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发布时间:2014-6-8      阅读次数:1191



 5. 焊接人员
 6. 效果认证
1 目的


2 总则


3 焊接车间及设备

4 焊接程序



5 焊接人员


- 焊接工的姓名与标记
- 焊接方法
- 焊接定位
- 基材及尺寸
- 填充金属
- 测试结果
- 资格鉴定试验日期
- 授权检验员的签名


在焊机工作开始之前,焊接人员必须获得买方批准。无论何时买方发现焊接工不具备完成要求焊接工作的技能时,该焊接人员的工作必须停止。 如发生此种情况,焊接工必须重新接受效果资格测试。

6 效果认证




7 焊接方法




8 焊接方法




9 保护焊接气体


10 接点准备



11 奥氏体不锈钢焊接


a. 出于敏化风险的考虑,对承包商在焊接规范中列出的焊接参数进行筛选。

b. 层间温度不得超过120摄氏度。

c. 不同材料的焊接,例如:碳钢焊接至奥氏体不锈钢时,焊接终端与合金填充材料之间最小焊缝距离为1.5mm。不允许无填充材料的焊接。

d. 焊接修补的总量应该受限制。不锈钢304和306基材的焊接不能用于超过两处局部修补。如需更多修补,准备新的接头同时移开至距热影响区5mm处。

e. 无需预热

f. 不允许特有大型号的电极。



12 射线照相检查



根据国际焊接人员培训与资格认证体系IIW中“焊接参考射线照片的收集”来评估薄膜情况。绿色度应达到国际焊接人员培训与资格认证体系3 的要求且无根部无缺陷。


13 管制当局



14 测试与抽样


15 焊接修补


16 防腐蚀处理,修补涂装


General Technical Requirements for Welding

Revision B




1. Purpose

2. General

3. Welding workshop and equipment

4. Welding procedure

5. Welding personnel

6. Effect of certification

7. Welding method

8. Welding materials

9. Gas protection welding

10. Joint preparation

11. Austenitic stainless steel welding

12. Radiographic inspection

13. Regulatory authorities

14. Testing and sampling

15. Welding repair

16. Anti-corrosion treatment, coating repair

1. Purpose

In this section, we illustrate the necessary conventions for general welding specification. In addition, further requirements shall be separately prescribed by the buyer as well.

2 General

All welding work shall let the buyer satisfaction, and comply with relevant standards. In the production process of the welding shall meet the prescribed quality requirements. It is required to pay special attention to the material of product analysis results and the smooth degree of welding contact surface.

3 Welding workshop and equipment

It shall be suitable to apply the welding method under welding conditions. Welding equipment shall be able to produce to meet the requirements of the quality of welding products.

4 Welding procedure

Contractor shall design the main welding procedures. Welding procedure shall be detailed records, and advance to the buyer for approval.

The propose of this document for welding procedure shall include the welding technology, welding position, base material and size, the filling material and size, welding parameters, contact preparation, welding, heat treatment, classification and coding (there are provisions in the standard) and information protection, etc.

5 Welding personnel

The entire staff member for welding shall be with a good training, and have the necessary welding ability. Welding supervisor shall have a comprehensive understanding, familiar with the requirements of welding procedure. They shall be able to ensure that comply with the prescribed procedures performed by the welding work.

Contractor shall provide to the buyer was allowed to current welding personnel records, records shall include the following information:

- Name of the welder and the tag

- Welding method

Welding positioning

- Base material and size

- Filler metal

- Test result

- Qualification test date

- Signature of the authorized inspector

Before starting material welding work, welding license and welding personnel qualification certificate shall be to the organization.

Before work starts on the welder, welding personnel shall be approved by the buyer. Whenever the buyer find welders do not have complete the required welding work skills, the welding workers shall stop. If this occurs, welder shall accept qualification testing effect again.

6. Effect of certification

The contractor and buyer shall agree test type and certificate type.

