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发布时间:2014-6-15      阅读次数:1020



For the practical work, the contractor shall give final approval of drawings, flow chart, histogram, pipe line planning path graph, tubing, list the valve list as well as corresponding device scheme. Piping plan and flow chart shall be used together as well.

3 范围

3. Scope


Pipeline engineering shall include all of the pipeline, manual valve, safety valve, device, flexible joint, expansion joint, fixed rings with bracket, spring rings & support, anchor pipe, sliding boots and sliding guide joint, welding materials, glass fiber reinforced plastic materials, instruments, drainage, mesh, bolts, gaskets, hoses, hose nozzle, coupling, hose bracket, orifice flange, consumable and related hot/cold insulation materials, and provide complete piping installation according to the project scope.

4 承包商的工作

4. Contractor's work


There is no limit to the scope of the preparation, however, the contractor's work shall be included the following aspects:

The contractor shall understand that there is a slightly different due to the installation site and drawings. The contractor shall locate piping again according to the new layout. Connect conventional restrictions on the input and output of the battery connection device.
5 责任

5. Responsibility


Parallel to the line of equipment or instruments shall meet the requirements of equipment suppliers.

6 材料与工艺

6. Material and craft

6.1.1 根据本规范的整体的布局标记管路的图纸。

6.1.1 Observe the specification of the layout of overall mark line drawings.

6.1.2 无论图纸中有无明确说明,都应为管路和阀提供足够的吊环和支撑。包括额外的但必须安装的支撑和支架,以防振动。

6.1.2 Both for specified in the drawings, piping and valves shall be provided enough rings and support. Include an additional support and bracket, but it must be installed to prevent vibration.

6.1.3 初步支撑是指:夹具、吊环、螺栓及弹片、滑轮、弹簧吊环、螺钉,螺母及垫片。

6.1.3 Preliminary support shall be pointed out: fixture, suspension loop, bolt and shrapnel, pulley, spring rings, screws, nuts and washers.


Secondary support: steel structure support jig, bolt and other bolt, or support the other existing structures.

6.1.4 支撑的位置和类型一般会在管路图纸上标记出来。承包商应根据具体的设计执行并确保管路的正确支撑,特别要注意会产生热伸缩的部位。

6.1.4 Location and type of support usually marked on the piping drawings. The contractor shall be carried out according to the specific design and ensure that the correct line support, special attention shall be paid to produce heat expansion.

6.1.5 抽水泵的支撑和管路卸除输送管路是为了从管材重量和压力中减少对泵法兰的影响。

6.1.5 Support and discharge pipe of the pump in addition to the transfer line is from the tubing weight and pressure to reduce its influence on the pump flange.

6.2 材料

6.2 Materials

6.2.1 供应商提供的全部材料和验证合格的材料都必须符合规范,图纸和机械标准。

6.2.1 Suppliers of all materials and verify qualified materials must conform to the specifications, drawings and mechanical specifications.

6.2.2 全部的管材安装和连接都必须使用同种材料。

6.2.2 All pipe installation and connection must use the same material.

6.3 焊接

6.3. Welding


All welding work must conform to the provisions listed in "general specification for welding".

6.4 管路安装

6.4 Piping installation

6.4.1 对每个安装的管路进行清洁,内表面和外表面都应经过仔细的检查。

6.4.1 Clean each installation of pipe, inner surface and outer surface shall be carefully checked.

6.4.2 如果图纸上未作说明,所有直径为50mm或更小的管材都必须符合传统的要求。如有必要,买方将批准安装较小管路的位置,承包商有责任按买方要求安装。

6.4.2 As for the content that drawing is not listed, all 50 mm or smaller diameter pipes must conform to the requirements of tradition. If it is necessary, the buyer will install the position of the small pipe. The contractor's responsibility is to install according to the requirements of the buyer.

6.4.3  全部的管路末端都必须在喷砂,清洁或连结后进行封口处理。

6.4.3 All pipe ends must be in the sand, clean or link after sealing process.

6.4.4   在安装工作中,承包商必须切断受压的部分管路,同时不减少管材的总长度。切割的方法要经过买方同意。在已安装好的管路部分进行无气切割是可行的。

6.4.4 Compression in installation work, the contractor must cut off part of the pipeline, at the same time does not reduce the total length of the pipes. Go through the buyer agreed to cut method. In pipe installed good parts no gas cutting is feasible.

6.5 测试

6.5. Test

6.5.1 承包商应清洁全部管路、容器、热交换器、水槽,压缩空气和蒸汽容器,有必要时,在系统设备测试前用大量的水清洗。清洁的过程中,应在控制阀和泵的位置将管路打开。承包商应设计,制造并安装全部必须的管路/吹扫装置以进行冲洗。

6.5.1 Contractor shall clean all piping, vessels, heat exchangers, sink, compressed air and steam container, if necessary, in the system before testing equipment, with plenty of water to clean. In the process of cleaning, shall be in the position of the control valve and pump will open line. The contractor shall design, manufacture and install all necessary piping/purging devices for washing.

6.5.2 承包商应提供劳动力,必要的各种润滑剂和液压系统。本工程应严格安装制造商的说明执行。

6.5.2 Tactical fix packs for contractor shall provide Labor, necessary various lubricants and hydraulic system. This project must be strictly performing installation manufacturer's instructions.

6.5.3 按设备安装要求,承包商应提供安装必要的临时管路、阀,法兰及其他设备和材料。

 6.5.3 According to the requirements of equipment installation, the contractor shall provide the necessary temporary piping installation, valve, flange and other equipment and materials.

6.5.4 在泵启动前,安装抽水泵启动过滤器以达到承包商的机械标准要求,承包商检查过后移开所有的泵并进行初始操作。

6.5.4 Before starting the pump, pump start-up filter installation contractor in order to achieve mechanical standard requirements, the contractor to check after removed all of the pump and for initial operation.

6.5.5 管路(特别是不锈钢管)一定不能以水填充,在试运行前将水排空(未净化的水中有氯:会引起腐蚀)。

6.5.5 Line (especially stainless steel tube) must not be the water filling, water emptying before commissioning (raw water with chlorine: can cause corrosion).

6.5.6. 所有的测试都必须在设备供应商和/或买方的见证下进行,且管路应进行最大流体静力学压力测试。

6.5.6. All tests must be witnessed by the equipment supplier and/or the buyer, and piping shall be the biggest hydrostatic pressure test.


The contractor has the responsibility to notify the buyer of the test in advance.

6.6 批准证书

6.6. Approval certificate


In front of the pressure pipeline installation and final payment, certification institution shall be the approval certificate shall be presented to the buyer.

6.7      包商应检查全部管材环氧层的厚度(10米1点),并记录以作参考。

6.7 contractors shall check all the thickness of the pipes epoxy layer 1 point (10 meters), and records for reference.

