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发布时间:2013-4-16      阅读次数:1142

4预防性检修:处理缺陷在初始状态时必要的检修工作, 但并不是指任何的火车安全危险,故障的检修应该按照时间表上标明的故障性质进行修理。
Co.必须将一份紧急校正检修作业计划提交给SRO,并立即开展该计划的实施。 至于定期的维修计划,必须在实施月份当月的前5天内提交给SRO。预防维修计划必须在检修开始的前6个月提交给SRO,以便在开始实施前获得SRO评审和批准。
- 如有必要,准备工作场地和铁轨漏电止动器的安装。
- 与交通部门协调,指定完工的适当期限。
- 用锯床对铁轨和圆盘进行切割和替换。
- 手工执行锚栓和铁轨的移除。
- 新铁轨安装和修理。
- 对可熔接焊接提供必要压力和焊接。
- 使用手工磨为焊接点提供必要的研磨。
- 如有必要,确定低速运行的极限点。
Co.的维修队负责承担检修作业的责任,包括替换断裂和生锈的螺栓。根据检修手册的说明,执行丢失螺栓的复原和松散螺栓的收紧作业,在任何情况下,每千米不合格螺栓的百分比不得超过5%,这项工作包括木制楔形物和塑料楔形物的固定或替换;如果SRO 订单有要求,Co.必须每年在km18 和km40之间的沼泽地区替换10%的锚栓。
3- 垫木维护:
Co.的检修队负责垫木进行维护,根据SRO 的每度维修说明,垫木维护包括损坏垫木的替换维修,确保没有连续3个损坏的垫木,每公里损坏垫木的数量不得超过5%。
公司维修队负责在铁轨之间(压舱物) 堆筑材料部分的维护,并调节的铁路的枕木的距离,以便堆筑材料部分的厚度不超过垫木表面的5com。如果有要求,堆筑材料维护工作包括对SRO增加厚度的堆筑材料的卸载作业。
During the first five dyas of each month SRO must receive results of the periodicaql inspections that were obtained during the elapsed month. At the same time the Co. engineers shall have to analyze such reports, indentify the faults, evaluate the extent of their impact on safety of the trains travel at the rated speeds and classify the categories of the required maintenance as follows:
1. Urgent remedial maint: these are the necessary maintenance works to prevent immediate risk as soon as such faults have been detected.
2. Urgent corrective maintenance: the necessary maintenance works to rectify any detected faults that may affect safety of the trains, if not corrected within 7 days from their detection,which require fast repair during the next few days.
3. periodical maintenance: the necessary maintenance In case of faults that are not threatening safety of the trains running, but should be rectified in order not to develop to hazardous faults. In such case, these faults should be repaired according to a time schedule conformable with the nature of the fault.
4. Preventive maintenance: These are the maintenance works which are necessary to treat starting defects, but not representing any risk to safety of the trains and they should be repaired according to a time schedule conformable with the nature of the fault.

The Co.shall have to submit to SRO an immediate program for the urgent corrective maintenance works and to start instant execution of such programs. As for the periodical maintenance schedule it must be submitted to SRO during the first 5 days of the month preceding the month of execution. The preventive maintenance schedule must be submitted to SRO 6 months ahead of starting, in order to be reviewed and approved by SRO prior to commencement of its implementation.

Third: Execution of Maintenance works
1- Rail Maintenance
(1). Replacement and welding of rails:
   The welding team of the Co. shall be formed of 3 groups deployed according to the sections, to assure the task of replacement and welding the rails of the main railroads and all associated activities including:
- Preparing the job site and installing creepage stopper for the rails, if necessary.
- Coordination with the traffic department in order to specify the proper time to finish the work.
- Cutting the rails with disc sawing machine in order to be replaced.
- Removal of the anchors and the rail to be performed manually.
- Installing and fixing the new rails.
- Making the necessary stress and welding through thermite welding.
- Making the necessary grinding for the weld points with manual grinder.
- Establishing low speed limit points, if necessary.

(2). Rail Grinding:
   The grinding team of the Co. shall assure the task of treating the problem of the rails corrugation when it reaches 0.1 mm maximum for the main railway No (1) on 0.2 mm max. for the main railway No (2) as preventive maintenance besides one rub for the new rails installed on the main railways, whether installedby the Co., SRO on other contractors. Such grinding to be performed by (Loram) provided by SRO and the Co. shall have to provide the necessary crew, operation materials and the nessary spare parts including the grinding stones.

