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发布时间:2013-5-25      阅读次数:1095

甲方:  功有限公司(Sing Kung Limited)
乙方:  华工程长春有限公司
1、合同工期  自2007 年4月 15日开始,至 2008年 8月30日完成,其中每一条道路开工日期以施工许可证及开工报告时间为准。
2、延误责任  双方约定,除因不可抗力外,如果2008 年8月30日乙方不能完成全部项目施工任务,导致甲方不能如约移交,乙方则无条件撒出该项目,同时甲方只向乙方支付实际施工款的10%,不承担其它任何费用,乙方也不另外索赔。因甲方材料款不按时到位而造成的工期延误乙方不负责
Network construction of way of development zone of stone material of hillock of day of Jiaohe River (in charge of )              Agreement
Party A : Succeed in limited company (Sing Kung Limited)
Party B : Suffused with China project Changchun Co., Ltd.
" project " that the project BT mode of the network is invested in the construction of that (in charge of ) of infrastructure way of industry's garden of stone material of hillock of day of Jiaohe River of Jilin that Party A gets as BT investor ". Party B possesses one grade of municipal administration and constructs and always contracts qualification and adopts small BT way and constructs by cooperating with Party A . For this reason, according to " contract law of the People's Republic of China " , " decision about the system reform of investment of the State Council " and national policy , laws and regulations about mode construction of BT, follow the equal , voluntary , fair and honest and trustworthy principle , both sides , on consensus that this project BT build the item of constructing etc., concluding a contract, both sides observe together.
First, project overview
1, project name: Day infrastructure BT construction projects , such as the road of industry's garden of stone material to the hillock and pipe network ,etc. of Jiaohe River of Jilin
2, the project place: Industry's garden of stone material of hillock of day of Jiaohe River of Jilin         
3, project content and range: Infrastructure way of industry's garden of stone material of hillock of day of Jiaohe River of Jilin In charge of in the construction range of the project BT mode investment construction project of the network including road of industry's garden of stone material to the hillock on day of Jiaohe River of Jilin and had, enter the water in pipe network , bridges and culverts , the bank protection and subsidiary project of road ,etc. , is subject to content which both sides agree concretly.



