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发布时间:2013-3-13      阅读次数:1308

电缆安装说明书翻译-中英对照 拉线与拉杆的拆除(如有必要)
拉线的恢复工作仅能在地面上进行,届时配电网的拆除工作已经结束。拉线的拆除应通过松开两边平行槽的紧固螺丝完成,从而恢复钢缆的使用。 极的挖掘
务必围绕极的底部进行挖掘直至其基础部分可以自由活动,然后小心吊起该极。不得在尚未松开极的基础部分的情况下将极拔出。如果在拆除后,极仍可以恢复并可继续使用,则必须注意拆除工作以防对极产生任何其他的损伤。 服务连接的拆除(如有必要)
在将现有客户连接至新的网络之前应及时通知这些客户。先将当前所有的电气连接都断开,然后把地下或高空电缆移开,接下来再进行新的高架服务连接。在对现有客户服务连接的地方,无须将接地杆移开。 工作顺序
一般的工作顺序应是从MV电压线开始,然后是配电变压器,最后才是二次网络。承包商应注意所有客户的服务连接。基本上,桑尼亚国家电力公司(TANESCO)- 与承包商互相配合-将能够处理好客户连接的工作。
13.2 与地下电缆安装相关的工作
13.2.1 总则
预期在达累斯萨拉姆(Dar es Salaam)安装一根长13.2km的单核XLPE 33 kV电缆。电缆系统应连接至变电站。
• 电缆路径的选择和勘测以及对完成工程所需的工厂和材料的评估。
• 在以上所述的变电站中,电缆沟的挖掘和模板制作,以及电缆线导管的安装和电缆的支撑结构。
• 电缆的铺设,包括铺垫电缆沟(沙和回填)或铺设管道,横木上的搭建与固定。电缆支架或支撑结构以及电缆封头支撑。
• 盖板或厚平板的采购与铺设,以及平交道口中管铺设道。
• 采购,安装以及电缆沟内细沙砾的压实,其最大热阻系数为1.8 °C m/W,且化学性质为中性。
• 电缆沟的回填和回填材料的压实(土壤,沙)。
• 辅助施工项目的备品,例如:防水油布,栅栏,警告标志。
• 用于在交叉点处,狭小空间和室内变电站中进行电缆连接所必须的安装材料的备品,例如:电缆桥架,夹具和其他安装所需的配件。
• 连接端和电缆封头的供应,以及为工厂通电。
• 要求可行的设计和制造方案,沿电缆路径的混凝土管坑应带有盖子。
• 各种必备材料的备品,例如:例如软焊材料、苯、丙烷、乙炔,氧空气以及汽油,从而使得工程满足项目经理的要求。
13.2.2 电缆安装 总则
Section VIII: Technical Specifications Page VIH-11Q  Dismantling of Guys, Stays (if any)
Guys shall be recovered from above ground only and shall be done when distribution network disman¬tling is completed. Guy dismantling shall be carried-out by loosening on both sides the parallel-groove clamp bolts in order to recover steel cable.
It shall be necessary to excavate around pole bases until foundations are free, then with care the pole shall be lifted. In no case the pole shall be pulled-out without freeing the foundation. If a pole is recov¬erable for subsequent re-use after dismantling it shall be carefully handled to avoid additional damage.  Dismantling of Service Connections (if any)
Existing customers shall be notified before proceeding to connect them to new network. All electrical connections of present supply shall be disconnected, then underground or aerial cable at the meter shall be removed, to be subsequently connected to the new overhead service connection. The earthing rod shall not be removed where installed on existing customer's service connection.  Sequence of Works
In general the sequence shall begin with MV voltage lines, then distribution transformers and subse¬quently the secondary network. The Contractor shall pay special attention to the service connections of all customers. Basically, TANESCO - in coordination with the Contractor - will handle the customer connections. :
The zone principle shall be followed; i.e., dismantling shall be focused on each substation and its as¬sociated circuits, before progressing to the next substation.
The Contractor shall submit a daily report (with two days anticipation) to Employer and Project Man¬ager indicating activities to be performed and time of commencement and completion.
13.2  Works Associated with Underground Cable Installations 13.2.1 General
it is expected to install nearly 13.2 km of single-core XLPE 33 kV cable in Dar es Salaam. The cable system shall connect the Substations
• Oysterbay (new and existing),
• Mala to Kariakoo.
The proposed arrangements of the underground cables, the laying depth, the necessary cable spac¬ing, and the type of protection are shown on the drawings in the distribution standards.
The tentative cable routes for the MV underground networks will be provided prior to contract award. However, the Contractor shall consider the shortest way for the LV underground cable routes.
Tanzania: Distribution System Reinforcement Project, Dar es Safaam, Arusha and Kilimanjaro DECOM
Tender Documents for Lot 4: Rant and Equipment for 33/11 kV Overhead Lines mhoftenderdocslot4.doc
Section Vlli: Technical Specifications Page VSIi-111
The Contractor shall lay and install all specified MV cables completely and shall, pursuant to a final Site test, hand the installations over in working order. The installation works and incidental charges shall include as follows, but not excluding ail other necessary works and charges as covered by these Bidding Documents:
»   Selection and survey of the cable routes and estimation of all necessary plant and materials to
complete the works. «   Excavation and the shuttering of the cable trenches, as well as the installation of the cable ducts
and supporting structures for the cables in the above substations.
• Cable laying, including bedding in the cable trench (sand and backfill), or laying in ducts and build¬
ings, fastening on crossarms, cable brackets or supporting structures and sealing-end supports.
• Procurement and laving of covering plates or slabs and laying in pipes at road crossings.
• Procurement, installing and compacting in cable trenches fine grain sand, which shall have a
maximum thermal resistivity of 1.8 °C m/W and shall be chemically neutral.
• Backfilling of cable trenches and compacting of the backfill material (soil, sand).
• Provision of auxiliary construction items such as tarpaulins, barriers, warning signs.
• Provision of the necessary fixing materials for connection of the cables to the junction, compact
and indoor substations, as well as cable trays, clamps and all other accessories, required for
proper installation.
• Supply and installation of joints and sealing ends, as well as making the electrical connections to
• Design and fabrication of the required accessible, concrete duct pits with covers, along the cable
• Provision of all necessary miscellaneous material, such as soldering material, benzene, propane,
acetylene, oxygen air, petrol, to complete the works to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.
13.2.2 Cable Installation 13.2.2,1   General
The cables and their accessories shall be installed, tested and commissioned by the Contractor's staff, with local skilled and unskilled labourers employed only for excavation, cable laying, backfilling and for civil work which shall be adequately supervised by the Contractor's personnel.
In this contract, the Contractor shall employ fully qualified and experienced personnel who have had previous experience on comparable installations. This shall cover, as -a minimum, the supervisory, testing and commissioning engineers.
Cable laying, excavation, backfilling operations or work shall not commence without the written ap¬proval of the Project Manager.
Civil works in the substations shall be performed in accordance with Section VII, General Technical Specifications. Inside the substations, the cables shall be laid in the concrete cable trenches for outgo¬ing MV feeders.
The cables shall be laid on the routes and in the locations as finally approved. The Project Manager shall have the right to alter the cable routes and locations where it is considered necessary to avoid obstructions, or to suit allocations by town planning authorities, or others.


