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发布时间:2014-6-14      阅读次数:1292





1. Purpose

2. Drawings

3. Project scope

4. Contractor's work

5. Buyer's work

5. Material and process
1. 目的


1. Purpose

This section is intended to describe the machinery and mechanical equipment installation work.

2. 图纸



2. Drawings

Presented by the supplier about the mechanical installation drawings and other documents must be complete, but it doesn't have to list every detail engineering problems. Drawings should be correct as soon as possible, any demand on a piece of paper and on the other one did not make the request of repair work must be performed as required.

Before undergoing mechanical equipment installation, contractor shall be familiar with construction and other installation characteristics, these characteristics may affect the project implementation.

3. 工程范围


3. Project scope

This section of the mechanical engineering work includes the mechanical equipment installation work, and provide to the contractor in accordance with the contract all the mechanical installation work, in order to make the project reach too a smooth and high accuracy.

4. 承包商的工作


4. Contractor's work

There is no limit to the scope of the preparation; contractor's work shall include the following aspects:

4.1 在图纸上或规范/说明文件中列出全部机械设备安装及相关材料,如果图纸或说明没有明确说明,承包商应按照买方的要求完成工作。

4.1 Drawings or specifications/documents are listed in all mechanical equipment installation and related materials, if there is no specified drawings or specifications, the contractor shall finish the work in accordance with the requirements of the buyer.

4.2 全部内部轴、伸缩联轴器、V型带,开放传动装置及链条驱动的保护安装,同时包括必要时所使用的防油压型保护等。全部保护/封盖都必须符合权威当局的安全检验要求。

4.2 All internal shaft, telescopic coupling, v-shaped belt, the protection of the open chain transmission device and driver installation, at the same time, including when necessary the use of the oil pressure protection etc. All protection/block must be in compliance with requirement of safety inspection authority authorities.

4.3 买方应尽可能合理安排建筑与土木工程的施工进度以确保设备的安装及时准确。但是,在整体结构上钻孔,临时切口等导致中断而产生的成本,以及工程建设竣工开张的延期产生的额外费用都应由土建承包商负责。

4.3 Buyer shall make reasonable arrangement as far as possible for architecture and civil engineering construction progress accurately and timely to ensure the equipment installation. But the cost of whole structure, drilling temporary incision of lead to interrupt, contractor is responsible for the delay of engineering construction.

4.4 在买方的监督下由供应商提供全部必需的工作,监督和服务并进行润滑和冲洗。所有的设备安装和设备润滑的工作需按照买方的要求由承包商执行,直至设备经买方验收成功。

4.4 Under the supervision of the buyer by the supplier, it is required to provide all the necessary work, supervision and service and lubrication and flushing, including all equipment installation and equipment lubrication

4.5 设备的供应包括泵、管路、软管,阀等任何所需测试的全部设备。电器连接、水供应,进行测试及水处理应属于买方的责任范围。

4.5 Equipment supply including pumps, pipe, hose, valve and other any test for all equipment. Electrical connections, water supply, test and water treatment should be responsibility of the buyer.

4.6 所有设备的钢结构支架的安装,除说明书中标明不作提供,或者没有必要进行安装,承包商必须按照我方提出的要求进行施工。

4.6 All equipment installation of steel stents, except for not provide specified in the specifications or is not necessary for installation, the contractor must, in accordance with our offer he requirements of the construction.

4.7 必要时应进行锚栓或嵌入钢材的安装,承包商在水泥地基中的预铸造锚栓除外。

4.7 In case of necessary for the installation of anchor bolts and embedded steel, contractor shall arrange the cement foundation except cast anchor bolt.

4.8 用所需销与轴键固定设备的相关说明。

4.8 Pin shaft key equipment related instructions.

4.9 全部基板薄垫片的安装以及必要的机械包装。承包商负责适当的设置,测量及布线和灌浆工作并在其指示下更换。

4.9 All installation of the base board shims and necessary packaging machinery shall be included. Contractor is responsible for the proper Settings, measurement and wiring and grouting work and under its instruction replacement.

4.10 在槽底切割临时开口。即:以灌浆为目的,并在灌浆结束后关闭开口。

4.10 Cutting temporary openings in the bottom of a tank, including the purpose of grouting, opening and closing at the end of the grouting.

