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发布时间:2013-6-4      阅读次数:1323

7.1 安装
7.1.1 安装准备工作根据厂方或设计单位提供的地基图检查安装现场建筑物、地面及基础建造是否符合图纸要求。安装应避免雨天作业,安装现场应无灰尘、积水,工作人员应穿戴干净的工作服和手套。专用设备如气体回收装置、烘箱、微量水分仪、气体检漏仪等应处于良好的备用状态。安装调试前应清除GIS所有元件在运输、贮存和安装过程中累计的灰尘和水迹。
7.1.2 安装作业安装第一个间隔单元时,要按基础图确定好位置。就位后,用水平仪检查母线筒的水平度,如果不平,可在底架和基础间加调整垫校平。由于GIS在运输过程中,母线外壳内充有0.02~0.05MPa的SF6气体,安装下一个间隔单元时,应将需要对接的气室中的气体放掉,处理好密封面,装好密封圈,调整水平度,使其母线与第一个间隔的母线筒法兰对正。必要时可以调整母线筒下的螺杆,也可以增减调整垫,使其达到要求,并保证母线导体接触良好。依次类推,紧固螺栓时,应遵循对称紧固的原则,每个螺栓不能一次拧紧,要对称循环紧固。由于紧固和松开螺栓时可能会产生金属异物,这些杂质落入罐内十分危险,因此作业完成后,需用吸尘器仔细清理,再用“无毛纸”或绸布擦净。更换吸附剂。吸附剂易吸潮,因此在安装前,一定要烘干处理。烘干温度为300℃,经4小时烘干的吸附剂应放在密闭干燥的容器内冷却然后立即装入GIS。若装入GIS内未及时封盖密封超过四小时,则应重新进行烘干处理。抽真空。用软管将GIS的气室与回收装置连接起来,启动真空泵,首先检查真空泵的转向,然后抽到1乇(133Pa)后继续抽30分钟,关闭气室的阀门,要求4小时内压力变化不大于1乇。若超出范围则需再抽到1乇并持续30分钟,以确定是否存在泄漏或潮气释放。对于现场安装中未拆卸的气隔则不需要抽真空。充SF6气体。首先排除气体管路中的空气然后按照SF6压力温度特性给各个气室充气至额定值。可以用SF6气瓶直接充气,也可以通过回收装置进行充气。
7.2 调试
检查的主要内容有地脚及螺栓紧固、接地系统、仪表指示、SF6气体压力。 接线检查
7.2.2 机械操作和机械特性试验 断路器机械操作和机械特性试验
断路器在进行电动操作之前,先不带分闸弹簧进行慢分、慢合两次,应无异常现象。然后进行机械特性试验。 隔离开关和接地开关机械操作和机械特性试验
7.2.3 主回路电阻测量
7.2.4 主回路绝缘电阻测量
7.2.6 泄漏试验
7.2.7 密度控制器动作压力整定值检测
a) 断路器气室
b) 其它气室
7.2.8 断路器、隔离开关、接地开关电气连锁试验
7.2.10 控制回路工频耐压试验
5.2.4 Current transformer
Current transformer is the electric consumption measurement and protecting component of GIS. The unit structure is indicated as Fig. 8. In operation, the secondary circuit shall not open, or there will produce the high voltage and cause the damage of equipments.
Fig. 8 Structure scheme of current transformer
5.2. 5Voltage transformer
The GIS adopts electromagnetism type voltage transformer with SF6 gas insulation, which is comprised of a capacitive voltage device and a magnetic unit.
5.2.6 Arresters
The GIS adopts the pot type zinc oxide arrester. The structure is indicated as the Fig 9.
Fig. 9 Structure scheme of arrester
5.2.7 Bus
The main bus of this GIS is the tube type structure of three phases. See Fig. 10.
Fig. 10 Structure scheme of bus
5.2.8 Local control panel
The local control panel (LCP) is the centralized controlling screen of GIS to implement the live monitoring and control. Generally, it processes the function of local control, signal transmission, protection, relaying and carrying on the function of controlling to SF6 system, etc.
Main function is as follows:
a) Implement the local selecting operation of high-voltage switch, and carry out the local operation on the switch board.
b) Monitor the opening and closing location of high-voltage switch.
c) Monitor the SF6 gas of each chamber whether is in the normal state.
d) Realize the electric interlocking of different switch components inside compartment of GIS and electric interlocking between the switch components.
e) Display the status of primary wiring and operation.
f) As the relaying terminal case between each GIS components and GIS main controlling room, accepts or sends a message.
g) Monitor whether the power of control circuit is normal, and carry out the protection procedure for the secondary controlling system of GIS through switch, fuse box and protecting switch.
h) Implement the vacuum pumping, gas inflating and gas sampling to SF6 chamber of GIS.
6. Package, transportation and storage
6.1 Generally, the integral package by each compartment shall be implemented after the GIS testing are qualified.
6.2 Generally, it is applicable to fill the gas with 0.02- 0.05MPa into the equipment before packaging, and arrange with the absorbent so as to prevent the dust and moisture.
6.3. Each one of project equipment is comprised of several package transportation units before ex-factory. The package should be checked in an all-round way according to the packing list.
6.4 Prevent the violent shake during the course of loading and unloading process of transportation so as to prevent equipment from damage.