Effect of certification test is to ensure the welding and welding workers in the same conditions have the ability to correct execution, and use the same welding procedure in the actual welding work.

Contractors and engineers shall be on the test and certificate type to reach an agreement.

7 Welding method

The base material and welding method shall be suitable for use issues need to pay attention to the scene. Especially on the stainless steel welding roots shall have good appearance quality, docking and base material is good.

For welding of thin stainless steel material; Wall thickness to 3 mm material root welding it is best to use tungsten inert gas as gas protection welding, the buyer can also be asked to only by the gas welding specific lines.

In the field under the condition of using metal active gas welding is forbidden.

8 Welding method

Filler material shall be clearly marked for easy identification. All unable to clearly identify the filling material shall be abandoned.

Welding materials stored in a proper way. It is required to pay special attention to the manufacture and coating electrode after absorbing moisture to a minimum. The electrode shall be stored in dry inside the cabinet; please suppliers of welding personnel shall be daily of the desiccant.

Filler material shall match the base material. In the welding of stainless steel to carbon steel, special alloy filling material shall be used.

9 Gas protections welding

Pipe to 3 mm shall be used to protect welding surface inside. The add-ons and outside surface repair protect welding gas welding shall be used for wall thickness less than 3 mm.

10 Contact joint preparations

Joint preparation shall conform to the specified in the welding procedure of welding method.

All temporary attachment shall be compatible with substrate materials, which shall be a smooth move temporary attachment and base material.

11. Austenitic stainless steel welding

General welding of austenitic stainless steel rule is as far as possible the use of low quantity of heat in the welding, to avoid the base material of the heat affected zone (HAZ) of sensitization. So to obey the following rules:

A. Yu Minhua risk considerations, to the contractor in the welding specifications listed in the welding parameters.

B. interpass temperature shall not exceed 120 degrees Celsius.

C. The welding of different materials, such as: to austenitic stainless steel, carbon steel welding welding weld smallest distance between terminals and alloy filling material is 1.5 mm. Don't allow welding without filler material.

D. The amount of weld repair shall be restricted. Stainless steel base material of 304 and 306 local repair welding cannot be used for more than two. If you need more repair, prepare and move to a new joint spacing heat affected zone of 5 mm.

E. Without preheating

F. Does not allow a large number of unique electrode.

Pay special attention to joint preparation and processing of stainless steel work. Stainless steel surfaces shall be free of low carbon steel or other harmful pollution of material. All CARDS, temporary additional equipment, plate, pins, partition and rings shall use stainless steel or stainless steel plating. Tools and abrasive disk shall be suitable for stainless steel materials. Stainless steel shall not directly contact with low carbon steel.

Using the timely processing of stainless steel brush or clean stainless steel welds and perspiration;

12 Radiographic inspections

Contractor to radiographic inspection of welded joint;

Check after the necessary heat treatment.

According to the international welding training and qualification certification system in the IIW reference X-ray collection of welding to evaluate thin film. Green degree shall reach the international welding training and qualification certification system 3 requirements and no root, no defects.

If you check on account of the contractor shall repeat the second time, the contractor shall pay for double check.

13 Regulatory authorities

Unless approved by the buyer, on any vessel or piping system through test and verification on the welding is not allowed.

The contractor in any qualified through test and verify the pressure vessel or piping system on welding, shall use the qualified welders, and of all inspection, testing and revalidate and regulatory authorities and/is responsible for the cost of the buyer's request.

14 Testing and sampling

Whatever the case, once the regulatory authorities and/or the buyer's request, the contractor shall be proposed by the buyer and/or regulatory authorities for different materials and process samples, as well as engineering specified in the use or the requirements of the finished products to be used/sample approval for them.

15 Weld repair

Welding error correction shall be entirely to buyer's satisfaction. All repair and additional inspection fees shall be borne by the contractor.

16 Anti-corrosion treatment, repair coating

Upon completion of welding work and by the buyer after approval, the contractor shall perform or added surface treatment.


