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发布时间:2014-6-1      阅读次数:973


新的光纤网络以SDH(STM-1)为基础。系统的输送容量不低于155 Mbif / s。


统的兼容性的设备或者装置。 对要求的通道容量布线提供完善的光纤设备。


这个部分的维护的范围包括本章节详细描述的保护和电话的适当功能, 提供足够数目和电信频道的全部要求。

3个变电站的全部设备和材料供电和光缆安装,每个变电站控制大楼的电话用户 供电和光缆安装。用于的一般目的多



连接至少72 芯光导纤维电缆的光纤分配布局(ODF)


多频道2 Mbit/s接口的分插复用器

多频道(接口)64 kbit/s连结多路复用器的SCADA将来系统。

现有PLC 系统的接口联系,如有要求。
6.5 系统要求


6.13 主要设备设计

FO电缆和附件采用适合的输送能力。每分钟155Mbit /s。光导纤维将遵循lEC 60794的规定。
提供的设备必须适于在HV变电站环境中使用, 特别是,保护装置和tele 控制接口,要求将能通过适当的测试,并遵循

/ EMC / ESD绝缘标准的规定:

IEC 60255-4/5/6(22-1/2/3/4)111
1EC 61000
IEC 60834-1
2)Tele 控制:
IEC 60255-4/5/6 种类11/111的IEC61000
Greater Mekong 附属地区(CMS)动力贸易工程(老挝人民民主主义共和国)Xeset-1到Saravan IIS千伏传输线和变电站工程

IEC 60870-1/2/3/4



48 V充电器提供电力。

(1). 总则

全部光纤的安装视为合同的一部分,在最后验收后保证有至少30 年使用寿命。
(2). 光纤的接近电缆/地下电缆

提供36单模光导纤维的松散或者紧的缓冲类型光导纤维接近电缆 (OFAC)。光纤的接近电缆完全适于电缆管内和电缆托架上直接埋线。电缆包括抗拉部件,纤维支持/固定结构,核心包裹/固定,粗化和全部防渗外壳。不允许在两端头之间的接近电缆有任何中间连接部分。 电缆套附有防止啮齿动物攻击附加装置。

General Fiber System Introduction

A new optical network shall be based on SDH (STM). System transmission capacity shall not be less than 155 Mbif/s.

Specifications include all the provisions of the requirements between the transformer substation to protect system, telephone communication and data transmission.

Optical fiber devices listed in contract shall be in the process of connection, with the existing SCADA system to connect the power line carrier system connection. It is required to provide any guarantees of the existing system

System compatibility includes equipment or devices, which shall ask the channel capacity of wiring to provide perfect optical fiber devices.

6.4 Scope of power supply and maintenance

This part of the scope of maintenance includes protection described in detail in this section and the proper function of the phone, provide sufficient number and all the requirements for telecommunications channels.

Scope including but not limited to the following contents:

3 All substation equipment and material supply and cable installation, each substation control building phone user power supply and cable installation. For general purpose

Function of the multiplexer end-to-end between impedance protections

Supply includes all electrical and optical accessories and complete cable terminal equipment, and the appropriate connection interface in each site.

Project required equipment is as follows:

Connection of at least 72 core fiber optic cable fiber distribution layout (ODF)

And the multiplexer connection ODF protection cable

Multi-channel 2 Mbit/s interface points multiplexer

Multi-channel (interface) multiplexer 64 kbit/s links of SCADA system in the future;

Equipment and telephone users

Existing contact interface of PLC system, if you have any requirement;

6.5 System requirements

The project scope provided by the equipment operator shall be considered all of the existing equipment, as well as practical ability outside demand in the future.

Bidders shall be submitted together with the tender the following technical specifications of the equipment.

A higher level, and the combination of multiplexer/transform transmission equipment expansion.

Use for the public to maintain on the phone and fax

Actually provides the attenuation process of fiber optic cable

Combined with the existing telecommunications network provided by the equipment;

6.13 Main equipment designs

Each independent continuous fiber optic cable installation shall be at least 36 fibers.

Suitable for conveying ability FO the cables and accessories; 155 mbit/s per minute. The rules of the optical fiber will follow the lEC 60794.

Provided equipment shall be suitable for use in the HV substation environment, in particular, the protection device and tele-control interface, requirements will be through the appropriate test, and follow

The regulation of/EMC/ESD insulation standards:

1) Protection:

IEC 60255-4/5/6 (22-1/2/3/4), 111

1 ec 61000

IEC 60834-1

2) Tele control:

IEC 60255-11/111 IEC61000 4/5/6 species

Greater Mekong ancillary areas (CMS) dynamic trade engineering (Lao people's democratic republic) to Saravan IIS Xeset - 1 kv transmission line and substation projects

IEC 60870-1/2/3/4

6.7. Details of the optical fiber communication system

Multiplexer to fault information provided to TMN.

The contractor is responsible for all the connections between various devices.

The contractor is responsible for the supply by transmission of all suitable for signal transmission equipment, to ensure that the specified transmission medium has qualified operation.

Contractor is also responsible for rearranging existing and/or in a variety of places, so as to provide and install the new cable, according to the needs, complete telecommunication circuit of 48 V battery chargers.

Provide the necessary software and programming tools, and supporting and maintenance of the equipment.

6.7.1. Optical fiber devices

(1). General

In addition to the specified in the relevant part of the optical cable ground wire (OPGW), substation area all fiber optic cable is required for the contractor including all requirements specified in detail elsewhere telecommunications terminal equipment function. Cable and termination equipment shall be described in the tender documents.

As a minimum, description includes all relevant information (including glass manufacturers, fiber grade, optical properties, cable structure and mechanical).

Installation of all optical fiber shall be as part of a contract after the final acceptance guarantee the service life of at least 30 years.

(2). Close of the fiber cable/underground cable

Provide 36 single-mode optical fiber loose or tight buffer type optical fiber (OFAC) close to the cable. The close of the fiber cable is completely suitable for embedded wire directly on cable pipe and cable tray. Cable including tensile parts, fiber support/fixed structure, core packages/fixed, coarsening and complete seepage control case. Not allowed in the middle of the close to the cable between the two end any connection parts. Cable box attached to prevent rodents against attachment.

Close of the fiber cable minimum coat thickness is 3.0 mm and meet the following requirements:

