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发布时间:2013-4-29      阅读次数:1135


a) 实施负责人应该通知操作技术组长CTE或车间负责人,有关机器或电气设备未准备可用于运行的情况;
    a) The person in charge of implementation shall inform the group leader of operating technique CTE or the workshop chief about status of machine or electric equipment which is not prepared but available for operation;
b) The group leader of operating technique CTE or the workshop chief shall submit arrangement of safety measures to equipment technicians or their principal (the group leader of electric service CSE, group leader of equipment service CSA or group leader of cooperative service CSR) shall notify other undertakers for safety measures;
c) 在注意到机器或电气设备不能被使用的情况后,操作技术组长CTE或车间负责人在(第7列)签字;
c) If the machine or electric equipment is not available, the group leader of operating technique CTE or the workshop chief shall sign the name in the Line 7;
d)  为维修的实施,前b点中的受委托人,将着手安全措施的实施和机器(单独接地,按钮连接,房间的控制设置等)和电气设备安全措施的准备,打开为机器或电气设备提供动力的供电电源开关,具体说明如下;
d) For implementation of maintenance, the undertaker mentioned in the Article b shall commence implementation of safety measures as well as preparation for safety measures of machine (independent grounding, button connection and control setting of room, etc.) and electric equipment, switching on the power supply for the machine or electric equipment, the details are as follows: 
a.1) 陪同直接负责人和/或操作工人,以明确识别实施主题的方式,正确理解安全措施实施和撤销的操作顺序,包括机器设备的启动或停止,以及电气设备的供电和断电的正确操作顺序;
    a.1) It is required to accompany directly responsible person and / or operator to identify the mode of implementing theme clearly and comprehend implementation of safety measures and revoking operating sequence correctly, including startup or halt of machine and equipment, as well as correct operating sequence for switching on and switching off the electric equipment;
a.2) 回到存放安全措施登记表的房间,在该表的第8列实行签字;
    a.2) Return to the room where the Registration Form of Safety Measure is kept and sign the name in the Line 8 on this form;
Remarks: in case of operating machine through auxiliary motor, the operation shall be arranged by the entrusting party of auxiliary motor, implementing safety measures for main motor.
The directly responsible person (the person who is in charge of safety measures in enterprise or the principal of enterprise in circumstance of contracting processing by commission), inspect if any risk exists before starting the machine, such as the safety for persons around the machine, informing them that the machine is about to start and arrange for implementing maintenance operation available in this workshop. 
After inspection on machine needs maintaining has been finished, the directly responsible person will notify the person in charge of implementation about application for ending maintenance service of this machine if this machine must be further inspected and it is allowed to implement safety measures for this machine according to the Article 4 of this Service Regulations.  
Remember, even if the in circumstance of applying for Machine Maintenance Service, the inspection of implementing safety measures is not accepted except auxiliary circuit of electric control box.
In special circumstances as below, it is permitted to carry out non-segmental operation to electric power supply circuit of machine;
Metal charging device
As for implementation on the exterior of machine, it is necessary to inspect/control and replace the wheels and sleeves.
Elevator auxiliarily controlled by slow-rotation band
As for implementation on the exterior of machine, it is necessary to inspect/control and replace the bucket and chains.
It is emphasized that the directly responsible person and the person in charge of implementation may be the same person only if he/she is the employee of Italcemento Company.
7. 机器的试验.
7. Machine Test
After inspection on a certain machine or electric equipment has been finished, whether further functional tests are required for this machine or electric equipment or not, description of implementing safety measures in the fourth Section will be referred and description of repairing measures for machine or electric equipment will be referred in the fifth Section.
8. 模拟机器 (虚拟运行).
8. Imitating Machines (virtual operation)
对于模拟机器,应理解为静止和安全地,从物理上断开电机电池供电的电源线,而通过关闭功率开关和连接的辅助电路,以链条和模拟器来提供必要的动力,使机器位于上游,因此,必须采纳相同的程序来实行机器的安全措施,除了唯一要求对相关设备实行安全措施的书面申请外,应由实施负责人以清晰的方式,或使用红色印章, 在检查识别了受检查的机器名称后,在第5列-机器 的下方写上“模拟”。
As for imitating machines, it shall be understood still and safe, physically disconnect power supply for battery of motor and close power switch as well as auxiliary circuit, solely use chain and imitating machine to provide essential power, keeping the machine in the upper position. Thereby, the same procedure must be adopted to implement safety measure for machine only if written application for safety measure of related equipment is submitted, the person in charge of implementation shall write down “Imitating” after the name of machine being checked in the Line 5- follow the word machine.


