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发布时间:2013-4-14      阅读次数:1262


由于经济发展速度过猛,国内矿产资源远远不能满足当前经济发展的需要。中国矿产资源总采掘量达50亿t,可人均占有量不足世界人均占有量的50%,但单位GDP能耗、物耗大大高于世界平均水平。2006年中国GDP达到了21600亿美元,占世界GDP总量的5.5%左右,但能源消耗达到了24.6亿万吨标准煤,大约占世界能源消耗的15%左右。钢材消费量达到了3.88亿吨,大约占世界钢材消耗的30%。水泥消耗了12.4亿吨,大约占世界水泥消耗量的54%。随着国民物质生活水平提高和经济总量的扩大,各类资源消耗以后较长时间里还将保持较高增长趋势。由于储量有限,矿产品消费对进口的依赖程度继续提高。石油达到45.2% ,铁矿石55% ,铜金属70% ,氧化铝45%,钾盐77%。近年来,我国石油、铁矿石、铜金属等对进口的依赖程度呈逐年增加趋势,尤其是石油和铁矿石对进口的依赖程度增加更快。据预测,中国45种主要矿产的现有储量,到2010年能够保证需要的只有24种,到2020年能够保证需要的仅有6种。
5. Integrity lack of ecological construction
At present, the ecological environment construction management system in China is not unified. Serious problems such as multiple governances, fragmentation, non-cooperation and multiple leaderships have led to scattered investment, not-in-place responsibility, no integrative resultant force for regulation and unobvious effective regulation. Construction of the ecological environment requires substantial capital investment and in recent years, China has made increasing investment in ecological construction. Only from 1998 to 2002, China invested as more as 580 billion yuan in environmental protection and ecological construction, which accounted for more than 1.29% of the GDP during the same period and was 1.8 times of the total investment of the 47 years from 1950 to 1997, effectively supporting the ecological and environmental protection work. Due to the separate use of funds, however, the situation of national investment but dispersed use can’t form an integrated resultant force for regulation and so can’t guarantee the funds for large area of effective regulation. As some decision-makings and practices lack of systematical and scientific guidelines, ecological construction has neither referenced the current international advanced concepts on the integrated management of ecosystem, nor achieved the change from a single-factor management to the multi-element and multi-system integrated management to stress protection on structure and function of regional and river-basin ecosystems. Sector management has led to difficulties in inter-region and inter-project controls of ecological environment construction from an overall view, so that overlapping and cross-cutting have happened to ecological construction projects, causing a lot of financial and human wastes; focusing on construction but ignoring management has led to large impacts on effectiveness and sustainability of ecological projects.
6. Disharmonious ecological regulation system
China has widely established related management organizations for different sectors and ecological environment at all levels. However, due to the administrative division of sector management, different ecological factors (such as water, land, forest and grassland) have been separated from each other, or even the same ecological factors have also been divided into many segments. Policy thoughts lay particular stress on sector interests and lack of overall understanding of ecological problems, thus affecting the efficiency of ecological management. Meanwhile, the regulation system of ecological protection is not sound; relevant laws, regulations, policies and standards on ecological protection are imperfect; ecological regulation capability is poor. Spot enforcement for ecological protection has not yet been carried out in most regions and problems such as fund lack, insufficient vehicles and poor equipment have occurred throughout the country. Scientific research forces for ecological protection are limited, especially the technologies like ecological monitoring and early warning are still in the initial stage and the information is insufficient and has poor channels, so it is difficult to provide a sound support to ecological management.
III. Main Pressures in the Future
1. The pressure from economic growth onto ecological environment can be released in a short term
At present, due to its late start, China is in the period of accelerated development of industrialization and urbanization; consumption and demand of resources and energy are extremely large; economic development is still in the extensive growth mode with high input, high consumption and high emission but low cycle and low efficiency; the pressure from economic growth onto ecological environment is especially manifested as the synchronization between high-speed economic growth and resources consumption, ecological destruction and environmental pollution.
The regions with fragile ecological environment cover more than 60% of the land area of China. The soil erosion area accounts for 37.1% of the total land area, with annual soil loss of 5 billion tons; 90% of the natural grassland has degraded in varying degrees, with annual land desertification rate of 2460 km2; annual wetland has shrunk and disappeared by a large area, for example, mangrove wetlands in Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi have dropped from 50,000 hectares to 14,000 hectares over the past 20 years; 90% of urban surface waters has been polluted. China's per capita arable land area is 1.4 mu, only 40% of the world average level. Furthermore, the arable land is reduced at the rate of over 10 million mu every year due to urbanization and industrialization and the polluted farmland has accounted for above 1/10 of the total arable land. Rapid economic development has brought great pressure to ecological environment, so that national or regional ecological disasters and environmental pollutions have occurred frequently since the 1990s.
As a result of excessive speed of economic development, domestic mineral resources fall far short of current economic development needs. The mining of mineral resources in China has amounted to 5 billion tons, with a per capita share less than 50% of the world per capita level, but unit GDP energy consumption and material consumption are much higher than the world average levels. In 2006, China's GDP reached 2.16 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for around 5.5% of the total world GDP, but energy consumption got up to 24.6 trillion tons of standard coal, accounting for about 15% of the world energy consumption. Steel consumption reached 388 million tons, accounting for about 30% the world consumption, and cement consumption got up to 1.24 billion tons, accounting for about 54% of the world consumption. With the improvement of the national material living level and expansion of the overall economy size, consumption of various resources after will still maintain a higher growth trend for a longer time in future. Because of the limited reserves, the dependence degree of minerals consumption on imports continues to improve and the import ratios of oil, iron ore, copper metal, alumina and potassium salt have reached 45.2%, 55%, 70%, 45% and 77% respectively. In recent years, import dependence degree of oil, iron ore and copper metal in China has been increasing year by year, especially oil and iron ore. According to the forecast, among the 45 major minerals in China, only 24 of them have enough existing reserves to ensure the needs till 2010 and only 6 of them have enough existing reserves to ensure the needs till 2020.
China’s GDP will remain at an average annual growth rate of 7.5%, but the output rate of energy resources is quite low. Compared with international advanced level, the comparable energy consumption of per ton steel in China’s major iron and steel enterprises is 15% higher, energy consumption of thermal power supply is 20% higher, and comprehensive energy consumption of cement is 23.6% higher. Compared with international advanced level, China’s industrial sectors consume about 230 million tons of standard coal more every year. China is not out to the old path of pollution first and control last so there is already a considerable degree of environmental overdraft. Low efficiency will inevitably accompanied by a high consumption, high emission and high pollution. The upgrade and adjustment of traditional industrial structure can not be completed in the near future; extensive mode of economic development will still exist in a certain period for a long time; the pressure from economic growth onto resource and environmental will not be released in a short term. Therefore, the pressure on ecological environment will increase year after year.


