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发布时间:2013-2-18      阅读次数:1394

项目部各岗位人员Personnel in the positions of the project department  所有工作经历
(年限)All the working experience
(years) 类似工作经历
(年限)Similar working experience
(years) 完成或参加过类似规模的信号系统工程(个)The signal system projects with similar scope have been joined (number)
项目经理(I级)Project manager (Grade I) 10年以上Over 10 years 5年以上Over 5 years 2个以上Over 2 projects
(中级职称以上)Project engineer
(Above the medium-grade professional title) 5年以上Over 5 years 3年以上Over 3 years 1个以上Over 1 project
其它管理和技术人员Other management and technical personnel  3年以上Over 3 years 1年以上Over 1 year -
1.1 安装计划Installation plan
1. 在成立现场施工安装项目部后的30天内,应根据本工程的实际情况编制一个详细实用的施工组织设计及质量保证措施,并应与土建施工和其它设备安装工作相协调。内容包括(但不限于):With 30 days after the site construction installation project department is established, the comprehensive and practical construction organization and quality assurance measure shall be compiled according the practical condition of this project, and it shall be coordinated with the civil engineering construction and other equipments installation. The content contains (but is not limited to):
1) 工程概况、主要指标。Project overview, principle indexes.
2) 工程项目分布图表。Construction project distribution diagram.
3) 任务划分、劳动组织、施工组织。Task divide, labor organization, construction organization.
4) 施工及安装计划。Construction and installation plan.
5) 施工及安装项目管理人员名单、施工及安装技术人员名单、履历及资质证明。List of the construction and installation project management personnel, list of the construction and installation technical personnel, resume and qualification certification.
6) 各项专业配合、工序进度(如线路、供电、动照、通信、土建、通风空调、给排水及消防、轨道、综合监控、屏蔽门、防淹门等内容)。All the cooperation, process progress (like lines, power supply, lighting, communication, civil engineering, air-conditioning, water supply and drainage, fire protection, track, general monitoring, screen door, flood gate, etc.).
7) 施工方法、材料、设备供应进度以及测试计划。Construction method, material, equipment supply progress and test plan.
8) 施工技术标准、技术措施、新工艺。Construction technical standard, technical measure, new process.
9) 保证施工质量、环境管理和生产安全的措施。Measures to guarantee the construction quality, environment management and production safety.
10) 保证工程材料质量的措施。Measures to guarantee the quality of the project material.
11) 工期保证措施。Measures to guarantee the project time limit.
12) 施工安全保证措施。Measures to guarantee the construction safety.
2. 应根据本基本技术要求的规定,在合同执行的各个阶段向招标人提交有关合同执行的计划和报告等,供审批。In accordance this basic technical requirements, the plans and reports of the contract implementation in all the stages of the contract implementation shall be submitted to Biddee for obtaining the approval.
3. 周/月进度报告Weekly / monthly progress report
负责每周/月提供周/月进度报告,周/月进度报告包括但不限于以下内容:Be responsible to prepare provide the weekly / monthly progress report in every week / month, weekly / monthly progress report contains but is not limited to the following items:
1) 上周/月进度情况(安装、调试、人员等情况)The progress condition in the last week / month (installation, debugging, personnel, etc.)
2) 下周/月计划工作(安装、调试、人员、需招标人协调工作、申请支付计划等情况)The work plan for the next week / month (installation, debugging, personnel, work need Biddee’s coordination, payment application plan, etc.)
1.2 监理工程师Supervision engineer
1. 招标人将委托监理工程师负责对本项目中的施工及安装、系统调试等进行全过程监理。投标人在合同执行的整个阶段配合监理工程师的工作和接受监理工程师的监督。Biddee will commission the supervision engineer to supervise the whole processes of the construction and installation, system debugging in this project. During the whole process of the contract implementation, Bidder will cooperate with the supervision engineer to accept the supervision from the supervision engineer.
2. 监理工程师对投标人选购的设备和材料的来源进行审核。Supervision engineer will check the source of the equipments and materials selected and purchased by Bidder.
