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发布时间:2013-5-11      阅读次数:1272


a. 面板的两侧、内部加劲肋、加固件的所有表面和所有其他钢配件形成大门的不可分割的一部分,采用的热浸镀锌材料应依照ASTM A123, A153, A385, A386的要求和其他适

用的ASTM标准规格。镀锌的最低重量应为G90。 劣质镀锌工作将被拒绝。
b. 大门制造完成后,所有暴露的表面应适进行当的清洁,并接受底漆涂料烘烤150℃不得少于1个半小时。
a. 制造前,根据业主的批准,大门的内表面应采用防锈剂予以处理。
b. 制造后大门的暴露表面应采用纳米陶瓷涂料进行处理。
c. 应采用底漆涂料,并进行烘烤150 ℃不得少于1个半小时。
外部门的窗帘应采用联锁板条,滚压成型(非拉开式),结构质量采用不低于1.27 mm热浸镀锌钢板,符合ASTM A446对A级钢或更好质量钢材的适用规定。镀锌不得少于G90。镀锌表

板条的单位外观设计,应形成平缓曲线、无尖角折弯,应具备适当的尺寸和断面以在安全允许的范围内维持挠度。 装配板条应实现损坏的板条可以轻松替换。
窗帘卷钢管大小应足以进行支撑门负荷,垂直位移不超过打开宽度0.80 mm/300,管内设置螺旋弹簧保持均衡。所有弹簧应锚向拉力杆,并使用可从外面进行操作的同一个调整轮。
a. 所有外部门应提供挡风雨条,基本上每个门连续安装以实现密封和挡风雨。
b. 橡胶挡风雨条应在导轨两边安装,以减少空气在窗帘两端渗透。 橡胶不得少于1.60 mm厚。 挡风雨条应采用连续条钢附着导轨安装,允许破旧挡风雨条的更换。
c. 门头的挡风雨条应采用橡胶制品,不得少于1.60 mm厚,并且应采用连续条钢附着导轨安装,允许破旧挡风雨条的更换。
窗帘底杆应采用两种结构槽钢制作,ASTM A36或更好,热浸镀锌处理。
a. 这一窗帘底部的组合安全装置和抗天气用密封条应符合制造商的标准,采用电气控制自动停止或扭转窗帘。 抗天气用密封条应充分延展大门的长度,提供一个密封的抗天气用紧密条。
b. 如果任何轧制钢材大门在关闭位置有赖于地面上钢轨顶端,该组合安全装置和抗天气用密封条应采用三个单独的单元(丛门窗到钢轨、钢轨之间),并应延伸到地面。 

每个钢轨应提供大门的保险装置,且保险装置的宽度等于钢轨两端的宽度加上50毫米,其高度等于地面上钢轨高度加上75毫米。 加固大门应横向安装保险装置,当大门打开时,环形橡胶圈线应在保险装置下端突出75毫米。
线圈托架应采用均匀纹理的高质灰铸铁,或用不得少于6.35 mm厚的钢板制造。 所有表面应光滑平坦。
窗帘线圈应安置在一个遮光罩里面。 遮光罩采用不得高于 0.635 mm热浸镀锌钢板,符合ASTM A525 对G90 涂料级别或更好的涂料等级的适用规定。 应在窗帘指定之前进行镀锌理实现良好的涂料附着力。
应采用结构钢形状构成, ASTNA A36或更好,以提供足够深的插槽以保留窗帘在导轨里。应在每个导轨上提供连续柄紧锁以锚固风锁。 导轨应进行热镀锌处理。

