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发布时间:2012-12-27      阅读次数:2131

矿区勘探的地质学由早期的碳化的变质沉积宕(图5)决定,侵入到花岗岩和斜长花岗岩的Kolbinsky侵入杂岩。 花岗岩是当地黑云母斑状花岗岩并在整个地区作为小型岩墙存在。
变质沉积宕岩石的地层学是反射细微的沉积相的变化。 在一个简化的意识中, 4种岩性岩套通过鉴定: Arkoliskaya; Kompectinskaya; Baysumskaya; 以及Dalakarinskaya。 在这些岩套中形成不同的低,中层和上层组合, Arkoliskaya为维宪时期并且包括沙岩,偏硅酸岩,石灰石,石英砂和硅质片岩。 Dalakarinskaya包括硬砂岩、沙岩和沙泥岩。
变质沉积宕岩石通常在西北到东南方,与地区的地貌断层(图5)并不一致。断层很少在北西北到西北到南东南方和东西方广泛分布。南东南方断层系统趋向通过勘测地区,对矿化作用进行基本的控制。 小型岩墙一般在西北东南方。
一个地区的变质的组构变化发展为页岩,石板和少量的千枚岩地质。在Kuludjun 许可的南部内的变质沉积宕紧紧折叠,并且形成南部东南方的北西北背斜和向斜趋向。 褶皱倾角在50°到85°。
5.2 地质发展前景
在整个领域领域间歇地出现的两个岩性单元,指定为Qnb 和Qnc(图6)。 两个单元成为早期碳的变质沉积宕岩石的一部分。 Qnb 变质沉积宕岩石是主要岩性,并且是矿化作用的主要承受者。在Veseloe和Aleksandrovskoye 区域附近,包括灰绿色灰色棕色C1nb单元,粗糙粒状媒介,石英石质沙岩 (图 7) 以及较小的硬化粉砂岩, 由于发展得很好的页岩和板石叶状结构(图8)。 Qnc 变质沉积宕包括易分裂的(图9),灰棕色浅褐色,黏土岩,云母状的粉砂岩和灰棕色,晶粒石质沙岩。
结构上Kuludjun的许可区域可能被分成两个区域, 通过南东南方的北西北地区趋向的的断层区域分开(下称Bapern-Veseloe 断层),并且连接平行断层(下称Aleksandrovskoye 和Skalistoe 断层)。 对 Bapern Veseloe 断层的Qnb变质沉积宕s通常与东北的平行断层倾角为(50°到85°)(图6)。
对于西南方向的Bapern-Veseloe 断层来说,夹层的单元C1nb 和C1nc 岩石变质沉积宕,间歇地出现有北东北兑一南部西南方连接,虽然结构错综复杂的折叠并包含断层。 那些单元露出地面的地层Cjii0表现为加倍陷入,夹紧,背斜和向斜层,在北东北趋向的南部西南方有折叠痕迹。
主要断层的倾角在地质图上有显示,不可能确定其运动方向。 但是,沿着全部主要断层(图6) 存在的石英矿脉和石英岩脉区域,表明断层已经进入了矿化作用控制范围。 详细的说,矿化作用似乎已经在断层优先张开的地方发展,他们向西北东南方定向旋转。 在横截面里,Veseloe 区域矿化作用东北方向倾角(ca。 45° ( 例如图10)。
图5:Kuludjun勘探前景和领域周围地区的地质情况。 红标指Kuludjun勘探许可的边界。 Kaskad N 提供没有充分的地区地图。
图6:Kuludjun 工程的地质图。 红标记表示到目前为止鉴定的勘探边界。 断层的用蓝色显示。
5.3 矿化作用
目前为止,Kuludjun已经通过11 种勘探前景(图6)的鉴定。 这6 个图示中,都与Bapern-Veseloe 断层有关联,其中一个与Aleksandrovskoye 断层有关,两个与Skalistoe 断层有关。 Somnitelnoe 和Nagornoe矿化给地区结构的关系未知。
在Kuludjun大多数金矿化作用与石英矿脉、sheeted和stockwork 石英岩脉以及50米宽当地的石英纵桁区域(图10 和11) 有关。 个别的石英矿脉能达到两米宽并且通常包括白色的到浅灰色,大型的中晶质的石英, 由于当地发展得很好的stylonodular结构(图12 和17)。当地的碎屑角的硅化沙岩的包括的角砾层,白色的到浅灰色石英(图13)都比较不错。
脉区的石英矿脉的两边,包括多代采购工作(图22: 黑灰色的变质沉积宕岩石展示白色的石英岩脉的截面图多个阶段。 注意砷二硫化铁黑灰色的剪平结构。 孔洞51 H; 7.36 g/t Au;间隔(19.1-19.7米)。
与氧化的石英岩脉(图14)发展相结合。 SRKES没有研究金砷二硫化相关的冶金含义,但是建议在各种各样的氧化物和表生矿石类型中的一项详细的冶金研究是,有单体金矿石,使用氰化物处理浸出应该是可行的。
金矿在Kuludjun矿床的附近也有报道。已经证明与石英金白钨矿岩脉和石英金白钨矿锑岩脉有联系。 SRKES没对领域中的矿化作用的两种风格中的任一种进行评估, 但是注意石英岩脉包含有白钨矿,最有可能与花岗岩和斜长花岗岩相联系。包含黄金的矿脉含有金矿的可能性较大。

5.1      Regional Geology
The geology of the Kuludjun Prospect is dominated by Early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks (Figure 5) which have been intruded by granite and plagiogranite stocks of the Kolbinsky intrusive complex. Granites are locally biotite-phyric and occur as small dykes throughout the area.