4.11 工程范围内全部所需涂装工作的运用。

4.11 Project within the scope of the use of all the painting work.

5. 材料与工艺

5. Material and process

5.1 排线与标线测量

5.1 Ribbon cable and line measurement

5.1.1 所有设备必须根据安装工程实践和制造方的说明进行安装。

5.1.1 All equipment must be installed according to the engineering practice and manufacturing instructions for installation

5.1.2 用光学/激光方法检验布线和测量。必要时将按照买方的判断或传统程序来执行以确保安装的顺利执行。

5.1.3 设备的定位公差应符合制造商建议并通过买方的批准。电动发动机和基板之间的薄片要谨防腐蚀,并注意安


5.1.4 所有的齿轮减速器,基部安装的联轴器及其他大于4千瓦的驱动器都必须在最终布线后用暗销安全固定。

5.1.5    全部的布线工作应根据排线设备顺序完成。

5.2 不锈钢

5.2.1 保护不锈钢表面不受划伤,防止铁微粒嵌入,低碳钢工具不宜接触不锈钢管,不锈钢槽或不锈钢片,且防止


5.2.2 任何由船运、工具、抹布、指印、手套、机器滴油、标记蜡等油污或油脂必须在加热前从不锈钢表面上清理


5.2.3 当切割或研磨低碳钢时应特别注意,以便其可以与不锈钢碰撞。如果买方有要求,应将通过浸洗和打磨将标


5.3 焊接


5.4 联轴器



5.5 测试

5.5.1 在合同本章的规定下,全部的设备安装都应在买方的监督下由承包商进行测试。承包商应对工厂设备测试所


5.5.2 承包商应为设备正常运作提供必要的调整和修正。

5.5.3 在设备测试期间,承包商应提供相关人员对现场进行调试和维修。

5.5.4 在测试期间和测试之后,全部额外用于更换的吊环,支撑,基座和其他类似物品都必须准确无误的及时到位。

5.5.5 所有的测试都必须由供应商和/或买方见证。

5.6 清洁工作


5.1.2 Test wiring and measurement by optical/laser method. According to the judgment of the buyer or the traditional program, the work above shall be executed to ensure the smooth implementation of the installation.

5.1.3 Equipment location tolerance shall comply with the manufacturer recommendations and approval by the buyer. Electric motor and the substrate between the chip to guard against corrosion, and pay attention to Ann

Multiple engine when loading the tolerance required intervals.

5.1.4 Ensure all the gear reducer, base installation of the coupling and other drives must be greater than 4 kw with dowel security after the final routing.

5.1.5 All wiring work should be done according to the wiring equipment order.

5.2 Stainless steel

5.2.1 Protect stainless steel surface from scratch, to prevent iron particles embedded, low carbon steel tools unfavorable contact stainless steel pipe, stainless steel tank or stainless steel sheet, and prevent

Workers in walking on these materials; using special grinding disc;

5.2.2 Any are to be shipped; tools, rags, fingerprints, gloves, machine oil, tag wax oil or grease should be removed before the heat from the stainless steel surface


5.2.3 Requires when cutting or grinding the mild steel should pay special attention to, so that it can collide with the stainless steel. If you have any requirements, the buyer should be through baptism and grind the will

Remember to remove, and will lose its luster part replacement.

5.3 Welding

All welding work shall comply with the general technical specification of accessories of welding.

5.4 Coupling

All coupling device must be its engine marked with the same number, and packing together with equipment, the contractor shall be responsible for the test before the final ribbon cable and check


5.5 Test

5.5.1 Under the provisions of this chapter of the contract, all equipment installation should be carried out by the contractor under the supervision of the buyer's test. The contractor shall factory equipment test

Must be temporary pipeline, valve, flange and other equipment and materials is responsible for, without any additional costs.

5.5.2 Contractor should provide necessary adjustment and correction for the equipment normal operation.

5.5.3 Device during the test, the contractor shall provide the relevant personnel to the scene debugging and maintenance.

5.5.4 During the test and after test, all the extra rings for replacement, support, foundation and other similar items must be accurate in place in time.

5.5.5 All testing must be witnessed by suppliers and/or the buyer.

5.6 Cleaning job

Contractor shall be handed over to the installation that completes machinery and equipment, at the same time, both inside and outside clean equipment. When required by the buyer, the supplier must be achieved by cleaning corrosion protection

(terry, lubricants or other). All possible application of chemicals, solvents, flushing oil, tools, consumer goods and temporary essentials and shall be paid by buyer.

