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发布时间:2013-10-21      阅读次数:1322

名称:etto, 地址:di Godego(Tv)市,邮政编码31030;Via Trento 12号。
申请时间: 2010年06月30日,编号TV2010A000093
发明人: .
发明领域:本发明与润滑剂化工行业相关,该润滑剂用于内燃机和机械液体。发明涉及一种有效润滑薄膜的稳定可再生结构,这种润滑薄膜替代了相对较活泼的薄膜,并且进一步稳定地减少了在操作温度为200℃和300℃的条件下工作机械之间的摩擦 。发明涉及摩擦零部件之间的聚二甲基硅氧烷有效保护薄膜的结构,部件之间的摩擦由微振磨损所产生。研究发现,它在较高温度下的蒸气耗损非常低,因此它是一种有效的、可以对聚二甲基硅氧烷超薄薄膜结构进行调节的润滑剂,这种超薄薄膜可以与不同的金属表面进行相互作用,从而提高了其自身的润滑能力。这种薄膜的存在可以通过使用一种分析技术进行验证,该分析技术即红外光谱分析技术。本发明的润滑剂可以用于机油箱和内燃机的润滑,也可以用于使用汽油、柴油、生物柴油、乙醇和燃气的内燃机润滑。发展现状:矿物油是应用最为广泛的润滑剂。矿物油是由原油生产而来,而原油是从世界不同地区钻探得到的。将矿物油用于特定机械的润滑有利有弊,这在润滑剂和润滑系统设计的选择上都要进行认真的考虑。尽管合成油、润滑固体和耐磨高分子发展迅速,但是矿物油的成本较低,如此以来,将来矿物油还会被继续在很多行业内应用很长一段时间。虽然矿物油具有一些优点,例如实用性和相对较低的成本,但是它们同时也具有很多严重的缺陷,例如,在较高温度下会氧化并降低粘度,在强氧化剂存在的情况下会发生燃烧或者爆炸,在较低温度下容易凝固等。通常情况下,在操作和磨损过程中矿物油容易发生化学分解,这使其使用条件变得苛刻。起初,合成润滑剂是在本世纪初由缺乏可靠的矿物油供应的国家进行研制的。这些润滑剂非常昂贵,开始时并不为公众所认可。合成油的应用是渐渐地发展起来的,特别是在一些不宜使用矿物油的特定润滑领域。但是,尽管特定合成润滑剂在一些应用领域已经成功地替代了矿物油并持续了很长时间,其大规模的引入和常规应用只是近几年才发展起来。经过认真选择的添加剂在提高润滑油性能方面非常有效。能够提高摩擦和磨损性能的添加剂可能是用于润滑油配方的最重要添加剂。在润滑剂的发展历程中,研究人员付出了很多努力来开发具有耐磨性质的添加剂。五十多年来,二烷基二硫代磷酸锌(ZDDP)一直被用作耐磨添加剂。但是,二烷基二硫代磷酸锌(ZDDP)会产生灰烬,从而增大发动机排放物微粒的尺寸。考虑到二烷基二硫代磷酸锌的这一缺点,研究人员又付出了很多努力,以期制得不含或含较少量二烷基二硫代磷酸锌的润滑混合物。然而,需要指出的是,添加剂并不是解决所有润滑问题的“万灵药”。润滑油添加剂会在使用中与机械金属零部件和环境发生反应而变质。它们所产生的问题与它们所能解决的问题相当;例如,与基础润滑剂和其它种类的添加剂的不相容性会导致大量的故障。
Having the title: “Specific synthetic liquid suitable for the formation of its own super lubricating film between mechanisms in friction, in order to decrease friction and wear under high temperature lubrication conditions”.
In the name of Mauro De Benedetto, Via Trento no 12, 31030 Castello di Godego (Tv) Italy.
名称:Mauro De Benedetto, 地址:意大利Castello di Godego(Tv)市,邮政编码31030;Via Trento 12号。
Filed on: 30th June 2010, with assigned number TV2010A000093
Designated inventor: Mauro De Benedetto.
Field of the invention: The present invention relates to the field of the chemical industry of lubricants for internal-combustion engines and mechanical fluids. It regards the stable and renewable formation of a super lubricating film, which replaces the less noble film, to further and stably reduce the friction between mechanisms working in conditions having operation temperatures between 200° and 300° Celsius. The invention regards the formation of a super protective film of PDMS between parts in friction, which occurs as a result of their fretting. It has been found that its evaporation loss at high temperatures is very low, and therefore it is an efficient lubricant which adjusts the formation of PDMS ultra-thin layers which interact with different metal surfaces, thus increasing its own lubrication capacity. The existence of this film was confirmed using an analytical technique, i.e. infrared spectroscopy. The lubricant of this invention can be used in the lubrication of sump and internal-combustion engines, and can be also used in lubrication of combustion engines fed by gasoline, diesel oil, bio-diesel, alcohol, and gas. Current State of the Art:  Mineral oils are the most widespread lubricants. They are produced from crude petroleum which is drilled in different parts of the world. There are some advantages and shortcomings in mineral oil application to lubricate specific machinery, and these must be considered carefully in the choice of a lubricant and the design of a lubrication system. The cost of the mineral oils is low and despite the quick development of synthetic oils, lubricating solids and wear-resistant polymers, it seems they will be employed for a long time in the future in many industries. Although the several positive features, such as the availability and the relatively low cost, mineral oils have also many heavy defects, including oxidation and viscosity loss at high temperatures, combustion or explosion in presence of strong oxidative agents, and solidification at low temperatures. In general, mineral oils are prone to chemical degradation during operation and wear processes increase the seriousness of conditions. Originally, the synthetic lubricants were developed at the beginning of the century by countries lacking a reliable mineral oil supply. These lubricants were expensive and initially did not get general recognition. The use of synthetic oils increased gradually, especially in more specialized applications in which mineral oils are inadequate. Even though synthetic specialized lubricants replaced mineral oil successfully in several applications and for many years, their introduction on a large scale and for general use is recent. Additives carefully chosen are extremely effective in improving the performances of oil. Additives able to improve the properties of friction and wear are probably the most important additives used in oil formulations. In lubricant development, many efforts were made to provide additives which could exhibit anti-wear properties. For more than fifty years zinc dithiophosphates (ZDDP) were used as anti-wear additives. However, zinc dithiophosphates (ZDDP) originate ash and increase the particulate in motor emissions. Considering this deficiency in zinc dithiophosphates, efforts were made to obtain lubricating mixtures without zinc and phosphorus, or at least that contain them in little amounts. However, it is necessary to point out that additives are not the cure-all for any lubrication problems. Additives in oil can deteriorate during the use since they react with the metal parts of the machinery and environment. They can create as many problems as they solve; for instance, the incompatibility with the base lubricant and other additives caused expensive industrial failures