2- Anchors Maintenance:
The maintenance teams of the Co. shall undertake the respinsibility of this maintenance activities including replacement fo the broken and rusted bolts. Reinstatement of any missing bolts and tightening the loose bolts according to the instructions of the maintenance manual, provided that in all cases the percentage of improper bolts shall not exceed 5% in quantity in one km. This work includes also fixing wooden wedges or replacement of the plastic wedges and the Co.shall have to replace 10% of the anchors annually at the swamp area between km18 and km40, if SRO orders so.
The anchors maintenance works shall be carried out without the need to take over the line or to stop the trains. Completion shall be achieved when there are no trains on the line.
3- Sleepers Maintenance:
The Co.maintenance teams shall be responsible for maintenance of the sleepers which includes replacement of the damaged sleepers according to the instructions of the maintenance annual of SRO, provided that no three successive damaged sleepers will be left and the quantity of the damaged sleepers shall not exceed 5% of the sleepers quantity in one km.

If the replaced sleepers are not exceeding 10% of the sleepers in one km and not exceeding 5 successive sleepers, manual compaction shall be used to compact the line, otherwise mechanical compaction shall be applied.

4- Embankment maintenance:
The Co. maintenance team shall assume maintenance of the embankment (Ballast) section between the rails and on the shoulders of the railway to be regulated so that the thickness of the ballast section shall not exceed 5 com on the face of the sleeper. The ballast maintenance works include unloading SRO hoppers where the ballast thickness increase if required.

5- Maintenance of the Railway Track:
The Co. team shall have to compact the railway track mechanically to correct the track horizontally and vertically, as well as the curves according to the instructions of the maintenance manual of SRO. Maintenance of the railway track shall be carried out for the areas where there are visible faults and where the quality indicator reads over(110) according to the data of the fault recorder of SRO.
6- Switch Maintenance:
The Co. maintenance team shall assure maintenance of the switch-rails with the help of the welding teams, if necessary. Any damaged components of the switches shall be replaced according to the maintenance manual of SRO and the specs of the project including all pertinent works such as tightening the anchors, adjustment of tolerances, complestion of the ballast sectors and compaction manually or mechanically with SRO compactors.
7- Culvert Maintenance:
The maintenance team of the Co. assisted by the mechanical team, if necessary, shall undertake maintenance of the culverts to be maintained free from any obstacles to allow smooth flow of water in the culvert, besides leveling the soil outside the culvert to ensure no water pooling around the railway.
8- Bridge Maintenance:
  The Co. maintenance crew shall have to maintain integrity of the railway and its components within the borders of the bridge, particularly the level of the rails which must be in compliance with the design values, with 5 mm tolerance plus or minus.

9- Maintenance of The Railway embankment:
The mechanical teams of the Co. shall be responsible for maintenance of the embankment defects resulting form storm water and erosion caused by wind etc. in compliance with the instruction of SRO manual. This work includes all associated works such as leveling the sides and back filling.
10- Intersections Maintenance:
The Co. maintenance teams assisted by the welding teams and the mechanical compaction groups shall assume the junctions maintenance. This activity includes rectifying any faults in the railway within the intersection area, in compliance with the instruction of SRO manual. This maintenance work includes, also removal and reinstatement of the asphalt according to the specs of the Ministry of Transport and making diversions for cars, if necessary. Welding of the rails should be done outside the intersection area, as far as possible.

The intersection maintenance works include also maintenance of the bumps, warning signs and the barricades on asphalt roads.
11- Maintenance of Sign Boards and Camel traps:
The Co. maintenance team shall have to maintain the sign boards and camel traps. This includes replacement of any damaged sign boards in compliance with the instruction of SRO manual, excavation, fixing the sign boards and the marks of the optic fiber cable route.

The maintenance team shall also maintain the camel traps, replacement of the damaged parts and reinstatement.
12- Sand Control and Cleanliness of the Railway:
The maintenance teams of the Co. shall assume the sand control works which include:

- Removal of sand between rails and the shoulders of the ballast layer so that the sand level will be always below the top of the rails.
- Removal of sand from the run out detectors.
- Maintain the shoulders to remain free from any sand accumulation.
- Removal of any obstacles form the railroad.
- Spraying oil on the sides of the railroad where is necessary.
- Installation of nylon screen as sand barrier in some areas. SRO shall provide the required materials.
- In case of storms, the maintenance team shall have to check the condition of the raiway to ensure no accumulation of sand.
- Removal of grass between the rails and on the sides of the railroad ups to 5 meters width in both sides including removal of any wastes near the line.
13- Maintenance of the Run Out Detectors:
The maintenance team of the Co. shall have to maintain the run out detectors and repair or replace the damaged units. SRO shall provide the necessary spare parts in addition to (10) stand-by detectors.
14- Fence Maintenance:
The maintenance team of the Co. shall have to perform the maintenance work for the fence if there is any tear or opening in it. SRO shall provide the required materials.
15- Accident Occurrence
In case of any accident the maintenance team shall have to rush to the venue of the accident in order to carry out the required works as ordered by the head of the accidents committee of SRO. Work must continue round the clock to reinstate the line regardless of who caused the accident. The mechanical team with heavy equipment must be dedicated to the site as necessary together with any maintenance team to ensure fast reinstatement of the line. All working teams on the accident side shall be provided with food according to the direction of the accidents in charge.


