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发布时间:2013-8-4      阅读次数:1014

型号A -930x1200mm; 型号B 1020x1200mm; 型号C -C220x1200mm。
水平: 型号A - 400 x 400毫米; 型号B -C 600 x 400m; 型号C - 800 x 400毫米;
垂直: 型号A - 400 x 400 x187mm; 型号B - 500x60087mm; 型号C -640x800x187mm.
8.3.1使用缆绳 轴衬;
8.3.3 指定电源和控制终端的设置必须分开,并根据电缆原位置进行辨认。
8.3.5 终端必须安装在隔间的外侧。
8.3.6 所有从控制面板进入或接出的电缆必须通过接线条(热电偶除外)。
8.3.7 电缆的两个终端必须方便辨认。
8.3.8 内部频道的最大占用尺寸不得超出60%。
8.3.9 主母线必须安装在控制面板的后侧;特殊情况必须事先通过VSB批准。
8.3.10 必须预见允许验证母线的情况,是否连接有红外测量。
相位A =红色
相位B =白色
相位C =褐色
8.3.12 分线机,接线柱、控制柜等的锁定密码,在安装时,必须仅为一个模件。
8.3.13 接触器必须至少能采用AC-3驱动,考虑电动机150%额定电流55千瓦和更大部件的130%。
8.3.14 出口电路必须有协调类型二。
8.3.15 控制面板的尺寸必须与内部原件的数量兼容,必须方便接入和维护。标准外部尺寸必须为2300 x 800 x 600 (H x W x D),已包括一个100毫米底座。 特殊情况必须事先经过VSB批准。
8.3.16 控制面板必须装备有紧急情况的按钮,安装在外门。如果安装里面,制面板不能用钥匙关闭。
8.3.17 所有紧急情况的指令/保险装置必须直接对电气设备作用,除寄发信号到PLC。
8.3.18 主控制面板的入口必须至少在3个阶段,由一个多功能测量设备显示电压和电流测量的数据和信号。其他实例根据具体情况研究。
8.3.19 MCC的主入口必须安装在1个接线柱的左边。
8.3.20 入口断路开关必须通过中转和处理,必须装备有设备防止断路开关连接后开门。必须连接到PLC。
8.3.21 MCC和面板的接线柱必须从左到右和标明有数字,分线机从顶向下标明有字母。
不包括:分线机11D =>从左到右安装在11分线机和从顶向下安装在4机架。
Minimum signaling on the doors of drawers / compartments:
a. Energized drawer (Ready for Starting - PPP): GREEN;
b. Equipment working: RED;
c. Equipment faulty: YELLOW.
8.1.7 The compartments of distribution boards 460 Vac and 230 Vac must have signaling ON
(red) and OFF (green);
8.1.8 The drawers must allow access to all their internal elements only with door open, without
being withdrawn. Special cases must be discussed with VSB;
8.1.9 The drawers' insertion / extraction mechanisms, as well as the clamps / mobile devices for
connection to the busbars / terminals, must previously be approved by VSB;
8.1.10 The drawers must be withdrawable up to 75 kW. Above this the elements must be
assembled directly ion the assembly boards;
8.1.11 The drawers must have positions extracted, test and inserted;
8.1.12 All cable connection terminals (power and control) must be specified so as to allow easy
connection of the cables without help of "adapters" and/or extensors;
8.1.13 Buttons, commutating switches and signalers must be for perforations diameter 30.5 mm.
The signalers must be LED's type;
8.1.14 The emergency buttons must be of the mushroom type, red, with perforation 30.5 mm, with
lock and release by turning;
8.1.15 Standard dimensions of the control desks;
Type A- 930x1200mm; Type B 1020x1200mm; Type C - 1220x1200mm;
Standard dimensions of control stations:
Horizontal: Type A - 400x400mm; Type B - 600x400mm; Type C - 800x400mm;
Vertical:   Type   A   -   400x400x187mm;   Type    B   -   500x600x187mm;    Type   C   -640x800x187mm;
8.1.16 The top of the command desks and stations can be of painted carbon steel or stainless
Issue Date       I 18/06/2008 Revision      I      002     I Revision Date   |         04/09/2008 Page 7 of 25
8.2         Panels, control desks and other equipment mounted outside the protected rooms / areas:
8.2.1 Standard external Munsell N6.5, internal assembly board 2.5YR6/14 (Orange) or Munsell
N6.5, complying with the specific painting standards. The color Munsell N6.5 must be
applied on motors and transformers. Different conditions must be previously approved by
8.2.2 Protection class for command panels and desks, junction boxes, local command boxes, etc.
must be IP-54;
8.2.3 No corrosive material (like stainless steel) shall be used in corrosive atmosphere areas;
8.2.4 At the bidder's criteria the local command boxes may also be used as junction boxes, as
long as the have sufficient space therefor;
8.2.5 Additional covers on the panels mounted outside must be foreseen for protection against
rain. Attention must be paid to the adequate protection class and to the installation local,
which must minimize the risk of damages due to impact of other materials, diverse
movements and products, as well as provide easy access and maintenance;
8.2.6 All panels, junction boxes, local command boxes, etc. must be identified according to the
project. These identifications must be weatherproof and easily legible.
8.2.7 The command boxes must have at least:
a. Selector local / remote with key;
b. Signaling of the indication local / remote (blue);
c. Button ON (green);
d. Button OFF (red, mushroom type with retention).
Other commands and signaling must attend to the project's needs.
8.2.8 The use of eye terminals for all circuits must always be foreseen with equipment mobile or
subject to vibrations.
8.2.9 Buttons, commutating switches and signalers must have perforations diameter 30.5 mm.
The signalers must have LED's.
8.2.10 The emergency buttons must be of the mushroom type, red, with perforation 30.5 mm, with
lock and release by turning.
|       Issue Date       | 18/06/2008         |      Revision      |      002     | Revision Date   |         04/09/2008         | Page 8 of 25 |
8.2.11 Standard dimensions of command desks:
Type A-930x1200mm; Type B 1020x1200mm; Type C - 1220x1200mm.
Standard dimensions for command stations:
Horizontal: Type A - 400x400mm; Type B - 600x400mm; Type C - 800x400mm;
Vertical:   Type   A   -   400x400x187mm;   Type    B   -   500x600x187mm;    Type   C   -640x800x187mm.
8.2.12 Field cables for DC circuits: POSITIVE in WHITE color, NEGATIVE in BLACK COLOR.
8.2.13 The top of the command desks and stations can be of painted carbon steel or stainless
8.3         General Considerations
8.3.1 The cable entries and exits must always be at the lower part of the panels and use cable
8.3.2 The lower plates of the cable entry and exit compartments must be of paramagnetic material
(e.g. aluminum) and allow the installation of cable bushings in quantity corresponding to the
number of cables to be used in that compartment;
8.3.3 The specific power and control terminal sets must be separate and identified according to
the cables' origin local.
8.3.4 The conductors of a multipolar cable may only be connected at one specific terminals strip.
8.3.5 The terminals must be mounted outside the compartments.
8.3.6 All cables entering to or exiting from the panels must pass through a terminal strip (except
the thermoelements).
8.3.7 The cables must be identified on both ends.
8.3.8 The internal channels must be sized so that the maximum occupation does not exceed 60%.
8.3.9 The main busbars must be installed on the upper back part of the panels. Special cases
must be previously approved by VSB.
8.3.10 Conditions, must be foreseen for allowing the verification of the busbars' connections by
infrared measurement.
