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发布时间:2013-3-11      阅读次数:1486


    1.1  项目的提出

1.2 矿区位置与交通及企业性质
矿区位于湖南省泸溪县城南西约70km,属兴隆场镇管辖。地理座标:东径109°48′34″~109°49′18″,北纬28°04′50″~28°06′   01″,中冶湘西矿业有限公司泸溪县兴

拐点号 X Y
1 3110200 19383000
2 3110200 19384200
3 3107000 19384200
4 3108000 19383000
5 3109000 19383400
6 3109500 19383000
开采深度 370~270m

1.3 工作区自然地理与经济状况



1.4 开发方案编写的主要依据
1.4.1 项目的前期工作
中冶湘西矿业有限公司于2005年4月6日取得泸溪兴隆场炭质页岩(石煤)矿采矿可证后,于2007年初委托湖南省地质矿产勘查开发局   四○五队对该区进行了地质普查工作。

1.4.2 主要基础资料编制方案的主要资料依据:
1.4.3 开发方案编制的基本原则



1. Overview
1.1 Initiation
MCC Xiangxi Minerals Co., Ltd is scheduled to construct a carbonaceous shale (stone coal) power plant in Xinglongchang Township, Luxi County, Hunan Province.

Entrusted by MCC Xiangxi Minerals Co.,Ltd, Xiangxi Engineering Investigation Institute has prepared a development and utilization scheme of carbonaceous

shale(stone coal) in Xinglongchang Mine, Luxi County, Hunan Province.
1.2 Geographical location, traffic condition and nature of enterprise
Located at about 70km west to Luxi County, under the jurisdiction of Xinglongchang Township; geographical coordinate: 109°48′34″E-109°49′18″E, 28°04′

50″N-28°06′01″N, a total area of 2.96km2, and composed of six inflection points, with the coordinates listed in Table 1.
Coordinates of inflection points of mining area
Table 1
Serial No.  X Y
1 3110200 19383000
2 3110200 19384200
3 3107000 19384200
4 3108000 19383000
5 3109000 19383400
6 3109500 19383000
Depth of exploitation  370-270m
The mining area has a convenient traffic condition given the fact that there are country roads connected to G319 National Highway, and the working site is

about 70km away from Luxi County, about 89km away from the capital of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture--Jishou, and about 89km away from Jishou Railway Station

(see Table 1).
1.3 Natural geography and economic state
1.3.1 Natural geography
This mining area is situated at the hinterland of Wuling Mountain, east to Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, with an overall geographic distribution higher in west and

lower in east. The max elevation is 667.8m, and min. elevation is about 300m, with an overall height difference of 300m; the landforms are available with

middle-low mountains, karst valleys and hilly areas.
It’s located in a subtropical moist monsoon climate zone featuring great difference in temperature and forest coverage up to 50%. The perennial mean

temperature is 15-16.3 Celsius degrees, mean annual sunlight of 1261h, mean annual rainfall of 1363mm, mean annual evaporation of 1187mm, and relative

humidity up to 55-85%.
The water system in this mining area is underdeveloped, since its major stream is Longtouchong Brook. The water level of mountain torrents will rise by 2-3m

during July-August.
Longtouchong Reservoir at county level has a capacity about 7.3 million m3 with a max mountain torrent elevation of 324m.
1.3.2 Economic state
Luxi County is an outlying county of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, and also a state key poverty-aided county incorporated into the Western Development

Program in China. It has a weak industry basis and a relatively backward economic and cultural state. This area is predominated by Tujia Nationality,

followed by Miao Nationality and Han Nationality, etc, most of whom are engaged in agricultural production, and only a few in handicraft industry and trade.
With an installed capacity about 500MW, the middle and small hydropower stations in Luxi County are interconnected with the state power grids, making it

possible to meet the future power requirements for mine development.
1.4 Major basis for preparing development scheme
1.4.1 Preliminary preparation
After obtaining the mining license for Xinglongchang Carbonaceous Shale (stone coal) on April 6, 2005, MCC Xiangxi Minerals Co.,Ltd entrusted No. 405 Team,

Hunan Bureau of Exploration & Development of Geology & Mineral Resources in early of 2007 to conduct geological survey.
1.4.2 Major data:
(1). “Geological Survey Report for Carbonaceous Shale (stone coal) of Xinglongchang Mine, Luxi County, Hunan Province” (submitted by No. 405 Team, Hunan

Bureau of Exploration & Development of Geology & Mineral Resources in August, 2007;
(2). “Feasibility Report of New 2000-ton Vanadic Oxide Project”, prepared by MCC Xiangxi Minerals Co., Ltd;
(3). “Summary of Luxi Stone Coal Test”;
(4). “Report Requesting Instructions on Confirmation of Industrial Indexes for Comprehensive Utilization& Survey of Carbonaceous Shale (stone coal) of

Xinglongchang Mine, Luxi County, Hunan Province”;
(5). “Report Requesting Instructions on Confirmation of Industrial Indexes of Vanadium Ore for Comprehensive Utilization& Survey of Carbonaceous Shale

(stone coal) of Xinglongchang Mine, Luxi County, Hunan Province”;
(6). “Announcement on Review of Comprehensive Utilization Scheme of Mine Resources” (Land and Resources (1999) No. 98);
(7). “Safety Regulations for Metal and Nonmetal Underground Mines” (GB16424-1996).
1.4.3 Basic Principle for Preparation of Development Scheme
To develop and utilize the mine resources properly and speed up the economic growth of western Hunan region, the mine development scheme shall be planned,

where applicable, to ensure safe and cost-efficient implementation with state-of-the-art technologies, in accordance with the national guidelines and

policies on economic construction as well as the national and industrial requirements on design criterion. In other words, the mineral deposit exploitation

scheme shall be confirmed and the mining methods designed according to the conditions of mineral deposit occurrence and exploitation technology; the mineral

development shall be conducted safely and environmental-friendly with advanced technologies in accordance with “Law of the People’s Republic of China on

Safety in Mines”, “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Safety in Mines” and “Regulations on Safety in Metallurgical Mines”, etc; the

technical equipments shall be improved gradually and cost-effectively.


