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发布时间:2013-3-15      阅读次数:1898

13.2.2 电缆的安置和铺设
路线长度/根据日程表里面的价格,对不同电缆安装费用进行计算。每条电路的3个单芯电缆在扁式材料中必须与中心的任一点有至少200毫米的距离。在安装工作的开始之前,同的电缆电路之间的间距必须获得项目经理的同意,但是不同电缆电路之间的距离不得少于200毫米。  在地面上直接铺设电缆
在回填之前,不使用任何用木制塞子密封的管材或者导管。全部密封材料和塞子由承包商负责提供。 混凝土电缆沟的电缆
每个连接处必须采用认可的方式标明电缆编号和连接编号;单芯电缆连接必须标明连接的相位。 电缆标识
每个电缆的末端必须有标识/方便确认的标签;位于在电缆终端的合适位置。电缆进入或者离开导管或者管材的地方,必须提供合适的标签。标签,标识或者固定物的材料必须能抗腐蚀,对材料造成腐蚀,保证长期清楚可读。 回填和复原
在电缆埋设并且覆盖之后,承包商在离电缆200毫米的位置,使用经过挑选的 (如有必要)的土壤回填电缆沟;在每个土层压实,如有必要,浇水并且巩固土层。然后承包商仔细的复原铺设的板坯,达到项目经理满意的程度。
All slabs being removed during performance of the work shall be re-established or replaced.
13.2.2,3  Cable Laying and Routing
In general, the arrangement of the cab!es and methods of the laying shall be subject to the approval of the Project Manager.
Cables shall be laid directly in the ground, with protection covers, drawn into pipes and ducts, laid di¬rectly in troughs or in concrete trenches, or on racks, or supported on trays or cleats as may be re¬quired by the Project Manager.
The route length/run of the different cable installation arrangements are to be measured for payment purposes according to the rates indicated in the schedule of prices. The three single core cables of each circuit shall be laid throughout in flat formation with a minimum of 200 mm between centres at any point. The spacing between different cable circuits shall be decided by the Project Manager prior to commencement of installation work, but at no point shall the distance between different cable cir¬cuits be less than 200 mm.
13.2,2.4 Cables Laid Directly in the Ground
Each MV cable circuit comprising three single-core cables shall be laid as indicated in the drawings in Annex 3.
The Contractor shail provide necessary ducts if required at the rates included in the contract. The ends of the ducts shall protrude to a distance of 1.0 m beyond the curbstones. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work involved, including breaking-up of the road surface and subsequent backfilling, compacting and consolidating of the same.
The Contractor shall remove any loose material from the ducts, and shall prove them by drawing a mandrel of slightly lesser diameter than that of the ducts itself through them, immediately before pull¬ing in the cables.
After pulling in the cables, the ducts shall be seated adequately with an approved compound.
Any pipes or ducts not used shall be sealed by wooden plugs before backfilling. All sealing material and plugs shall be supplied by the Contractor,
13,2.2,5  Cables in Concrete Trenches
Inside the substations, all concrete trenches and covers shall be provided and shall be subject to the approval of the Project Manager. All cables in concrete trenches shall be supported by means of suit¬able spacers and brackets. They shall run in a neat and orderly manner and the crossing of cables within the trench shall be avoided as far as possible. Cables of different voltages shall be kept sepa¬rate.
After the trench has been excavated to the necessary depth, a minimum of 25 mrn dean, fine sand shall be placed to form a bed for the cables.
After the cables have been laid, they shall be covered with additional ciean, fine sand, over and around the cables to a level of 50 mm above the top of the uppermost cable. The sand shall be tamped by hand for satisfactory compaction; mechanical tampers shall not be used for this work.
Cables shall be laid directly from the drums into the trenches and special rollers placed at close inter¬vals shall be employed for supporting the cables during pulling and laying works.
After the cables have been Said and until all the cables in the trench have been covered with their pro¬tection covers, no sharp tools such as spades, pick-axes or fencing stakes shall be used in the trench.
Each joint shall be clearly labelled in an approved manner to indicate the cable number and the joint number; single-core cable joints shall be marked to identify the phase of each joint. Cable
Cable markers of an approved type shall be provided along the route of buried cables and shall be erected as reinstatement is being carried out. The markers shall be supplied and installed by the Con¬tractor.
The types and details of the markers proposed to be used shall be submitted by the Contractor for the Project Manager's approval before cable installation work commences. The joint markers shall-differ from the markers for the cable routes.
Markers shall be installed at al! duct and joint positions; all places where the route changes direction and on straight routes at distances not exceeding 30 m.
The Contractor shall supply and install all labels for the cables, properly numbered and located and subject to the approval of the Project Manager. The cables shall be protected in the trench by yellow warning tapes marked "33 kV cable" in 25 mm high black letters.
Each end of a cable run shall be provided with markers/labels for identification, fitted in a suitable posi¬tion under the cable terminals. Where cables enter or leave ducts or pipes, suitable identification markers shall be fitted. The materials of the markers and of the labels and fastenings shall be such as to avoid corrosion, due to incompatibility of materials and to ensure permanent legibility.
13.2.2,7  Backfilling and Reinstatement
Back-filling of trenches shall not commence until the Project Manager or his Supervision staff has in¬spected and approved the cables and accessories installed.
After the cables are laid and covered, the Contractor shall backfill the trench with selected (and if nec¬essary sieved) soil in 200 mm layers, the earth in each layer being well compacted, watered if neces¬sary and consolidated. The Contractor shall then carefully reinstate the paving slabs, all to the satis¬faction of the Project Manager.
Each refilled trench shall be maintained in a safe condition by the Contractor at his expense until such time as he can carry out permanent reinstatement of the upper levels and surface so as to restore these to their original condition or to the level of the surrounding curbstones, or finished surface, re¬spectively, whichever is higher.


