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发布时间:2013-2-11      阅读次数:1585

 禁止 ●当电源接通时,不要接触变极器终端,可能导致触电。
 指令 ●在前封盖连接后或关闭后,如果在开关柜中,接通电源。
在装置位于开关柜内,或使用前封盖进行移除,首先关闭开关柜门,然后进行通电 如果在封盖或开关柜开启时进行通电,可能导致触电。
 禁止接触 ●不要接触热放射的散热片或放电电阻器,这些装置是散热的,接触可能会导致烫伤。
 禁止 ●注意观察电机和其它设备的操作范围(参见电机说明手册)
3.1 怎样操作 VR-S9
Main circuit 主电路
Noise filter 噪音过滤
Control circuit 控制回路
Motor 电机
(2) 参数的设定(默认设置)
标题 功能 程控值
CNOd 一般状态选择 1
FNOd 频率设定状态选择 2
运行/停止:在控制面板上按下 和 按键。
Main circuit 主电路
Noise filter 噪音过滤
Control circuit 控制回路
Motor 电机
(2) 参数的设定(默认设置)
标题 功能 程控值
CNOd 一般状态选择 1
FNOd 频率设定状态选择 1
运行/停止:在控制面板上按下 和 按键。
频率设定:在控制面板上按下 。
保存设定的频率,按下 。
Forward rotation signal前旋信号
Reverse rotation signal后旋信号
Main circuit 主电路
Noise filter 噪音过滤
Control circuit 控制回路
Motor 电机
(2) 参数的设定(默认设置)
标题 功能 程控值
CNOd 一般状态选择 0
FNOd 频率设定状态选择 2
Wain circuit
Terminal symbol  Terminal function
I  Grounding terminal lor connecting inverter case.
R/L1,S/L2,T/L3  200V class: single-phase 200-2 40V-50/6 OH z three-phase 200 -2 30V- 50/60 Hz 400V class: three-phase 380- 500 V- 50/60 Hz • Single - phase series don't have T/L3 terminal.
Un"I.WT?,W/T3  Connect to a (three-phase induction) motor.
PA.PB  Connect to braking resistors Change parametersF 3C4 ,F 30 5 arid F 30B if necessary.
PC  This is a negative potential terminal in the internal DC main circuit DC common power can be input across the PA terminals (positive potential!.
PO.PA  Terminals lor connecting a DC reactor (DCL: optional external device), short bar when shipped from the factory. Before installing DCL, remov  Shorted by a the short bar.
2.3.2     Control circuit terminals (sink logic)
 CCVIAVIB PP    II   FM   F    R hsTJ S1   S2  S3 Ccbui|p24  FMC  SINK Terminal symbol  Inpufoutput  Function  Electrical
specifications  Inverter internal circuits
   Shorting across F-CC causes for-   
F  Input  3  ward rotation; open causes slow-   +24V
  1  down and Stop.   
  t>  Shorting across P.-CC causes re-   [SINK SOURCE
R  Input   verse rotation; open causes slow-   I <TT>     9    IJP301
  1  down and slop.  No voltage contact input 24Vdc-5mA or  + 5V
 Shorting across RST-CC causes a held reset when the inverter protector  
Input  s  function is operating. Note that when the inverter is operating normally, it   i" i 1 rHK, K r
  y  will not operate even if there is a   
cz O  short across RST-CC.     
 Shorting across S1-CC causes pre-   
  T3  set speed operation.   
  3  Shorting across S2-CC causes pre-   
   set speed operation.   
   Shorting across S3-CC causes pre-   
   set speed operation.   
Terminal symbol  Input/output  Function  Electrical specifications  nverter internal circuits
CC  Common to Input/output  Control circuit's equipolential terminal   
 Output  Analog input setting power output  load current:  T~T   H    raiwBrtnf     HH
   tOmAdc)  TT     |         T     0.47 «       '        0.1 n
'  Input  Multifunction programmable analog input. Standard default setting: 4(0)-20mAdc in¬put and 0-50-Hz (50Hz setting) or 0-60Hz (60Hz setting) frequency  4-20mA (internal imped¬ance; 400O)  VIA
(  15K               1K
Mm—   f~c=h*'
  Multifunction programmable analog input.  10Vdc   15KQ        i
 Input  Standard default setting: 0~lQVdc input  (internal imped-  
  and 0-80Hz frequency  ance: 30kll)  ©-CU— 1— CU—
 Multifunction programmable analog input.    I
VIB  Input  Standard default setting: 0-10Vdc input and 0-50Hz(50Hz setting) or 0-60Hz(60Hz setting) frequency.  (internal imped¬ance: 30kil)  VIB  
   1mA full-scale DC   
  Multifunction programmable analog out-  ammeter or 7.5Vdc  i i-  
  put. Standard default setting: output cur-  1mA full-scale dc   FMC  "33K"t       1°<0
  rent. Connect a 1 mAdc full-scale amme-    29KU
  ter or 7.5Vdc (10Vdc)-1mA full-scale volt-    I —    . ni
  meter. Can change to 0-20mA (4-20mA)  0-20mA (4-20mA)   [+24V20K|lOOK
  by jumper JP302 switching.  full scale DC am-   n "Cus^J
     1   2Qj< IIOQK
CC  Common to
Input/output  Control circuit's equipotential terminal   
P24  Output  24Vdc power output  24Vdc- 100mA  P24  i   a T      PTC
The VIA terminal and II terminal cannot be used at the same time.