The stratigraphy of the metasedimentary rocks is complex reflecting subtle facies variations. In a simplistic sense four lithological suites are identified: Arkoliskaya; Kompectinskaya; Baysumskaya; and Dalakarinskaya. Within these suites are units variously termed the lower, middle and upper formations. The Arkoliskaya Suite has been dated as Visean and comprises metasilstones, sandstones, limestones, quartzites and siliceous schists. The Dalakarinskaya Suite comprises greywacke sandstones and siltstones.
The metasedimentary rocks generally strike northwest to southeast which is consistent with the dominant regional fault orientation (Figure 5). Faults rarely trend north-northwest to south-southeast and broadly east-west. A significant north-northwest to south-southeast trending fault system runs through the prospect and appears to exert a fundamental control on mineralization. Small dykes generally strike northwest-southeast.
A regional metamorphic fabric is variably developed and presents as shales, slates and rarely phyllites. The metasediments are tightly folded and form north-northwest to south-southeast trending anticlines and synclines in the southern part of the Kuludjun Licence. Fold limbs dip at 50° to 85°.
5.2     Prospect Geology
Two lithological units crop out throughout the field area and are designated Qnb and Qnc (Figure 6). Both units form part of the Early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks. Qnb metasedimentary rocks are the dominant lithology and are the main host to mineralization. In the vicinity of the Veseloe and Aleksandrovskoye Zones the Cjnb unit comprises grey-brown to grey-green, medium to very coarse grained, strongly indurated, quartz-lithic sandstones (Figure 7) and lesser siltstones, with well developed shaley and slatey foliation (Figure 8). Qnc metasedimentary rocks comprise fissile (Figure 9), light brown to grey-brown, claystones, micaceous siltstones and occasional grey-brown, fine grained lithic sandstones.
Structurally the Kuludjun Licence can be divided into two zones which are separated by a north-northwest to south-southeast trending regional fault zone (henceforth termed the Bapern-Veseloe Fault) and associated subparallel faults (henceforth termed the Aleksandrovskoye and Skalistoe Faults). To the northeast ofthe Bapern-Veseloe Fault the Qnb metasediments generally strike parallel to the fault and dip steeply (55-80°) to the northeast (Figure 6).
To the southwest of the Bapern-Veseloe Fault intercalated units of Cjnb and C^rf metasedimentary rocks crop out with a broadly north-northeast to south-southwest strike, although structure is locally complicated by folding and faulting. The outcrop pattern of the Cjii0 unit is indicative of doubly-plunging, moderate to tight, anticlinal and synclinal folds with north-northeast to south-southwest trending fold axes.
The dip of the major faults is not shown on the geological map and it is not possible to determine the sense of movement. However, the presence of quartz lodes and quartz-vein zones along all major faults (Figure 6), indicates that the faults have exerted a major control on mineralization. In detail, mineralization appears preferentially developed where faults splay and/or their strike rotates towards a northwest-southeast orientation. In cross-section, Veseloe Zone mineralization dips moderately (ca. 45°) to the northeast (e.g. Figure 10).
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SRK Exploration Services
Kaskad N
Figure 5:  Regional geology of the Kuludjun Prospect and areas immediately surrounding. The red box marks the boundary of the Kuludjun Licence. Map supplied by Kaskad N without full legend.
