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发布时间:2014-7-22      阅读次数:1042

投标设计基本与新的Niroth入口设计而非Chruoy Chang War二期现有的入口设计类似。通过挖掘和现浇打桩的方法进行施工。承包商应决定其是否采用此种施工方法或者向工程师提出其他方法,如:沉箱打桩(阶段1期)或其他适当的方法。在入口做好准备阶段II期泵的安装。(共计270 MLD)
调整入口大小以便安装原水泵站(RWPS),处理量为135 MLD。如果从水压条件出发,在不影响运行和维护的情况下,承包商可以在招标图纸上提出不同的大小供工程师审批。
取水塔的水流入口需要有两个水闸阀,直径1800mm,入口上层安装备用的电机驱动操作盘,由电机驱动。入口处的开口直径为2200 mm,用不锈钢网格保护。由电机驱动系统来对不锈钢网进行清理,此项包含在工程施工项目内。
原水处理泵站的招标设计要求安排4个额定输出量为1 878 m3/h的泵,包括一个备用泵(3个泵满负荷以最大水头运行,1个泵作为备用)。如果现场操作区域所需工作等于或大于3个泵所能提供的量,且备用泵也投入使用,可以更换泵的数量。四个垂直表面潜水泵的外表面应安装有电机。泵的操作速度可以调节以适应操作需要及水位变化。泵的额定流速不得超过1 000 rpm (50 Hz)。(因为某些操作原因,需要VFD提供速度超过1000 RPM的泵)。入口和支路属于两个阶段(8个泵-包括2个备用,且流量为270 MLD)
承包商应建议尽可能使用流量-水头特征与以下曲线相同,或稍高的泵,但必须在流量范围以内。最高的频率与最低的频率曲线应在保护范围内。显示的频率值(30,5 Hz, 50 Hz and 51 Hz)仅具备指示性。

在7,5 m TMH,在没有汽蚀的情况下,泵可达到2650 m3/h。
每个泵的输送都应有一个锥形部分,一个非满贯止回阀,一个系紧的可拆卸耦合器,以及一个手动蝶阀。每个上升量的流速不得超过2.2 m/sec以降低水头损失。在运输时安装主流探测器。每个泵都将与一根支管连接,支管出口的可变直径为1 600 mm直至输送主管。

Raw water inlet and pump
Basic and new Niroth entrance design bidding design rather than Chruoy Chang War phase II design similar to the existing entry. By mining, and methods for the construction of cast-in-place piling. The contractor shall determine whether to adopt this kind of construction method to the engineer or the other method is put forward, such as: the caisson pile (phase 1) or other appropriate method. At the entrance to prepare phase II pump installation. (a total of 270 MLD)
Adjust the inlet size in order to install the raw water pump station (RWPS), capacity of 135 MLD. If from the hydraulic conditions, in does not affect the operation and maintenance, the contractor can put different size on the tender drawings for the engineer for approval.
Water tower water entrance need two water gate, diameter of 1800 mm, the entrance to the upper installed spare motor driven disk operation, driven by the motor. Openings at the entrance of a diameter of 2200 mm, with stainless steel mesh protection. System driven by a motor to clean stainless steel net, this included in the engineering construction project.
Raw water treatment station of the tender design arrangement of four rated output of 1 878 m3 / h pump, including a standby pump (three pump capacity with the biggest head running, one pump as the standby). If the work needed to site operation area is equal to or greater than 3 pump can provide quantity, and the standby pump is put into use, can change the number of pump. The outer surface of the four vertical surface of submersible pump should be installed with the motor. Pump operating speed can be adjusted to adapt to the need and the change of water level operation. The rated flow of the pump is not more than 1 000 RPM (50 Hz). (because some operations need VFDS to provide faster than 1000 RPM) pump. Entrance and branch belongs to two phases (8 - including two standby pump, and the flow rate of 270 MLD)
It is required to be provided by the contractor roller-skating, prevent erosion and sediment erosion, or with the appropriate material replacement roller skating system (such as: ceramic). Note: there is no processing the scene at the entrance to the water supply, unless I) have been properly completed the process of removing iron, rich in iron, such as groundwater, corrosive or ii) if the contractor proposed using the Mekong river water after treated water output to meet the requirements.
Contractor shall advice as much as possible to use flow - same as the curve under the water head characteristics, or slightly higher pump, but must be within a flow range. The highest frequency and the lowest frequency curve should be within the scope of protection. Shows the frequency values of (30, 5 Hz, 50 Hz and 51 Hz) have indicative only.
In 7, 5 m TMH, in the absence of cavitation, the pump can be up to 2650 m3 / h.
Note: calculation engine efficiency should be considered during the test, as a test for the absorption of power from the factory.
Pump absorption proper filters should be installed, and the maximum size of the hole should not exceed 20 mm. Pump suction when placed in a net positive suction head (NPSH), and at least more than 10% of net positive suction head (NPSH), and such as theory of any situation, must be lower than under an inverted valve of water entrance, no more than 1 m deep.
Bottom hole must be installed a pump, pull out sediment (mud, mud, sand, etc.) into the entrance (dredging pump). During the process of equipment operation to remove the sediment will be siphoned off to the entrance to the downstream.
Timely use of mechanical cleaning garbage to avoid filter blockage, frequency start 1 weeks to 1 month from the date of mining.
Each delivery should have a conical part of the pump, a non slam check valve, a removable coupler, fasten and a manual butterfly valve. Each rise velocity should not exceed 2.2 m/SEC to reduce head loss. Install the mainstream detector during transportation. Each pump will be connected with a pipe, branch pipe exports variable 1 600 mm diameter until delivery head.
At the scene of the water treatment plant for the flow measurement (part B), speed control and signal with marked changes.
Subcontract order
Under the approval of the engineer, equipments supplyer or project contractor shall implement the contract under the premise that copy order shall be handed over to the engineer, and clearly mark the project name and contract number if it did not get the written approval of the engineer in advance and are not be allowed to change manufacturer or subcontractor.
During installation, contractor shall ensure that its construction area environment clean, tidy and safe. Paid for by the contractor as soon as possible will have a waste material, construction, packaging and other debris from the site clean.
Detailed specification - river water 