Terminal symbol  Input/output  Function  Electrical specifications  Inverter internal circuits     +24V SOURCE     |- — ^         *+5V
   Open collector out-  OUT|FUSE   i50T
  Multifunction programmable open collector  put : 24Vdc-50mA  I^TT~I^T- — 1
OUT  Output  output. Standard default sellings detect and output speed reach signal output fre-  ISnfcsource  Tofx§3)
  quencies.  switchablg  ^"^   150     P^
  Multifunction programmable relay contact  250Vac-2A (coso =  +24V
RCfl   A~
RC  Output  output. Contact ratings: 25QVac -2A (coso = 1), 30Vdc-1A, 250VBC-1A (COS« = 0.4).  : at resistance load  1 r© i
RYi     T
  Standard default settings detect and out¬put low-speed signal output frequencies.  .250Vac-1A(COS«i = 0.1)  
  Multifunction programmable relay contact output. Contact ratings: 250Vac -2A (coso  250V3C-2A (cos* =  FLA 4   , +24V
FLA FLB  Output  = !). 30Vdc-1A. 250Vac-1A(COS(Ii = 0.'l). Detects the operation o( the Inverter's  : at resistance load  flji.(RY)    i
FLC   protection (unction. Contact across FLA-FLC is closed and FLB- FLC is opened  ;250Vac-1A(co&|>  5ZrL_
  during protection (unction operation.   P
Sink logic (negative common)/source logic (positive common)
logic switching of input output terminals
Current flowing out turns control input terminals on. These are called sink logic terminals (The end of Type - (orm : AN / WN). The general used method in Europe is source logic in which current flowing in!o the in¬put terminal turns it on(The end of Type - torm : WP).      
Programmable conl roller  
Logic switching/voltage-current output switching (jumper)
(1) Logic switching
JP301 : Input, JP301A : Output
Switch logic before wring to inverter and without supplying power. If sink and source are switched when power is supplied first after logic switching or while power is being input to the inverter, thai w'li destroy the inverter. First check to make sure that switching is correct and then supply power.
(2) Voltage-current output switching
Switch the Fm terminal's voltage-current output belore wiring to inverter and without supplying power.
FMC(0-20maoutpUt) SINK
After switching sink-source logic make sure that switching again switching cannot be done easily.
Prohibitd  • Do not touch inverter terminals when electrical power is connected to the inverter even it the motor Is slopped. Touching ihe inverter terminals while power is connected to it may result in electric shock. • Do not touch switches when the hands are wet and do not try to clean the inverter with a damp cloin. Such practices may result in electric shock. • Do not go near the motor in alarm-stop status when the retry function is selected. The motor may suddenly restart and that could result in injury. Take measures lor safety, e.g. attaching a cover to the motor, against accidents when the motor unex¬pectedly restarts.
Mandatory  • Turn power on only after attaching the front cover or closing door if enclosed in a cabinet. If power is turned on without ihe front cover attached or closing door it enclosed in a cabinet, that may result in electric shock or other injury. • If the inverter begins to emit smoke or an unusual odor, or unusual sounds, immediately turn power off. If the equipment is continued in operation in such a state, the result may be lire. Call your local sales agency lor repairs. • Always turn power off If the inverter is not used for long periods of time. • Turn input power on after attaching the front cover. When enclosed inside a cabinet and using with the front cover removed, always close the cabinet doors first and then turn power on. tf the power is turned on with the froni cover of the cabinet doors open, it may result in electric shock. > Make sure that operation signals are off before resetting the inverter after malfunction. If the inverter is reset before turning off the operating signal, the motor may restart suddenly causing injury.
prohibited  • Do not touch heat radiating fins or discharge registers. These device are hot, and you'll get burned if you touch them.
Prohibited  • Always observe the permissible operating ranges of motors and other equipment (see the instruction manual for the motor). If these ranges are not observed, it could result in injury.

