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发布时间:2013-12-7      阅读次数:1542
员工信息安全行为规范翻译-中英 Behavior norm of staff information safety Edition record 版本Edition 变更理由 Alteration reason 编写 Audit 发布日期 Date issued 生效日期Effective date 1.0 版本建立 批准人(签名): Approved by (Sign): 日期: Date: 员工信息安全行为规范Behavior specification of staff information safety 1. 目的Purpose 通过《员工信息安全行为规范》,建立员工日常行为的可操作性规范,以促进公司信息安全目标的的实现。Regulation of “Behavior norm of staff information safety” set up daily effective norm of staff behavior, so as to promote the realization information safety of company. 2. 适用范围Scope of application 本方针的适用对象主要包括所有部门,必要时还包括相关的外部人员(与公司有关的集成商、软件开发商、产品提供商、顾问、商业合作伙伴、临时工作人员和客户以及其他第三方机构或人员等)。上述对象在利用公司的信息或接入公司信息系统时,均必须遵守该行为规范。The application scope of this guiding principle includes all departments; it also includes relevant external personnel in case of necessity (Integration supplier, software developer, products manufacturer, advisor, commercial cooperative partner, interim staff member and customer and other third party's organization or personnel of company). Above-mentioned parties shall observe this behavior norm while utilizing information of the company or access company's information system, 2.1. 职责Duty  HR部HR department 根据公司安全管理的实际情况,制定/修订本员工行为规范;According to the actual conditions of company's safety management, formulate / revise the edition of behavior norms of staff;  HR部、IT部及行政部HR department, IT department and administration department 监督和检查本规范的执行。Supervise and check the execution of this normal.  所有员工(包括临时员工及相关的外部人员):All staff (include interim staff and relevant external personnel): 遵守该行为规范,并报告发现的任何违规行为Observe this behavior norm, and report any unlawful practice found 3. 术语和定义Terms and definitions 4. 相关/支持性文件Relevant / supporting document • 《信息安全手册》“Manual of information safety” • 《信息密级分类及管理指南》“Classification and management guideline of confidential information” • 《用户权限管理程序》“Authority management procedure of user” • 《办公场所安全管理规范》“Safe management standard in office” 5. 记录管理Record management 记录 Record 保存期限Storage period 位置 Position 责任人 Person liable 6. 规范内容Regulation content 6.1. 保密信息管理Management of confidential information  根据《信息密级分类及管理指南》的相关规定标识和保护所使用、保管和建立的信息。In accordance with the regulation of relevant fixed identification and protection, store and formulation information of “Classification and management guideline of confidential information”.  因工作需要访问密级为秘密及以上信息的,需要向本部门负责人或信息所有者提出申请,有关权限的申请,遵循《用户权限管理程序》。Visit confidential information in need of work shall submit an application to the department head or the information owner; as for the application of the authority shall observe the regulation of “Authority management procedure of user”. 6.2. 办公场所出入管理The entry and exit management of office building  遵循《办公场所安全管理规范》。Observe the regulation of “Safe management standard in office”. 6.3. 便携式计算机设备安全管理Safety management of the equipment of portable computer  只有被批准的便携式计算机设备才能允许接入公司办公网络;Only the portable computer equipment with authorization may access to the network of official business of company;  未经授权,不得在公司内部使用非公司笔记本电脑;Without permission , it is prohibited to use the notebook computer not to use inside the company;  在使用公司办公网络的同时,未经授权,不得连接第三方网络;While accessing official network of company, it is prohibited to access to network of the third party without permission;  便携式计算机设备丢失或被窃应及时报告;Report in time while the portable computer equipment is lost or stolen;  未经授权,便携式计算机设备内禁止存放客户数据以及未加密的秘密以上信息。Without permission, it is prohibited to store customer's data and unencrypted information in the portable computer. 6.4. EMAIL管理EMAIL management  未经授权禁止使用邮箱发送代码及数据,禁止向外部发送公司代码及数据;It is prohibited to send the code and data without permission with E-mail; it is prohibited to send company's code and data to the outside;  禁止在公司内使用个人信箱和外部公用信箱;It is prohibited to use the personal mailbox and outside public mailbox in company;  公司信箱只能用于公司目的,公司有权对所发送的内容进行监控;The company mailbox can only be used in company's purpose , the company has the right to supervise the content;  通过EMAIL发送保密信息必须遵循《信息密级分类及管理指南》的相关规定;The confidential information send through EMAIL shall follow relevant regulation on “Classification and management guideline of confidential information”;  禁止利用公司邮箱发送或者转发虚假、黄色、反动信息;It is prohibited to use the company postbox to send or transmit false, obscene, reactionary information;  禁止利用公司邮箱发送或者转发宣扬个人政治倾向或者宗教信仰;It is prohibited to use the company postbox to send or transmit and advocate personal political orientation or religious belief;  禁止利用公司邮箱发送或者转发发送垃圾信息;It is prohibited to use the company postbox to send or transmit and send the rubbish information;  禁止利用公司邮箱发送或者转发能够引起连锁发送的恐吓、祝贺等信息;It is prohibited to use the company postbox to send or transmitting the threatening and congratulating information that can cause the chain reaction;  Email发送的附件大小不能超过20M;The size of the enclosure of Email shall not exceed 20M ; 武汉翻译公司 2013.12.7