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发布时间:2013-2-26      阅读次数:1243


3.4.4  整车产品市场定位
3.4.5   GA1系列车型的市场占有率和产品销售预测
年   份     GA1系列车型销量      
3.4.6  轿车内饰件市场的发展
Per capita GDP of our country has already exceeded 2000 dollars for the first time in 2006. It is estimated that it will reach 3000 dollars by 2020. The

development of Chinese economic has formally entered into the key period of 2000- 3000 dollars of per capita GDP. The popularizing course of automobile of

European country, America and Japan indicates in the period of per capita GDP of 1000-3000 dollars is the most fast growth period of automobile

popularization. In the period that the per capita GDP is about 1000 U.S. dollar, the automobile owning amount in European country, America and Japan is about

9- 2 per one hundred person on average; when the GDP reaches 3000 dollars, the automobile owning amount in European country, America and Japan is about 20- 5

per one hundred person on average. There is sizable disparity from this level in our country.
By studying the situation in recent years, in the auto field of passenger car, the growth of the sales volume of auto has a higher speed and a better

stability. The sales volume of auto will continue keeping faster growth rate on later stage.
Although Chinese has powerful growth potential for auto consumption, it will encounter the restriction in many aspects, such as environment, land, and

petroleum energy, etc. The fast growth of the auto consumption shall be restricted by the factors such as the rise of the oil price, lacking of road to cause

traffic jam, and air quality exceed beyond physiological limit of people in big city.
The following chart indicates the optimistic and conservative estimation for the auto market demand of our country in the future. From this chart we may find

out, the auto demand of our country will exceed 11 million by 2015 even in the conservative prediction.
2008-2015年轿车需求测算(万辆):Estimation of auto demand (Ten thousand)
乐观估计:Optimistic estimation
保守估计:Conservative estimation
3.4.4 Market orientation of completed auto products
The engine capacity of the GA1 series products is between 1.8-2.4L. The products are the high quality combination of dynamic, comfortable, controlling, and

security; the advanced design, configuration, technology and the expansion of abundant space of the GAI series shall be the pilot products of the middle-and

-high-ranking auto of proprietary brand.
The serial products of GA1 will grab market share of the middle grade auto of high end market, middle-and-high-ranking auto of the low end market and

intermediate market through its appearance, advantage of size and excellent quality.
Compared with the other proprietary brand products, the GA1 series have the advantages of performance and the brand; compared with joint-venture brand, GA1

series have advantage of close performance quality and prices.
3.4.5   Occupation rate of market of the GA1 series and sales forecast of the products
The basic model of GA1 products will be put on market in 2010, and the other variation products and regeneration product based on the same platform shall be

followed up afterwards. According to the occupation rate of target market, the annual sales volume of completed auto products to predict is as follows:
The predicted sales volume of the products of the GA1 series (Ten thousand)
Sales volume of GA1 series       
Production arrangement of the first stage of GA project      
Oriented from the planning demand of proprietary brand products and the development of its own, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. and Johnson Controls

build the systematic production base of interior decorations. The products may meet the demand for the project that the products and configuration

requirements of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd; implement the working procedure in advance such as products testing, authentication and package, etc.

The implemented plan shall keep in pace with the plan of completed auto.
3.4.6   Market development of the auto interior decoration
1) The plastic spare part of automobile is used extensively with each passing day
With the development of automobile technology, the plastic application on the completed auto of spare part is more and more extensive. It may be divided into

o three categories according to its function: inside decorative parts, exterior decorative parts and functional parts such as bumper, instrument panel, seat,

back headrest, fuel tank, engine, some parts of chassis, etc.
In order to meet the demands of automobile industrial, the plastic variety of the automobile and application range are expanding constantly. In the 1990s,

the plastics amount applied in automobile of developed country is about 100- 130kg  per car in average, which accounts for 7%- 10% of outfitting quality of

completed auto; at present, the plastics amount applied in automobile of developed country is over 300kg per car, which account 20% of outfitting quality of

completed auto. It is estimated by 2020, the plastics amount applied in automobile of developed country in average shall reach 500kg per car.
The plastics amount applied in automobile economical car of each auto of our country is about 50- 60kg; In our country, the medium and high grade car is

basically introduced from the developed country, the plastic application amount of the automobile is basically equal to lev


