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发布时间:2013-4-11      阅读次数:1275


(3) Worrying declined wetland function
Wetland area declines sharply. China’s wetland resources are faced with various serious threats. Over the past 40 years, only reclamation has made nearly 1,000 natural lake wetlands disappear, with an area of more than 1.3 million hectares, and the lake reclamation area has exceeded the total area of the five major fresh water lakes, resulting in the lost regulation and storage capacity of 32.5 billion cubic meters and the annually lost freshwater resources of about 35 billion cubic meters; coastal wetlands reclamation has reached nearly 1/2. China’s wetland area has fallen from about 6.9% to 3.77% of the total land area, much lower than 6%, the ratio of global wetland area occupying the total global land area. With the reduction of wetlands, wetland ecological functions have decreased significantly, resulting in biodiversity reduction and ecological deterioration.
(4) Threats to biodiversity
The change of habitat environment has affected biodiversity. Over the years, population growth and rural and urban expansion have destroyed large areas of natural forests, grasslands, wetlands and other natural habitats so that a large number of wild animals have lost their habitats loss and are endangered. There are 4,000 to 5,000 species of endangered or nearly endangered higher plants in China, accounting for 15% to 20% of the total higher plants. According to the preliminary statistics from a lot of valuable information accumulated through scientific investigation of biological and natural resources in China, there are about 398 species of endangered vertebrate animals, accounting for around 7.7% of the total number of vertebrate animals in China, and 258 species of wild animals have been endangered. It is estimated that the wild south China tigers as one of the first-class protected animals in China have only left dozens. The white-fin dolphins living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from the lower of Zhicheng, Hubei have only left over 100. Some species like Equus Przeualskii and high-nose antelopes went extinct in the 20th century. Some common species in the past (such as: Mongolian Gazelle, etc.) have become rare species. Among the 640 species listed in appendix I of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, there are 156 species in China, accounting for approximate 1/4 of the total number, and more than 40,000 species of associated biology suffer from survival threat, so the situation is very grim.
(5) Obvious trend of glacier retreat
Because of the climate warming and the impact of human activities, in recent two to three decades, significant changes have taken place in the glaciers in western China and the glacier material loss is extremely serious. According to the Survey on China’s Glacier Resources and Changes, the nearly 20,000 square kilometers glaciers not covered with moraine are in the overall state of reduction, with a reduced area of 1,480 square kilometers. This part of glaciers have an overall reduction ratio of 7.4% compared with the area according to the first glacier survey from the end of the 1950s to the 1980s. In addition to area reduction, some glaciers have thinned obviously, such as the No. 12 Glacier in the Tiger Ditch of Qilian Mountains, whose area reduction is not obvious but whose ice surface height has reduced by 20 to 25 meters at most; compared with the thickness data in 1984, Qiyi Glacier has thinned by 19.6 meters on average totally over the past 23 years and the thinning by more than 50 meters of the end area is maximum.
2. Deep ecological problems have become increasingly prominent
(1) Unreasonable ecosystem structure
For a long time, China’s population growth, industrial development, urban expansion as well as construction of infrastructures such as traffic, hydropower and water conservancy have brought a strong disturbance to regional ecosystem structure: a number of important ecological information development substrates have been cut; ecological information contact channels have been blocked; ecological information mixed nodes have been destroyed. This is profoundly manifested in the following:
Significant changes have taken place in landscape structure. With the rapid development of China’s economy, China’s urbanization process is gradually speeding up. Rapid formation of urban agglomerations in economically developed regions has fundamentally changed the original landscape patterns and surface structure of these regions, for example, the construction of freeways has seriously broken up the regional landscape and severely restricted the free spread and flow of biology; land expropriation for urban construction as well as sequent consolidation of countryside or suburb land and river rectification have greatly reduced the heterogeneity but the largely increased the uniformity of land resources, severely damaged the niche and fundamentally shaken the foundation of biodiversity.
River-basin structure is not reasonable. The ecosystem of river basins has been plagued with serious imbalance due to overusing and unreasonable exploitation of land resources under rapid growth of population. As a result of deforestation and steep slope cultivation in mountain areas as well as blind cultivated land reclamation from lakes and occupation of flood-draining river beaches in plain areas, the service function of natural ecosystem has been severely damaged so that the areas on both sides of the middle and lower reaches are faced with flood threat. Not only the flood level has become higher and higher but the flood-prevention burden has become heavier and heavier and the flood-prevention risk has become larger and larger. In some inland river basins, influenced by human activities with exploitation of water and soil resources as the basic characteristics, mountain vegetation has been reduced; water conditions of the middle and lower reaches have deteriorated caused by overexploitation of the upper reaches; coastal natural oasis continues to degrade; staggered transitional strips have shrunk; oasis desertification area has expanded for the loss of buffer protection by the transitional trips. Ecological structure trend to degradation on the whole.
Industrial structure is incompatible with the bearing capacity of resources and environment. Industrial structure and layout hasn’t taken water resource conditions into account and many high water consumption projects are distributed in water shortage areas, aggravating the shortage of water resources. For example, high water consumption metallurgical and petrochemical projects are distributed in Beijing, a city with deficient water resources; large-scale commodity grain bases are constructed in Xinjiang, a province located in desert belt; a large area of rice are planted in Ningxia, a province with a arid climate; rice planting is promoted in the desert areas, all of which are typical representatives of incompatibility between industrial distribution and water resource conditions.


