million for the Kuludjun Licence and have agreed to pay a further USD 911,780 (historical exploration costs) and USD 5.9 million for various social and regional development programmes over the 20 years of the exploration and mining licences. Kaskad N have committed an additional USD 5.8 million in exploration expenditure over the six years of the exploration licence.  A signifi cant percentage of the annual commitments are direct exploration costs assigned to trenching, diamond drilling and some underground development.
SRKES considers that the Kuludjun Licence is an advanced exploration property with a significant likelihood of further discoveries.  Future exploration will benefit from the very large Soviet data set.  SRKES is of the opinion that the purchase price and total exploration expenditures are justified and that overall the planned exploration programme is well designed.  