外部门的每个板条上不论宽度应提供风锁, 室内门应有需要时提供。 风锁的抗风能力应视如上所述的风荷载所指明的要求。
电机运作滚动钢门应用于大型的通道入口。 当安装在防火墙上时,卷帘门应具有U.L.标签或同等批准。
Glazing compound shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's
d. Setting blocks and spacer shims shall be made of neoprene rubber
and shall be provided as recommended by the glass manufacturer.
Door Frames
The frames for hollow metal doors shall be steel channel frame (ASTM A36) or pressed metal frames (prime quality cold rolled carbon steel). Where a fire rated frame is required, the frame construction shall be used.
Hardware for the door shall include locks, butts, closers, holders, panic devices etc. The fasteners shall be Type 304 stainless steel for exterior doors and brass type for interior doors. All hardware shall meet the Owner's prior approval.
a. All doors shall be seamless hollow steel construction conforming to
ANSI A123.1, with each door formed from two face sheets of steel.
No seam shall occur on the door faces or sides. The top and bottom
of the door shall be closed and the internal construction shall consist
of steel rib stiffeners.
b. All doors provided in the air conditioned room shall be insulated with
fibrous glass or mineral wool of 48.00 kg per cubic meter density,
having Underwriters Laboratories certification for the service.
Door Details
a. Bottom clearance : Shall be maximum 3 mm
between bottom of door and finish floor.
b. For doors with full mortise butts   : Doors and frames shall be
mortised to receive butts.
c. Bottom drips : Shall be provided on all exterior
d. Astragals : Shall be provided on the active
leaf of all double doors.
e. Door stop seals : Shall be provided on all doors.
f. Glazing details : Shall be provided with fixed glass
Revision 0 Part 4.4 - 273 PLTU Adipala (PLTU 2 Jawa Tengah)
1 x (600-700 MW) Location Cilacap
PART 4.4. Civil Works 4.4.3 Technical Specification
stop on the exterior side and removable glazing bead on the interior side of a door.
a. Both   sides   of face  sheets,   all   surfaces   of  internal   stiffeners,
reinforcing, etc. and all other steel accessories forming an integral
part of the door shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with
applicable requirements of ASTM A123, A153, A385, A386 and other
applicable ASTM Standard Specifications for hot dip galvanizing of
materials. The minimum weight of galvanizing shall be that for G90.
Poorly galvanized work will be rejected.
b. After fabrication of the door is completed, all exposed surfaces shall
be properly cleaned and shall receive primer paint baked on at 150°C
for not less than one half hour.
Interior Doors
a. Inside surfaces of doors shall be treated, before fabrication, with a
rust inhibitor, as approved by the Owner.
b. Exposed surfaces of doors shall be treated with Bonderite after
c. Primer paint shall be applied and baked on at 150°C for not less than
one half hour.
Exterior Doors
Curtain for exterior doors shall be of interlocking slats, roll formed (not drawn) from not lighter than 1.27 mm hot-dip galvanized steel sheets of structural quality, conforming to the applicable requirements of ASTM A446 for Grade A steel, or better, with not less than G90 galvanizing. Galvanized surfaces shall be provided with phosphate coating for good paint adhesion (painting shall be also by this Bidder).
Interior Doors
Curtain for interior doors shall meet the same requirements as for exterior doors, except that slats shall be of manufacturer's standard gauge required for these doors.
Revision 0 Part 4.4 - 274 PLTU Adipala (PLTU 2 Jawa Tengah)
1 x (600-700 MW) Location Cilacap
PART 4.4. Civil Works 4.4.3 Technical Specification
Slats of flat exterior design shall be formed in easy curves without sharp bends, and shall be of the proper size and cross section to maintain the deflection within safe allowable limits. Assembly of slats shall be such that damaged slats can be removed and replaced easily.
Curtain shall be coiled on a steel pipe of sufficient size to carry the door load with vertical deflection not to exceed 0.80 mm per 300 mm of opening width, and evenly balanced with helical springs contained in the pipe. All springs shall be anchored to the tension rod, and held in position by the same adjusting wheel, which shall be accessible from the outside.
Weather Stripping
a. Weather stripping shall be provided for all exterior doors, essentially
continuous around each door, for an airtight and weather tight seal.
b. Rubber weather stripping shall be provided on both sides of guides to
reduce the infiltration of air around the ends of curtain. Rubber shall
be not less than 1.60 mm thick. Weather stripping shall be attached
to guides with continuous flat bars arranged to permit replacement of
worn weather stripping.
c. Weather stripping at door head shall be sheet rubber, not less than
1.60 mm thick and shall be attached to head with a continuous flat
plat to permit replacement of worn weather stripping.
Bottom Bar
The curtain bottom bar shall be made of two structural steel angles, ASTM A36 or better, with hot dip galvanized finish.
Combination Safety Device and Weather Seal
a. This combination safety device and weather seal at the bottom of
curtain shall be manufacturer's standard, with electrical control to
stop and reverse curtain travel automatically. Weather seal shall be
extended full length of the door to provide an airtight and weather
tight seal.
b. If any rolling steel door in closed position rests on the top of railroad
track rails which project above floor level, the combination safety
device and weather seal shall be in three separate sections (from
jambs to rails on both sides, and between rails) and shall extend to
floor level. A cutout in door at each rail shall be provided, with the
width of cutout equal to rail head width plus 50 mm and the height of
cutout equal to rail height above floor plus 75 mm. Reinforcement of
door shall be made horizontally across cutout sections, and loop type