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SRK Exploration Services
J Bapern-Veseloe Fault
Vladimirskoe-Preavednoe Zone
Figure 6: Geological map of the Kuludjun Project. The red boxes mark the boundaries of prospects identified to date. Names of faults are shown in blue.
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Kaskad N
Figure 7: Massive lithic sandstones of the
Cjn  unit.
Figure 8: Fissile (slaty) lithic sandstones of the Cjnb unit.
Figure 9:    Claystones of the C^ unit.
Kuludjun Technical Review: SRKES 7119
Kaskad N
SRK Exploration Services
5.3     Mineralisation
Eleven prospects (Figure 6) have been identified at Kuludjun to date. Of these six are intimately associated with the Bapern-Veseloe fault, one is associated with the Aleksandrovskoye Fault and two are associated with the Skalistoe Fault. The relationship of the Somnitelnoe and Nagornoe mineralized zones to regional structures is unknown.
Quartz-Gold Mineralization
Most of the gold mineralization at Kuludjun is associated with quartz lodes, sheeted and stockwork quartz veins, and quartz stringer zones (Figures 10 and 11) which are locally up to 50 metres wide. Individual quartz lodes are up to two metres wide and typically comprise milk white to light grey, massive mesocrystalline quartz, with locally well developed stylonodular fabric (Figures 12 and 17). Breccias comprising angular clasts of silicified sandstone healed by multiphase, light grey to white quartz (Figure 13) are locally developed.
Vein zones occur either side of the quartz lodes and comprise multiple generations of stockwork (Figure
Figure 10: Soviet adit: Veseloe open pit.
Figure 11: Detail of Figure 10 showing quartz lode and vein zone.
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SRK Exploration Services
Kaskad N
14) and sheeted quartz veins and veinlets. Individual veinlets are generally less than five millimetres wide and display a variety of morphologies. Foliation-parallel quartz veinlets are locally pervasive (Figures 18-21) and may be cross-cut by several generations of slightly thicker but less abundant veins (Figures 18-20). Some veins are disharmonically folded (Figures 15 and 19), boudinaged (Figures 15 and 22) and/or sheared (Figures 21 and 22). Silicification of the wallrocks is common (Figure 16).
The presence of foliation-parallel quartz veins indicates that at least one phase of vein formation occurred coincident with folding and development of axial-planar cleavage. Cross-cutting, boudinaged and sheared veins attest to multiple phases of vein development and post-mineralization fault movement.
Available evidence indicates that hypogene gold occurs both as free gold within quartz lodes and in association with finely disseminated arsenical pyrite in wallrocks (e.g. Figure 22). Free gold is also present in oxide zones and was the main target of the historic bedrock mining. The secondary arsenic mineral scorodite is locally14) and sheeted quartz veins and veinlets. Individual veinlets are generally less than five millimetres wide and display a variety of morphologies. Foliation-parallel quartz veinlets are locally pervasive (Figures 18-21) and may be cross-cut by several generations of slightly thicker but less abundant veins (Figures 18-20). Some veins are disharmonically folded (Figures 15 and 19), boudinaged (Figures 15 and 22) and/or sheared (Figures 21 and 22). Silicification of the wallrocks is common (Figure 16).
The presence of foliation-parallel quartz veins indicates that at least one phase of vein formation occurred coincident with folding and development of axial-planar cleavage. Cross-cutting, boudinaged and sheared veins attest to multiple phases of vein development and post-mineralization fault movement.
Available evidence indicates that hypogene gold occurs both as free gold within quartz lodes and in association with finely disseminated arsenical pyrite in wallrocks (e.g. Figure 22). Free gold is also present in oxide zones and was the main target of the historic bedrock mining. The secondary arsenic mineral scorodite is locallydeveloped in association with oxidized quartz veins (Figure 14). SRKES did not study the metallurgical implications of the gold-arsenical pyrite association, but recommends that a detailed metallurgical study is conducted on the various oxide and supergene ore types. Ore with free gold should be amenable to cyanide heap-leaching.
Quartz-Gold-Sheelite±Antirnony Mineralization
Gold has also been reported in the immediate vicinity of the Kuludjun Deposit in association with quartz-gold-scheelite veins and quartz-gold-scheelite-antimony veins. SRKES did not visit either style of mineralization in the field and cannot comment on the significance, but notes that quartz veins containing scheelite are most probably associated with the granite and plagiogranite stocks. That the veins contain gold is significant and introduces the possibility of intrusion-related gold targets.
Historic data indicates that quartz-gold-scheelite-antimony veins are present at the Somnitelnoe Prospect and it is recommended that future exploration also focuses on potential intrusive targets.


