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发布时间:2014-7-3      阅读次数:1078


Construction of Steel Structure


Fabrication of steel structure: perform magnified sample before fabrication of steel structure according to measuring data on site combined with dimension on drawing.After checking the magnified sample, technician and constructer on site shall check and accept magnified sample and then carry out blanking through successful checking and acceptance. Adopt automatic cutting machine for cutting during blanking; perform trial cutting before using automatic cutting machine for blanking and adjustheight and angle of cutting nozzle; the cutting machine shall be installed on an even and steady base and its rate shall be well regulated to ensure the cutting line smooth and straight. The surface of material shall be clean before being cutting.


Make a platform before fabrication and then trial assemble the blanking; check if the blanking is correct and the dimension through trial assemble complies with requirement of design or not, and then carry out spot welding and assembling, after that carry out welding with submerged arc welding machine as per design. Before welding, reserve welding focal position and walkway and put welding parts on focalposition for welding. Take HO8 Mn A-type as welding wire and J431-type as welding flux. Control welding thickness of welding seam during welding, meeting demands of design and regulation. If components deform after welding, straighten them with machine or under high temperature to specific dimension and geometricalshape as per design.


Installation of steel structure: after being prefabricated, apply transport vehicle to carry steel structure to construction site and then move them to the installation spot from construction platform by flat cars and then use light derrick mast to hoist them to a fixed place for assembling and welding.The installation sequence is from girder to rear secondary girder and finally edge beam. During installation, set components to fixed spots in advance for assembling & weldingand then check size and position after spot welding, finally carry out welding. Pay attention to the influence of temperature on structure and separating points shall be welded individually in order to disperse stress generated from thermal deformation.


Anticorrosion treatment of steel structure:


After installing steel structure, check and accept it; if qualified, carry out anti-rusttreatment after acceptance.


① Manually remove rust by abrasive paper for three times.


② Paint primer: after anti-rust treatment of wood members, report and require supervision engineer for acceptance and then paint anti-corrosion primer. This project applies Zn-Rich Epoxic Anti-rust Primer, painting manually during construction, which should be uniform without sagging of paint or skip. The second painting should be carried out after last paint has been completely dried.


After anti-rust primer has been painted, construct with top finish when anticorrosion primer is completely dry according to requirement of owner.


③ Notices: put out the kindling when painting, constructionenvironment shall be ventilated and operators shall wear protective mask to prevent from poisoning.


(IV) Roofing Project


This construction includes both Holland Tile Roofing and Thatch Roofing.


1. Construction of Timber Roof Truss

(1) 木料准备:木材品种、材质、规格、数量必须与施工图要求一致。板、木方材不允许有腐朽、虫蛀现象,在连接的受剪面上不允许有裂纹,木节不适过于集中,且不允许有活木节。原木或方木含水率不应大于25%,木材结构含水率不应大于18%。防腐、防虫、防火处理按设计要求施工。

(1)Preparation of Timber: variety, material, specification and quantity must beconsistent with construction drawing. No decay or moth attacking is allowed for board and squared timber and no crack is allowed for cutting surface; excessively concentrated knots are unsuitable and loose knots are not allowed. The moisture content of log or squared timber shall not be more than 25% and the moisture content of wood structure shall not be more than 18%. Treatments of anti-corrosion, insect prevention and fireproof shall be constructed according the requirement of design.

(2) 木构件加工制作:各种木构件按施工图要求下料加工,根据不同加工精度留足加工余量。加工后的木构件及时核对规格及数量,分来堆放整齐。对易变形的硬杂木,堆放时适当采取防变形措施。采用钢材连接件的材质、型号、规格和连结的方法、方式等必须与施工图相符。连接的钢构件应作防锈处理。

(2)Processing & Fabricating Timber Component: each timber component shall be processed as per requirement of drawing with enough process allowance. Check specification and quantity of processed timber components, which are piled up by class. Hardwood which is easy distorted shall be piled up with anti-deformation measure. The material, model, specification of steel connecters as well as connection method shall comply with construction drawing.  