3. 监理工程师对投标人在信号系统设备安装过程中所采用的工艺文件的完整性和有效性进行审查。Supervision engineer will check the integrality and validity of the process documents used by Bidder during the signal system equipment installation.
4. 监理工程师对投标人的质量保证体系进行审查。Supervision engineer will check the Bidder’s quality insurance system.
5. 监理工程师对投标人提出的阶段生产进度计划及实施措施进行审查。Supervision engineer will check the staged production progress plan and implementation measures proposed by Bidder.
6. 监理工程师对生产进度计划执行情况进行跟踪检查,检查和督促进度计划的实施,核批投标人修正计划。Supervision engineer will make the tracking inspection on the production progress plan implementation condition, supervise and urge the implementation of the progress plan, check and approve the Bidder’s modified plan.
7. 监理工程师对投标人采购的重要原材料和关键外购件的质量进行检查,对于不符合有关规定和标准的外购件,有权拒绝进入生产流程。Supervision engineer will check the quality of the important raw material and critical bought-in components purchased by Bidder. If the bought-in components do not comply with the relevant regulations and standards, the supervision engineer has the rights to refuse to use these bought-in components in the production process.
8. 监理工程师对投标人的主要部件和关键工序进行监督,严格控制质量。Supervision engineer will check the Bidder’s important parts and critical processes to strictly control the quality.
9. 监理工程师参与验收分包商提供的主要设备材料。Supervision engineer will join the acceptance of the important equipments and materials provided by the subcontractors.
10. 监理工程师对本项目的施工和安装进行全过程监理,对投标人的施工计划、施工组织、施工方案、施工工艺、安装标准、工程图纸、安装图纸等进行审查和确认,对施工中的隐蔽性工程进行现场确认和签认。Supervision engineer will supervise the whole process of the construction and installation of this project, to make inspection and verification of Bidder’s construction plan, construction organization, construction plan, construction process, installation standard, engineering drawings, installation drawings, and to verify the hidden construction in the project on site and make the sign-off.
11. 监理工程师将参加和协助信号系统的各项调试、系统调试、综合联调、验收等工作,负责监督投标人提供的设备性能是否达到技术规格书的技术要求。Supervision engineer will join and assist the debugging, system debugging, general combined test, verification and acceptance of the signal system. Supervision engineer will be responsible to supervise the performance of the equipments supplied by Bidder to see if the technical requirements of the technical specification are met.
12. 投标人必须向监理工程师免费提交所有与项目有关的必需的数据及所有要求提供的资料。Bidder must submit all the project-related data and materials required to be provided to the supervision engineer in free.
13. 投标人及时遵从监理工程师的指导。Bidder shall comply with the instruction of the supervision engineer.
14. 监理工程师在工作中的签字确认,并不能减少投标人对产品质量和工程质量的责任。The sign-off by the supervision engineer in the project shall not reduce Bidder’s responsibility of the product quality and construction quality.
15. 监理工程师有权要求投标人立即撤换不能胜任本项目施工及安装工作、玩忽职守、行为不端的人员。Supervision engineer has the rights to request Bidder to immediately replace the incapable, derelict and misbehaved personnel in the construction and installation of this project.
16. 监理工程师有权对如下情况签发停工指令:Supervision engineer has the rights to issue the stop work order in the following conditions:
 施工及安装人员未能按图施工;The construction made by construction and installation personnel is not following the drawings;
 施工及安装人员的组成违反合同有关要求或不能胜任安装工作,又不愿撤换;The composition of the construction and installation personnel is in violation with the contract-related requirements, or the personnel are incapable in the installation work, and the Bidder is not willing to make the necessary replacement;
 施工工艺不合理或者必需机具不到位而开始施工;The construction process is not reasonable, or the construction is made without the necessary equipments being in place;
 违反安全作业要求,野蛮施工;The safety working requirements are violated, barbarous construction;
 其它有损质量及进度的行为发生Other activities that damage the quality and progress happen.
投标人应为去工程现场的监理工程师等提供工程现场的方便条件如办公场所、工地饮水、工作午餐、工地交通工具等。Bidder shall provide convenient accommodations in the construction site for supervision engineer, like office, potable water in the construction site, working lunch, transportation vehicle in the construction site, etc.


