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发布时间:2013-8-29      阅读次数:1217



2. 安全注意事项

2.1 操作说明书中的注意事项及符号
注意! 本符号提醒操作者注意避免对齿轮传动装置造成损坏。
2.2 安全注意事项
• 齿轮传动装置是根据最新的技术制造而成,且在装运条件下能保持其可靠的性能。不允许在未授权的情况下擅自改装,这样会损坏其可靠性。同时,上述要求也适用于防护装置,避免意外接触。
• 本齿轮传动装置仅适于在性能和供应合同中所规定的条件范围内使用与操作。
• 操作者应该确保接班人员就安装、操作、保养和维护方面问题详细阅读并理解了操作说明书,同时进行全面的现场观察,目的是:
- 以防对使用者和第三方人员生命和肢体造成伤害 
- 确保装置的可靠性
- 预防因不当操作而导致的故障和环境污染
• 驱动装置仅能由被授权的,经过训练的以及接受过专门指导的人员进行操作,维护及修理。对经过训练人员的定义如下:例如:IEC 364。
• 所有的工作必须在很强的安全意识下小心执行操作。
• 驱动装置后附的注意事项,例如:技术规格标示牌,旋转箭头的方向等都必须遵守。这些物品都应该远离油漆和污垢。遗失的标牌必须及时更换。
• 齿轮传动装置上的任何操作必须在其静止的情况下进行。
• 在处理、安装、操作,保养和维护的过程中,必须遵守工业安全和污染控制的相关规定。
• 旋转部件,如:联轴节,齿轮或传动带都必须有适当的防护措施,以防意外接触。
• 在操作过程中,如果发现齿轮传动装置中有任何变化发生,必须立即关闭驱动装置,例如:操作操作温度的上升,或齿轮发出的声响有所改变。
• 在设备或系统中安装齿轮传动装置时,设备或系统的制造商有义务将这些操作说明书中的要求,注意事项和描述中综合到其自己的操作说明书中。
• 在油发生变化的情况下,请将原先使用过的油放入适当的容器内。使用油结合剂迅速将洒落在外的油污清除干净。
2.        Safety notes
2.1 Notes and symbols in the Operating Instructions
Instructions in the Operating Instructions which concern operating safety are emphasized as follows: This symbol draws attention to safety measures

to prevent personal injury.
This symbol draws attention to the safety measures which must be observed to prevent damage to the gear unit.
Note: This note draws attention to general operating notes which should be especially
2.2 Safety notes
• The gear unit is constructed in accordance with the latest technology and is reliable in the condition
as shipped. Unauthorized modifications which impair its reliability are not permissible. This also
applies to guards which are fitted as protection against accidental contact.
• The gear unit may only be used and operated within the scope of the conditions specified in the
contract of performance and supply.
• The operator should ensure that the persons entrusted with installation, operation, care and
maintenance have read and understood the Operating Instructions and observe them in all respects
in order to:

- prevent hazard to the life and limb of the user and third parties
- ensure the reliability of the gear unit
- prevent failure and environmental pollution due to incorrect handling.

• The drive unit may only be operated, serviced and repaired by authorized, trained and properly
instructed personnel. Definition for trained personnel see e.g. IEC 364.
• All work should be carried out carefully with the safety aspect in mind.
• Notes affixed to drive units, such as rating plate, direction of rotation arrows, etc., must be observed.
They must be kept free from paint and dirt. Missing plates must be replaced.
• All work on the gear unit may only be carried out when it is stationary.
The drive unit must be secured to prevent accidental startup (e.g. by locking the key switch or by removing the fuses in the power supply). A notice

should be displayed at the switch-on point stating that work is in progress on the gear unit.
• The relevant regulations concerning industrial safety and pollution control should be observed during
handling, installation, operation, care and maintenance.
• Rotating parts, such as couplings, gear wheels or belt drives must be protected by means of suitable
guards to prevent accidental contact.
• The drive unit should be shut off at once if changes in the gear unit are detected during operation,
such as increased operating temperature or a change in gear unit noises.
• During installation of the gear unit in devices or systems, the manufacturer of the device or system
is obliged to incorporate the requirements, notes and descriptions contained in these Operating
Instructions in his own Operating Instructions.
• On the occasion of oil changes, the old oil should be collected in a suitable receptacle. Any pools of
oil which have occured should be removed at once with an oil binding agent.
Very dirty and oil-soaked cleaning rags should be kept in suitable containers.
The oil, the oil binding agent and the cleaning rags should be disposed of in accordance with the
relevant pollution control requirements.


