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发布时间:2014-7-7      阅读次数:1081



Strategic cooperation
The college introduces high quality educational resources at home and abroad, which aimed at providing high level continuing education services including the latest education achievement domestically and overseas to the society. The college has a number of world-renowned partners all over the world. Until now, the college has built partnership with Pennsylvania State University in US, University of Toronto in Canada, and other famous universities in the world. Besides the overseas universities, the college also cooperates with famous professional organizations and guilds at home and abroad to develop the high quality and international educational training programs. The overseas cooperative institution includes Guild of International Bankers, International Public Management Association of Human Resources, American Society for Training and Development, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, and Institute of Financial Accountants, etc.


Sincere care
The rise of Overseas Education College benefits from the opportunities created by the rapid development of Chinese economy and society, from the implementation of the Chinese human resource development strategy, from the construction of learning society and lifelong learning system, it also benefits from the support and care of the leaders and publics, and from the opportunity to create innovation system given by the leaders of Shanghai Jiaotong University as well. Every survey, greeting and encourage from society and publics are all become the power to help the development of Overseas Education College.

一、 人才


Talented persons
Excellent teachers
There are no full time teachers and no technical title evaluating limits of authority in Overseas Education College, but there is a huge excellent teaching expert database in the college. Over 1800 experts at home and abroad make up the backbone of chain of talented persons in Jongtong University. All these experts have experienced a variety of test of market and practices. 50% of them are from the universities and the other 50% are “expert” government officials and business elites. Among them 10% of the professors are from famous universities overseas. These experts are unremittingly creating, spreading and storing knowledge. More significantly, they always stand at the front line in the development of social economy and culture. They always research about the hot issues which are concerned by the students, and their thinking and creative ideas will be challenged and responded by the reality and society.


Excellent alumni
Students in the classroom of OEC are not new hands without any experience. Most of them are already elites with the ability to take in charge. Entrepreneurs, senior managers, bank directors, investors, and social elites make up the huge excellent alumni group. Until the end of June 2011, the OEC has trained students for more than 27000, and the number goes up with 4000 each year. Among these students, more than 600 alumni are in the enterprises which are top 5 in their industry or were honored by the provincial and ministerial level awards; the students in OEC are well educated, 7% students are with Master degree or above. In some classes, Phd students are account for 6% (Business investment class), or EMBA students in CEIBS/CKGSB are account for 20% (bankers' class); a lot of senior civil servants take the special courses in OEC; the restudy ratio is about 26% in students. The tireless and non-stop “elites” students bring in popularity to OEC. More significantly, their entrepreneurial spirit and the learning ability bring in the energy to the OEC in Shanghai Jiaotong University.

