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发布时间:2014-7-6      阅读次数:1763




The Contractor has been provided with following information on mill specifications, terms and conditions, drawings, etc., of machinery supplier to the extent applicable to their scope of work:

1.1 General delivery limits for equipment and services by Contractor.

1.2 List of prefabricated items for Contractors information only.

1.3 Brief  mechanical standards to be followed by Contractor.

1.4 Quality assurance and inspections by the Contractor and the Purchaser.

1.5 Drawings and Documents.

Drawings and Documents defining the scope and type of MEI installation work as delivered by machinery and equipment suppliers:

1.5.1 Mechanical Installation Instructions and Drawings

A.  It is understood that pipe supports shall be made by Contractor.

B.  Main machinery and equipment suppliers supply non-prefabricated pipes, bends, T-pieces and support materials mainly in manufacturing lengths.

C.  Suppliers' piping drawings are expected to define location of fix points and other type of supports for piping with loading data.

1.5.2 Instrument Installation Instructions and Drawings.

1.5.3 Electrical Installation Instruction and Drawings.


The scope, content and responsibilities of the Contractor's work are outlined  in the following:

2.1 Overall Responsibility

Overall responsibility is to organize plan, manage, supervise and accomplish all installation work related to the implementation of the project, based on the above documentation and in accordance with the machinery and equipment supplier instructions, requirements of government authority and under the Purchaser’s agreement.

2.2 Management, Supervision, Labor

- Contractor shall recruit and provide necessary numbers of management and supervisory persons fully proficient  and familiar with similar or preferably  with power plants installation and implementation of large scale industrial projects.

- Contractor shall recruit and provide necessary numbers of skilled labour like fitters, welders, pipe fitters, sheet metal workers, FRP workers (pipe fitters), haulage workers etc, on request by Purchaser, Chinese Authorities or machinery suppliers. The Contractor must provide their skills and proficiency in tasks they are doing.

- Contractor shall provide semi-skilled labour as well.

- Contractor shall be responsible for all salaries, wages allowances, insurances, taxes and other fees and duties of their employee.
           - Contractor shall be responsible for housing, food, transportation and other 
             related matter.

2.3 Cooperation with Purchasers and Suppliers personnel

Contractor is obliged to cooperate with the Purchaser and equipment supplier’s supervisors. Contractor has to comply with suppliers' drawings, written instructions and verbal instructions by suppliers' supervisor. If this gives cause to any back-charge by Contractor, a verbal instruction has to be required in writing and endorsed by both parties and accepted by Purchaser in writing prior to the start of such work.
The contractors have strictly followed the purchasers company rules and regulations such as security, safety, cleanliness, house keeping etc

2.4 Implementation Time Schedules

Sequencing and scheduling of works shall be based on equipment suppliers' and civil contractor's time schedules accommodated to the completion target of the whole project as defined by the Purchaser. The Contractor has been provided with departmental project implementation schedules for his acceptance. Based on these overall schedules the Contractor has drawn up its master/detailed time schedule. During the dismantling and re-installation work the Contractor will draw up weekly dismantling and re-installation schedules one (1) month in advance. The Contractor has to report on the progress of the dismantling and re-installation works every week, compared to commonly accepted schedules. The Contractor shall also continuously monitor and record the volume of work already carried out and compare it to the total volume of work (index figure). The Contractor shall be obliged to recruit additional labour, supervisors and other resources in such numbers that the time targets of the project can be achieved.
Daily / weekly meeting to b held with all parties to catch up the time schedule or as required by purchaser.


1.1 承包商的设备与服务的一般性交付期限。

1.2 仅供承包商使用的预制条款列表。

1.3 承包商须遵循的简要机械标准。

1.4 承包商与买方执行的质量保证与检验方法。

1.5 图纸与文件


1.5.1 机械安装说明及图纸。

A.  管路支持应由承包商完成。

B.  主要机械与设备供应商提供主要非预制管材,弯形材,T型件及支撑材料的长度。

C.  供应商的管路图纸应指出安装节点的具体位置以及其他类型的管材支撑的装载数据。

1.5.2 仪器安装说明及图纸

1.5.3 电器安装的说明及图纸

2. 安装工程的范围


2.1 全部职责


2.2 管理,监督与劳动力

- 承包商应招募并提供一定数量经验丰富,擅长电厂安装与大型项目建设的管理和监督人员。

- 承包商应按照买方,中国权威当局或机械供应商的要求招募一定数量的熟练工人,如机修工、焊接工、管道安装工、钣金工、玻璃纤维强化塑料工(管道安装工),搬运工等。承包商必须提供技能,作业熟练程度的信息。

- 承包商还应提供半熟练工人。

- 承包商应支付其雇员的全部薪水、工资、保险,税金及其他费用和关税。

            - 承包商负责提供住房、饮食以及其他相关事宜。

2.3 与买方及供应商人员合作


2.4 工程竣工时间进度表