6.5 The products should be stored in the dry and clean place while reaching the installation site.
7. Installation and testing
7.1 Installation
7.1.1 Preparation of installation Check whether the installation site of building, ground and foundation is complied with the requirements of the drawing that provided by the manufacturer or the designing unit. Installation shall avoid operating in the rainy day. The installation site shall free of dusts, and water accumulation. Staff members shall wear the clean work clothes and glove. Special devices such as gas recovery device, oven, micro- moisture appearance and gas leak detector, etc. shall maintain in a good standby state. It is required to remove the dust and water of all GIS components during the course of transportation, storage and installation before installation and testing.
7.1.2 Installation It is required to confirm the position according to the foundation drawing while installing the first compartment unit. After taking the position, use the lever meter check the level degree of the bus tube. If the level degree is not smooth, it is applicable to add the adjusting cushion between the under-frame and foundation. As the SF6 gas of 0.02- 0.05MPa is filled in the outer cover of bus bar during the course of transportation of GIS. It is necessary to release the gas of the chamber that need to connect while installing the next compartment unit. Pay attention to the sealing surface, sealing ring and adjusting the level degree, and then make the bus is leveled to the bus of the first compartment. Adjust the spiral shell pole under the bus tube when necessary. It is applicable to increase or decrease the adjusting cushion as well, so as to meet the requirement and guarantee bus bar conductor contacts is in good condition. Analogizes sequentially, it is required to observe the symmetrical principle while fastening the bolt. Each bolt shall not be tightened in once and shall be tightened in symmetrical circulation. As the metal foreign matter may be produced while fastening and unclamping the bolt. It is very dangerous if the impurity falls into the pot, so after the construction is completed, it is required to clear up carefully with the dust catcher or clean it with the silk or “glabrous paper”. Replace absorbents: The absorbent has the problem of easily absorbing moisture, so before installation, it is necessary to implement the drying treatment. The drying temperature is about 300 Centigrade. The absorbent should be put in the airtight dry container for cooling and then pack into GIS immediately after 4 hours drying process. If the absorbent has not sealed or covered for over four hours in time after put into GIS, it is required to implement the dry process again . Vacuum pumping: Connect the air chamber of GIS with recovery device by hose; start the vacuum pump, check the transformation of the vacuum pump at first, then continue to pump for 30 minutes after 1乇 pumping(133Pa ); closes the valve of air chamber. It is required that the pressure change shall not be greater than  1乇in 4 hours. It is required to pump 1乇and maintain 30 minutes if exceeds that range, in order to confirm that whether has the phenomena of leakage and moisture existing. As for the air compartment that is not dismantled in on-the-spot installation, it is unnecessary to carry out the vacuum pumping. Fills SF6 gas: Release the gas pipeline at first, then fills the air chamber in specified value according to characteristic of SF6 pressure temperature. It is applicable to inflate directly with the gas cylinder of SF6 and inflate through the recovery device as well.
7.2 Testing
Inspection process before testing Visual examination
The main content if visual examination includes foundation and bolt fastening, earth system, instrument instruction and SF6 gas pressure. Wiring inspection
The wiring form switch board to operating mechanism and wiring of component terminal case such as current transformer and transformer voltage shall observe the requirement of drawing.
7.2.2 Machinery operating and mechanical property testing The machinery operation of circuit breaker and mechanical property testing 
Before carrying on electronic operation of circuit breaker, carries out slow opening and slow closing twice with the opening spring. Ensure free of abnormal condition, and then carry on the mechanical property test. Machinery operating and mechanical property testing of isolating switch and grounding switch
The operating period of opening and closing switch of isolating switch and grounding switch shall observe with the requirements of form 4 and form 5.
7.2.3 Resistance measurement of main circuit
Resistance measurement of main circuit shall be implemented between the inlet and outlet line terminal and grounding switch terminal. The measuring method shall be the same with measuring method of the factory. It is qualified that the measuring value on site shall not exceed 20% of the value when tests in the factory.
7.2.4 Insulating resistance measurement of main circuit
Applies the 1000V megohmmeter measure the main return circuit and the value of insulating grounding resistance shall be greater than 1000 ohm; the insulating grounding resistance of auxiliary circuit shall be greater than 2 ohm.
7.2.5 Measurement of moisture content of sulfur hexafluoride gas
The water content of new SF6 gas in the gas cylinder shall not be greater than 120μL/L. The water content of SF6 gas inside the equipment shall carry on the measuring process after filling for 48 hours. The water content of circuit breaker compartment shall not be greater than 150120μL/L .
7.2.6 Leakage test
Check the air tightness of all sealed connection parts with SF6 gas leak detector that the sensitivity is not lower than 10-7MPa.cm3/s. The leakage testing may adopt the part wrap up method. the annual gas leakage rate shall not be greater than 0.5%.
7.2.7 The setting value testing of operating pressure of density controller
a)Air chamber of circuit breaker
SF6 gas pressure reduces the warning pressure
Starting value Ps =0.55±0.02MPa, resetting value Pr =Ps+(0.01- 0.02)MPa
SF6 gas pressure reduces the pressure of locking
Starting value Ps =0.5±0.02MPa, resetting value Pr =Ps+(0.01- 0.02)MPa
b) Other air chambers
SF6 gas pressure reduces the warning pressure
Starting value Ps =0.45± 0.02MPa, resetting value Pr =Ps+(0.01- 0.02)MPa
7.2.8 Electric interlocking testing of circuit breaker, isolating switch and grounding switch
The circuit breaker, isolating switch and grounding switch in the same compartment unit shall meet the interlocking condition stipulated in electric control schematic diagram.


