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发布时间:2013-1-13      阅读次数:1350

1. 程式编号:显示当前所用程式的编号。
1. Program No.: display program number used currently.
2.  X    Y    Z   A  : 动态显示四轴的实际位置。
2. X    Y    Z   A  : dynamitic display the actual positions of four axes.
3. 自动倍率:显示自动运行时的速度倍率,在自动模式下按倍率键并摇手轮可调节自动倍率值,调节范围为1%-300%。(提示:在开动机器前请先查看此值,不宜以太高直接开机,正确的操作方法是先以较低倍率开机后再调高倍率。)
3. Automatic ratio: display speed ratio during automatic operation, press MFO in automatic mode and move hand-wheel to adjust automatic ratio value, the adjusting range is 1%-300% (Remarks: check this value before start-up, extremely high value is not suitable for start-up directly. The correct method is to start at a low ratio and then adjust to high ratio after start-up.)
4. 剩余时间:显示机器以当前速度连续生产达到预设产量所需, 的时间。
4.  Remaining time: show the required time for reaching the preset output at current speed for production.
5. 工作模式:显示机器当前工作状态:原点、手动、自动、编程、修改、或待机。
5. Working mode: show current working status: Home, Jog, Auto, TEAC, Modify, or Standby.
6. 预设产量:按数字键和输入键可设定目标产量。
6. Preset output: press numerical  keys and Enter to set target output.
7. 完成产量:动态显示已完成的产量,可按数字和输入键进行更改。
7. Finished output: show finished output dynamically; press the number and Enter to revise.
8. 探针次数:设定允许的探针失败的次数,按数字键和输入键进行设定。(当设定为0时,表示不考虑探针失败次数)
8. Times of probe: set allowable failure times for probe, and press the number and Enter to revise. (When zero is set, it means take no account of failure times for probe)
9. 失败次数:动态显示探针失败的实际次数。当失败次数=探针次数时,机器将显示“探针失败”或“探针检测异常”报警。
9. Times of failure: dynamically show actual failure times of probe. When failure times equals the times of probe, the machine will display “probe failure” or alarming of “abnormal probe”.
10. 平均产量:显示机器以当前速度生产的平均产量。
10. Average output: display the average output for machines producing at current speed.
11、程式目录  按F1键进入程式目录画面,画面会显示目前程式编号/容量及全部储存的程式编号。
11. Program content Press F1 to enter program content to show current program number/capacity and whole stored program numbers.
 编写新程式:按数字键和输入键设定新程式编号,按编程键可进入编程画面。
 Edit new program: press numerical keys and Enter to set new program number, and press TEAC to enter into programming menu.
 调用旧程式:按数字键输入一个程式库中已有的程式编号,按输入键后再按
编程 键。(先检查程式在目前刀位下是否安全,再按检测键摇手轮或点动键进行检测,确认安全后再按自动 执行)
●  Applied used program: press numerical keys to input a program number existed in program storage, press Enter key then the TEAC. (inspect the safety of current program for operation, then press Check for hand-wheel or Inching key to inspect, after safety is ensured, then press Auto Run) 
 删除旧程式:要删除程式则在读取旧程式编号后按F5(对应程式删除功能),系统会提示“程式删除 请确认”,按F1确认删除,按F5则取消删除。
 Delete used program: after reading used program number, press F5 to delete used program (for function of program delete), the system shall indicate “delete program, please confirm”, then press F1 to delete, and press F5 to cancel. 
12、I/O画面  按F3键进入I/O画面,检查系统各个输入、输出点是否正常,有反白说明此点处有效。
12. I/O Page press F3 to enter into I/O page, check whether each input or output for system is normal, and the reverse video indicates valid for this place.
13、参数设定  按F4键进入参数设定画面,可设定系统运转内定速度、探针速度及关闭LCD的节电时间和Z轴原点偏移值(不影响系统运行)。
13. Set parameter press F4 to enter into page of setting parameter to set operating speed, prode speed for system and set power saving time and Home offset for Z axis (without effect on operation of system).
① 操作过程
② Operation:
Return to Home (detailed operation refers to “Home” explanation in “Pressed key explanation” above)
B: Press “TEAC” to enter into programming page after returning to Home (including two pages, and press page switch to display)
①内容说明: ① Instruction
模式 Mode
编程  Program
预设产量 Preset output
自动倍率 Automatic ratio
程式编号 Program No.         
完成产量 Finished output         
单步送线长  Single step wire-feeding length
程式目录                     I / O画面                     画面切换
Program content             I / O page                     Page switch
Status bar
第1-3行为状态栏,显示:工作模式/预设产量/自动倍率/程式编号/完成产量(动态)/平均产量/单步送线量(动态)/程式行数 N (运行时显示实际执行行数,待机时显示程式总行数)/凸轮轴角度 X (动态)/本循环累计送线量 Y (动态)/螺距轴位置 Z (动态)/卷圈轴位置 A (动态)等内容。
The status bar is from row 1 to row 3, indicating: working mode/preset output/automatic ratio/program no./finished output (dynamically)/average output/
single step wire-feeding amount (dynamically)/rows of program N / (show actual number of row on operation, and total rows of program on standby)/camshaft’s angle X (dynamically)/accumulative feed amount Y (dynamically)for this circulation/position Z (dynamically)of screw pitch axis/position A  (dynamically) of coiling axis, etc.
Editing bar
1. N=》 程式行号。                    2. X=》 设定凸轮轴的起始角度和结束角度值。
3. Y=》 设定单步送线值,单位为mm。 4. Z=》 设定螺距轴距离,单位为为mm。
5. A=》 设定卷圈轴角度值。
6.D=》 电磁阀设定命令。
1.N=》 Row no. of program                
2. X=》 Set initial angle value and end angle value of camshaft
3.Y=》 Set single step wire-feeding value, unit: mm.
4. Z=》 Set distance of screw pitch axis, unit: mm.
5. A=》 Set angle value of coiling axis.
6.D=》 Set order for electromagnetic valve
1.  If accessory cylinder is applied, input number of electromagnetic valve (1-5) in D bar and the corresponding electromagnetic valve will open; edit the input number of electromagnetic valve (1-5) and add negative sign to it to close electromagnetic valve.
2.  If strike probe with cylinder, set Yf accessory wire-feeding value in advance, and then set the number of electromagnetic valve needs opening, and finally set closing order after finishing.
7.F=》 设定单步运行相对速度,默认值为100,设定范围为1-300。
7.D=》Set relative sped for single step operation, the default value is 100 and the setting range is from 1 to 300.
8.T=》 设定单步程式完成后的暂停时间,单位为0.1Sec,设定范围为0--99。
8.D=》Set interval after single step operation has been finished, the unit is 0.1 Sec, and the setting range is from 0 to 99.
If probe or circulating order is required, press F5 to switch the page for probe setting (both pages are carried out together)


